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Code GeassR2 4koma: Episode 03

I've shared all these comics on my Anime Vice blog, but I thought I would add them here as well. If you haven't seen the series, at times, you might not get some of these jokes. 
I thought I would take the time to present two more of my Code Geass R2 based 4komas.
Actually, these two were the first I actually made. I didn't start making these until after I saw the third episode and was inspired. It was after the fifth episode I started making them a weekly series. I wasn't so concerned with canon of he story at first. Which would explain why Kallen appears in the school scene when she was never in the school at that time.
The ones I presented for the first and second episode were made after the 4koma I based upon the twenty-second episode. I went back to fill the gaps I had missed earlier before I started moving on with the series after that kiss with Kallen.

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I know these are quite cheesecake filled, but, ladies, I swear to you I do have some beefcake in theses as well. I'm not an artist who abandons his female fans.

-Kristoffer Remmell ( FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek.-

Code GeassR2 4koma: Episode 01-02

I've shared all these comics on my Anime Vice blog, but I thought I would add them here as well. If you haven't seen the series, at times, you might not get some of these jokes.
Back when I was watching the second season of the anime Code Geass, with the moniker of R2, I found myself inspired to start making some sort comic series referred to in Japan as 4komas. Originally, I was just following inspiration of the series, but with each passing week I found myself with more and more ideas. I decided to start creating a series. I saw it not only as fun, but as a writing exercise. I would watch an episode of Code Geass R2 and I would try to find something in that episode to make a 4koma based upon. The goal was to write, design, draw, and color a 4koma before the next episode was to air. (Though after the twenty-second episode I put aside making them weekly.) I wanted these characters to stay as close in character as possible. As in the tradition of the Audio Dramas.
These have actually become quite popular on anime sites like 4chan. I've been told these have been translated to Vietnamese, Japanese, and currently someone asked for my permission to translated my comics into Spanish. Though, I have yet to personally see these translated versions. I love the idea that fans in Japan could be enjoying my artwork.

Most 4komas are made in a very simple manner. I wanted to make more detailed designs and background than you find in most 4komas, but to still be able to recognize the settings. These can be funny on their own, but if you haven't seen the episodes it makes it hard at times. 
These are the first two in the series.

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Just in case you didn't know, "tsundere" is a Japanese term that basically means a character is trying to act as if they aren't happy about something when deep down they really are. Also, the reason Kallen is in a bunny suit. You'd have to see the episode to fully get this event. Lelouch didn't have his memories at the beginning of the second season. Kallen was posing as a waitress at a casino when Lelouch came in to gamble. She didn't like wearing it, but in the heat of battle didn't have time to change.

-Kristoffer Remmell ( FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek.-

A Big Live LIVE Show Review

A Review of the Whiskey Media's Live-Video Event

Length: 7:00:00 
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It was last week that Whiskey Media(WM) held it's bit live-video events that was to celebrate the creation of the multipass and paid subscriptions. It was a seven hours long of live entertainment that was hosted by all the personalities from the various WM sites; Comic Vine, Giant Bomb, Tested, and Screened. There were many guests, some entertaining events, some less so; cool insight to some coming games, and some rather funny moments. Though promotion were made over all the Whiskey Media sites and everyone was invited, was everyone really welcome? 

I watched this live for the most part. I missed the very start of the show, because I didn't realize you had to press the play button on the player to get the show started. I didn't miss much. I also didn't get to view the last few hours live. I live in the Eastern time zone,and had places to be that day. Hard to out aside seven hours in a whole day, but I did get to watch what I missed in the archived videos. I wanted to confirm what I had hoped was just a rumor, but sadly it turned out to be all too true. We'll get to that later. 

The Good

For the most part, the vast majority of the entertainment that was given to the audience was pretty well entertaining. It could not of been easy to get seven hours of programming put together. I'm quite sure that everyone worked really hard, and that needs to be recognized. It would be a bit difficult to sum up the seven hours as each event went by. So, I will be separating these categories by their respective sites.

Comic Vine:

I was rather surprised how little time Comic Vine got for this show, but it was all pretty fun. They had some fun events of some live character battles, but I thought some of the CV staff could of done far better with the characters given. I honestly have no idea how Norm could of lost the battle with Darkseid as a character. I haven't read Superman in years and I could of done better at that.
Comic Vine also had some nice giveaways with some rather cool prize packs. Though, things only got even better when Inferior Ego joined the festivities. I also enjoyed seeing the regular Comic Vine guest James Robinson join the show. He's always been a favorite guest of mine for the podcast.
I am going to be honest. When I originally heard via Twitter that Babs had purchased a dress specifically for this big event. I thought the whole idea was kind of silly. Why would she want to spend seven hours in some elaborate gown for seven hours rather than something more comfortable. Well, after I actually saw her in that dress. All that criticism went flying out the window in a nanosecond. She looked utterly stunning. It truly had an elegance to it that suited her in the most exquisite way.
Watching a live taping on the Preview Theater really makes one appreciate editing. A lot whole of giggling going on. I also enjoyed the live Comic Vine News that was shown. It brought up some nice news events, but G-Man seemed more interested in standing there to drink and add occasional commentary. I also hate what that X-Men First Class movie is doing with Emma. It's bad enough she was made into Silver Fox's sister for Wolverine Origins. For this movie, she looks similar to an Austin Powers' Fem-Bot. This movie is D.O.A. to me. They will be lucky if I watch this when it comes out to rent or on TV.

