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My Games of the Decade (2001-2010)

Posting a list in a blog, folks.  I'm doin' it 'cause I can!

Games of the Decade (2001-2010)

This is my list for the top ten games of the past decade.  This wasn't an easy list for me to put together.  Ten years is a lot of time to cover and a lot of games to mull over, and to narrow the decade down to a "Best Ten" or "Favorite Ten" or "Most Important Ten" is something of a fool's errand.  That being said, I went ahead and did it anyway.  These games aren't necessarily the best of their genres, or necessarily the most important or progressive, but they're games that stuck with me for one reason or another, and as such I'm calling them my games of the decade.
What about you?  What were your best/favorite/most important games of the decade?

1. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

At a point in my life where I wasn't really feeling the draw of RPGs anymore, the original release of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 was like a wake-up call. Intriguing characters, an unconventional modern setting and a unique social life/dungeon crawling dynamic made this game stand out among the pack.

2. Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X was the first game I bought for my brand-spanking new PS2. Not only an excellent game in its own right, its quality would help influence my tastes in the coming generation of RPGs. That it's also a visual feast for the platform with a great story is a major plus.

3. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

The consummate Fire Emblem title and a world-class strategy RPG. An excellent story, fantastic battle scenarios, likable characters, and refined gameplay make this game the best in its genre in the past ten years.

4. Metroid: Zero Mission

A remake of the original Metroid, Zero Mission is the sort of update that the NES classic deserved. It demonstrated that with the right touches, an old game that hadn't aged particularly well could become more than playable once again while adding new features and elements that the original lacked. It's also a blast to play.

5. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

MGS2 isn't the first Metal Gear Solid title I've actually played. (That goes to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.) It is a game I first experienced through a roommate in college. Yes, the plot gets bonkers, but it's also a game that showed me how narrative, gameplay, and a self-referential, fourth-wall breaking sense of humor can mix to create a wholly unique experience that remained fresh in its own way when I finally played through it myself years later.

6. Hotel Dusk: Room 215

An engagingly mature narrative married to well-thought puzzles that utilize the DS hardware to its full potential. The characters of Hotel Dusk are collectively one of the most interesting casts seen in the past decade. It's still a shame that Nintendo chose not to release the game's sequel in North America.

7. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan

Some would say that the rhythm game genre reached its greatest heights of the decade in Harmonix's Rock Band series. I say nay to that, sir. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan took the concept of the rhythm game in a direction all its own with engaging gameplay, fun songs, and ludicrous yet gripping scenarios. Through the power of cheering, you too, can save the world.

8. Dynasty Warriors 3

I am an unabashed die-hard fan of Koei's Warriors series, and my love for it in all its forms, Dynasty, Samurai, Gundam, and Fist of the North Star, can be traced back to one single game: Dynasty Warriors 3. And since the first day I picked up the controller, I have cut down lots and lots and lots of dudes.

9. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

An unusual take on the horror game genre at the time of its release, the game depicted insanity in a way that few games before it could match. Lovecraft-inspired horror, interesting combat and puzzles, a few jump scares, and characters losing their minds left and right.

10. Fatal Frame

I never played the original Fatal Frame. Rather, I watched, entranced in a dark room as one of my college roommates played through every moment, from the mildly creepy, to the shiver-inducing, to the very nearly pants wettening. Fatal Frame may not be the scariest game I have ever played, but it is by far the most frightening game that I have ever experienced.



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Edited By Hailinel

Posting a list in a blog, folks.  I'm doin' it 'cause I can!

Games of the Decade (2001-2010)

This is my list for the top ten games of the past decade.  This wasn't an easy list for me to put together.  Ten years is a lot of time to cover and a lot of games to mull over, and to narrow the decade down to a "Best Ten" or "Favorite Ten" or "Most Important Ten" is something of a fool's errand.  That being said, I went ahead and did it anyway.  These games aren't necessarily the best of their genres, or necessarily the most important or progressive, but they're games that stuck with me for one reason or another, and as such I'm calling them my games of the decade.
What about you?  What were your best/favorite/most important games of the decade?

1. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

At a point in my life where I wasn't really feeling the draw of RPGs anymore, the original release of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 was like a wake-up call. Intriguing characters, an unconventional modern setting and a unique social life/dungeon crawling dynamic made this game stand out among the pack.

2. Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X was the first game I bought for my brand-spanking new PS2. Not only an excellent game in its own right, its quality would help influence my tastes in the coming generation of RPGs. That it's also a visual feast for the platform with a great story is a major plus.

3. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

The consummate Fire Emblem title and a world-class strategy RPG. An excellent story, fantastic battle scenarios, likable characters, and refined gameplay make this game the best in its genre in the past ten years.

