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Here in the game mutiverse playing games.

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just really really embarassingly sad

Good metaphor for this is akin to a clown trying to set himself on fire & failing miserably. Since I'm going to the Art Institute for game design degree, if I ever ever ever make a game with #2 on this page (aka Psycho Mantis in MSG4) and it being my idea or just supporting it, everyone here has permission to use me in a recreation of what happened to Ludwig at the end of the Naked Gun movie (#1) with me in the place of Ludwig.

Whoever said this idea is approved needs to really find another line of work as this was just beyond sad & I feel set gaming back quite a lot at least in spirit. If I had spent the money on a PS3 & got MSG4, playing it up to this point (of #2 happening), I would have set the controller down and then proceeded to sell the game & the console to my friend cheap as that pretty much ruined the whole console for me considering how much they've been pumping up MSG4 as a stellar game. Seriously the story from what I read on the wikipedia makes a little more sense to me only after drinking an entire bottle of rum.