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Hey, so, uh. 5yrs huh? Been a while

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Overall Update: 1970's Edition.

I've been on Christmas (or Holiday) break for a couple of days now and this has given me a chance to catch up on some games. And I've played enough that I feel that I need to write up a update. Hope you enjoy.


 That's so damn satisfying.
 That's so damn satisfying.
Game wise, Christmas went well. I got Demon's Souls and Assault on Dark Athena and some Gamestop gift card stuff. Demon's Souls is fun, very high risk/high reward type of game. It's like I can go down this route despite the warnings but there will be some good, if not great, items waiting for me. I've done that three times, died twice. I'm still trying to find a class that I like the best. The soldier is alright but looks the coolest, and the priest is okay too. Before I get real into that game I want to try them all out, as weird as that sounds. I've only played a little of Dark Athena, it seems to be fun. I have to find time for that one. With my gift cards I got three games: Mercs 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, The Orange Box. I've beaten both Orange Box and Bad Company but they were both
 I'm really, REALLY, looking forward to this. If it gets delayed, I'll be pissed.
 I'm really, REALLY, looking forward to this. If it gets delayed, I'll be pissed.
cheap and I loved them both. (I've beaten Bad Company 3 times before I re-bought it.). Now for Mercs 2. I love it, I know there is a lot wrong with it, but it's kind of my guilty pleasure game. I felt the same way with Wheelman, but I'm having much more fun with Mercs 2. I really like the style of that game. The menus, icons, load screens all have a high level of style. Only if that could be said for the ingame stuff, not that I'm saying the game looks bad, it looks pretty good but it's all the same. I'm really looking foward to spending time with that game, Pandemic I will miss you. With the Orange Box, I've played some Team Fortress 2. I don't play a lot of online game, but I really like that game. I suck, which is expected, I only wish I had played it longer ago. It was kind of dead on the PS3, but it had a respectable amount playing. Each match I played was almost 5 on 5 . On a side note I have this weird obsession with the game 3D Dot Game Heroes. I can't explain why, but I fucking want that game so bad, I feel like I'm the only one.

My Apologizes

For the longest time I have completely dissed on Borderlands, which I recently said it was one of my most disappointing games of 2009. I was going to trade it into my local game store, but I decided to give it one more shot. And I don't know what happened but I
 Hey guys, um, I was wrong.
 Hey guys, um, I was wrong.
fucking love that game now. It's a very well made game, while it still has its problems. I do feel some of the missions to be too much of the same at times and some guns don't work. I was shooting at a Bruiser and my rocket/shotgun wouldn't work. The rocket would go threw them and blow up behind most enemies. I fell in love with the shotguns. I'm a level 20 soldier with a 9 shotgun level. I think the closest to it is pistol with a 5 or something. All I have is shotguns. I have a long ranged shotgun that has a scope and shoots electricity so I don't need a combat rifle. This game is awesome, and I do apologize for not giving it a chance. 
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.