Giant Bomb:

We saw some rather cool game footage for some coming series. I'm more interested in the Playstation Move line of games. I can't get into Rock Band, but that dance game looks kind of fun. After watching the footage. I heard one rather odd line. It makes me wonder, "how many gay bars does Babs attend?". I'm sure you will get the meaning if you watched it.  She also seemed to be the only one appropriately dressed for the setting.
It was Giant Bomb that had the most pleasant surprise, I would say. That coming from the music of Jean Baudin and his eleven-string bass. While his Zelda theme was off beat, most of what he played was utterly beautiful. I really hope he got some more sales from that show. He well deserves it.


This is one of the sites that I haven't joined. They have covered some rather interesting things in the past, but I just can't see what I could personally get out of being a regular member. Tested was kind of a mixed bag for me. I found the  dismantlement on a PS3 rather intriguing. I was more interested in how they put it back together. That was the part that wasn't shown. I got bored rather fast with many of those silly As Seen on TV gadgets. Testing those felt utterly pointless to watch. It's no great surprise that they never work as well as advertised. It just felt as if they were pointing out the painfully obvious. To their credit, I think they did well given what they had. 


I do wish to thank Screened for bringing back some fond memories of watching Mystery Science 3000 with the showing of that horrid movie. The one with a monster that apparently kills people by drowning them in red syrup, and characters were required to wear clothing that identified their occupation. Though, this just made me want to watch the real MST3K show.
Screened is another in the Whiskey Media line that I am very much not interested in joining. More so this one than any other. I was also a vocal critic of this one even being created. I vehemently despise things such as reality TV and tabloid news. The whole celebrity culture irritates me to no end, and I don't see how you can report on movies and never cover the people in them, 

The Bad

Now, this is where I need to get a little serious with some rather strong criticism. This whole events was basically billed and celebrated as the big coming together of all the Whiskey Media sites into one large group. While it seems that everyone was invited. Not everyone was included in this celebration. One whole segment of the community was regulated to the kiddie table for all seven hours. Present, but not included. That was the Anime Vice community. It seems that this part of community was snubbed from the celebration. How can you celebrate all the communities coming together and completely leave out a whole section in this way?

I am a regular user on Anime Vice, and I've been honored to have several of my guest articles posted in the news segment. I'm always very appreciative about that. That fact can not be understated. I come at this review with a great deal of respect for all the staff. Though, in away I feel a bit foolish now. Seeing how Anime Vice was left out of this entire show. Why did I watch this whole thing from a part of the site that was never going to be involved? Waiting for hours for something to happen for the anime/manga people. There wasn't even a warning or some kind of heads up that Anime Vice wasn't going to be included.
Mind you, I really don't think this was really an intentional slight. It can't be easy when they don't have any in house staff right now. I'm also not delusional, despite what one ex-staff member of Anime Vice may tell you. I am in no way trying to imply I at all think that Anime Vice deserved equal time. It's one of the smaller of the communities. I just find it rather implausible that out of seven hours. They couldn't find five minutes for Anime Vice. More so, when I saw how much time was wasted on those broom slippers.

It's akin to being invited to a party, but everyone refusing to talk to you. It makes one wonder why you were even asked to come. To their credit, Tom Pinchuk did drop into the chat from time to time, but that's hardly the same thing. Tom is a seriously entertaining guy in his own right, and I really enjoy his writings. He has a strong personality and clever wit. I can't see any plausible explanation why five minutes couldn't of been put aside for some portion hosted by Tom. 
Looking at all the money that was wasted on some of those TV gadgets, and I wonder. Why didn't they buy a manga volume or anime DVD to give away in a raffle? Much in the same way the other sites had giveaways.

I purposely held off on writing this review, because I wanted to see if there was going to be any sort of statement made on Anime Vice's main page. Just some sort of thing that would say something along the lines of, "Sorry we couldn't work AV into the show. It was because of (x, y, or z) reason, and we will try to do something for the future.". Any sort of reasoning. Even if it was just lip service. Five days later, and nothing. 

