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#1  Edited By FoolInjection

Usually the ones that are difficult for me to get are the ones where you have to play on like insane difficulty levels or online.

I've had a habit of picking up games I've missed when they were first launched on the cheap... and you find that either they are now DEAD online or in the case of EA games most of there back catalog has had the online portions removed.

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#2  Edited By FoolInjection

For me... BBQ sauce, cheese, bacon and onion rings... This combination, truly is, a burger made of WIN.

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#3  Edited By FoolInjection

I bought a 360 for 2 reasons... 

1) I don't have an HD-TV yet so buying a £400 PS3 which has a Blu-Ray player in it, which only works with an HD-TV, I thought was a waste of my money.  The 360 HD drive was separate so I could choose not to have it.  Simple.

2) I really, really, really wanted to play the new Sonic game that was coming out for it.  I'm with Jeff Gerstmann on this one... it looked frickin' awesome and then I downloaded the demo and it sucked hard.  The controls made me feel like I was killing a kitten.  I was soooooo dissapointed.  Thankfully there are a ton of other games on the 360 and my collection has blossomed without Sonic in it.  Hopefully the new Sonic game will play as good as it looks.  Although with the whole Sonic is a Werehog thing... I dunno... I think its a trick.

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#4  Edited By FoolInjection

Would be a good it if on one condition... Its tomato sauce on the base and not BBQ sauce.

Had a BBQ chicken pizza once, can't remember where from, but thought it would be like chicken actually BBQ'd on it... WRONG... it was like chicken strips and then the pizza base beneath the cheese was BBQ sauce... and it was like... shit.

Pizza's should be like base, tomato sauce, cheese, assorted toppings... not frickin' BBQ sauce - nuff said.

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#5  Edited By FoolInjection
andrewtr said:
"So, where are the kangaroo farms? Is the meat being shipped in from Australia? Can't be that fresh if it is."
Well they have like a chain of these Australian themed bars all over the UK so I'm guessing they have a farm somewhere down south of England where the weather is warmer.  Couldn't fly them in from Australia I don't think, like you said it wouldn't be fresh considering that it takes a regular flight from here to there 23 hours.
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#6  Edited By FoolInjection

Anyone else here ever had a Kangaroo Burger ?.

There's an Australian themed bar in the city centre of Glasgow, Scotland called Walkabout and they actually sell those there.  I went in there with a mate of mine recently just cos I hadn't tried one and really wanted to... Triple Decker Kangaroo Burger man.  Was awesome.  The kangaroo meat is a lot leaner I think than your standard hamburger meat.  Mind you that's probably because it spent most of its life bounding across the Aussie outback.

Highly recomended though... if you ever get the chance... try a Roo Burger.  Its odd though cos half way through eating it I turned to my mate and I was like "Dude... we are totally eating a frickin' Kangaroo !" lol... its an odd thought.  Specially when your in Scotland and I've never actually seen a real one.

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#7  Edited By FoolInjection

One of the best burgers I ever had was back earlier this summer I was at a European Drift event and this guy had taken the front end of a Nissan sports car (forget the actual model) and turned the engine bay into a huge ass grill. 

We walked past it and like as it was parked in a row of other cars we were all like "dude what ?" cos we thought this guy was actually cooking the burgers on his engine block.

Wish to hell I had owned a camera of some description at the time as the setup was awesome.

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#8  Edited By FoolInjection

I've been trying to remember where the hell it was that I saw square burgers when I was in Canada...  I must have been in Wendy's.  For some reason I thought it was someplace else.  Cool... well I'll sleep better tonight. lol =P

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#9  Edited By FoolInjection

Worked fine for me... I just listened to it the whole way through from the front page of the site...  Short one this week but that's be expected... guys are up to there armpits in delicious submissions, mostly cribbed from Wikipedia. =P

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#10  Edited By FoolInjection
Alex_V said:
"It seems that from most of the replies here, most people would be happy with a retread of the Vice City and San Andreas games. I hate re-treads."
But I think that stems from the fact that now that they have the new engine and stuff that they used for GTA IV and the awesome job that they did retreading Liberty CIty...  people are like thinking now... wow what if they went back and did Miami or LA.

I have the feeling that retreads will be what they end up doing with the franchise anyway... like I think they can only retread it another once now they have this new 3D engine anyway.  I don't see how they could make it any more realistic than it already is looking at Liberty City.  As much as I REALLY want a European one... Vice City and San Andreas here we come.