Verdict 9/10

While I did have some rather passionate criticism for this show. That shouldn't overshadow that what the staff at Whiskey Media pulled of was extremely well done. It's just too bad a whole part of the community was held at arms length rather than embraced for the celebration. Still, the pros greatly outweigh the cons.
I must of sounded pretty harsh in this review, but I don't think I was unfair. I would much rather be a part of the solution than complaining about a problem. It's one of the reasons why I work so hard at writing guest articles and anime reviews for Anime Vice. It makes me regret living on the other site of the continent. Otherwise, I would gladly send a resume to join the team to try and give Anime Vice some more attention. I just don't know if they need any more out of state staff.
I couldn't watch the live after party footage that was archived. I shut it off after the first five minutes of a microphone with no one at it, and a lot of people having fun in the background. Looking at the counter and seeing it said there was two hours of this. I shut it off. I felt ridiculous sitting at my computer, alone, watching a lot of people having fun. I had more fun reading my books and manga.
It's really disappointing that one part of the Whiskey Media community was snubbed. That doesn't mean what was shown wasn't a lot of fun, and perhaps next time will be different. I know the rating systems normally range in the maximum of five stars. I felt ten was more appropriate given the seven hour time frame. For that the staff did do for the audience. I think the show merits a strong 9 out of 10 stars. In closing, Thanks for the show.
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Favorite Moment: The Psylocke vs. Elektra battle

Least Favorite Moment: As Seen on TV Gadgets

WTF Moment: Why the Eff is that guy even wearing an eye patch?

Favorite Character This Show: Ryan Davis / James Robinson


Make Yourself WANTED

Make Yourself WANTED

This is a blog that I originally created on my Anime Vice profile, but wanted to also share it with the Giant Bomb community to spread the fun.

Are You A Pirate?

Have you sailed the seas pillaging all in your path, have you been raiding cruise ships, have you struck one of the Celestial Dragons, were you once a crew member of the Pirate King, Gold Roger; or are you just out looking for adventures with your best friends? Are you a pirate? Is your name known by the corrupted World Government? Why not?
If your name has slipped through the cracks while the Marine Forces have been busy dealing with the aftermath of the war with the Whitebeard Pirates. Now is your chance to correct such an oversight. Your fellow pirates aren't going to take you seriously without a wanted poster and a bounty on your head.
Late last year, Marvel released a promotional image for the Punisher comics where people could paste their head on a monsterific image of the new Punisher, Franken-castle. Inspired by that, and some free time I had. I thought I would make something for the Anime Vice community to enjoy. What we have here is a remake of the wanted posters used in the series One Piece.
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To start things off. I made seven wanted posters for some of the staff at Whiskey Media. I wanted to add a few more for Bobbington and AHR, but I couldn't find a picture I liked or knew I could use. I also don't really know any of the Giant Bomb staff well at all. Sorry, to those of you left out. Send me a picture, and I'll gladly make one for you.

Now It's Your Turn

Get in on this fun and join the Giant Bomb Crew. Select a picture and make yourself a bounty worthy of your deeds. Just a tip. Anything over 100 Million Berries is pretty big. You'd have to do something rather amazing to get that far. Not many pirates or bounty hunters are going to take a risk getting on your bad side. It will also make you one of the World Government's most wanted. If you are captured. It will mean imprisonment in great prison of Impel Down's Level 6, the Eternal Hell. Where there is no escape or release.  
 Are you brave enough to take that risk for the glory of knowing your name will spread through the world?

A Suggestion

If you would like to keep the text pretty consistent with the One Piece wanted posters. I would suggest for the name use text style Georgia (bold), and for the bounty I used text style Comic Scan MS (bold).
-Kristoffer Remmell ( FoxxFireArt) is a freelance graphic artist, writer, and over all mystery geek.-

My Introduction Blog

My name is Kristoffer Remmell (FoxxFireArt). I am a free lance graphic artist, writer, and self described mystery geek. I'm a native Kentucky residence. I've been a regular user on Comic Vine and Anime Vice for nearly a year now on both sites. I have been a member of Giant Bomb for about a month now. I thought I would take this opportunity to write a blog to introduce myself. 
As a member of Comic Vine I've had the pleasure of communications with the site staff through the site. Nothing on a very personal level, but friendly. I have a lot of respect for the work and the writing done there. In my time there they have been kind enough to give attention to my special 4koma(four paneled comics) comics based on comic events, such as my Return of Bruce Wayne 4koma. I was even invited to write a guest article for the site. I eventually wrote a second, and it was accepted for front page attention as well.
At Anime Vice. I am a major contributor of the wiki profiles to the point where I have reached the level of being one of the top three contributors. I've written numerous guest articles and reviews for the site, and was made one of the moderators. Even there some of my Code Geass 4komas have been shown on the site's front page, such as my most recent Code Geass Episode 23 4koma.
I actually do plan to make some 4komas based on some video games, particularly Resident Evil 5. That game gave me a lot of inspiration. When I get the free time from commissions to finally work on them. I plan to post then on my devArt account and my blog section here. Though, I'm not under any delusions that they would get the same level of attention here on Giant Bomb.
In the meantime, I am posting a sample of some of my art based on the game Jak X: Combat Racing. Despite not being my favorite game in the series. I found it oddly addictive. I drew this back in 2005 and tried my best to mimic the style from the series. I thought Jak looked pretty kick ass in that game. Daxter for some reason feels a tad off to me. I could never get his eyes to look quite right in my designs. So, I just put his goggles over his eyes. The background is a screen shot from the game.

Jak X: Combat Racing

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You can see more of my art on my deviantArt gallery here:
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