4. Metroid: Zero Mission

A remake of the original Metroid, Zero Mission is the sort of update that the NES classic deserved. It demonstrated that with the right touches, an old game that hadn't aged particularly well could become more than playable once again while adding new features and elements that the original lacked. It's also a blast to play.

5. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

MGS2 isn't the first Metal Gear Solid title I've actually played. (That goes to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes.) It is a game I first experienced through a roommate in college. Yes, the plot gets bonkers, but it's also a game that showed me how narrative, gameplay, and a self-referential, fourth-wall breaking sense of humor can mix to create a wholly unique experience that remained fresh in its own way when I finally played through it myself years later.

6. Hotel Dusk: Room 215

An engagingly mature narrative married to well-thought puzzles that utilize the DS hardware to its full potential. The characters of Hotel Dusk are collectively one of the most interesting casts seen in the past decade. It's still a shame that Nintendo chose not to release the game's sequel in North America.

7. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan

Some would say that the rhythm game genre reached its greatest heights of the decade in Harmonix's Rock Band series. I say nay to that, sir. Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan took the concept of the rhythm game in a direction all its own with engaging gameplay, fun songs, and ludicrous yet gripping scenarios. Through the power of cheering, you too, can save the world.

8. Dynasty Warriors 3

I am an unabashed die-hard fan of Koei's Warriors series, and my love for it in all its forms, Dynasty, Samurai, Gundam, and Fist of the North Star, can be traced back to one single game: Dynasty Warriors 3. And since the first day I picked up the controller, I have cut down lots and lots and lots of dudes.

9. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

An unusual take on the horror game genre at the time of its release, the game depicted insanity in a way that few games before it could match. Lovecraft-inspired horror, interesting combat and puzzles, a few jump scares, and characters losing their minds left and right.

10. Fatal Frame

I never played the original Fatal Frame. Rather, I watched, entranced in a dark room as one of my college roommates played through every moment, from the mildly creepy, to the shiver-inducing, to the very nearly pants wettening. Fatal Frame may not be the scariest game I have ever played, but it is by far the most frightening game that I have ever experienced.

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Edited By FancySoapsMan

I like you for putting P3 at #1.

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Edited By mutha3

Path of Radiance. Nice.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

My games for each decade? Might as well dust off my graphs and stuff.

  • 2001: Klonoa: Empire of Dreams, since it matched the average for that year. That's why I'm listing off all these games.
  • 2002: Disney’s Magical Quest starring Mickey & Minnie Mouse, since it came closest to the average in a year when none of the games matched said average.
  • 2003: Mother 1+2. Is that cheating?
  • 2004: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
  • 2005: Kirby: Canvas Curse
  • 2006: Mother 3
  • 2007: Assassin's Creed
  • 2008: Left 4 Dead
  • 2009: Modern Warfare 2
  • 2010: Metroid: Other M
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Edited By xyzygy

Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list! 
But... why isn't the year 2000 included?

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Edited By Hailinel
@xyzygy said:
" Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list!  But... why isn't the year 2000 included? "
A decade spans from year 1 to year 10.  The year 2000 is the end of the decade spanning 1991-2000.
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Edited By Afroman269

I loved Zero Mission.

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Edited By JoyfullOFrockets

Nice list, but... every single one of those games is Japanese. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there must've been at least one non-Japanese developed game that's worth a spot in there.

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Edited By Hailinel
@Video_Game_King:  I'd love to put Other M on this list, but in considering it, Zero Mission was partially responsible for the series evolution that led to the what Other M became, and is also a classic remake of a game that's really a bit too ancient to go back to now.  I also set a rule on myself that I wouldn't pick one game per year; multiple games could come from a single year, but I wouldn't pick more than one game from a single franchise, because that would just be silly when there are ten years of games to cover.
@Afroman269 said:
" I loved Zero Mission. "

So did I. :)
@FancySoapsMan: It's worth it.  Like I said in the list, Persona 3 really did a lot to reinvigorate my interest in the genre.
@mutha3: Indeed.
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Edited By Hailinel
@JoyfullOFrockets said:
" Nice list, but... every single one of those games is Japanese. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there must've been at least one non-Japanese developed game that's worth a spot in there. "
Eternal Darkness is Canadian.
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Edited By foggel
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Edited By JoyfullOFrockets
@Hailinel said:
" @JoyfullOFrockets said:
" Nice list, but... every single one of those games is Japanese. I'm not trying to be an ass, but there must've been at least one non-Japanese developed game that's worth a spot in there. "
Eternal Darkness is Canadian. "
Oh, sorry, my mistake. :(
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Edited By Hailinel
@JoyfullOFrockets:  No problem.  It happens.
@foggel said:
" I'm pretty sure I would put Half Life 2 in my list if I made one. Because of, more or less, redefining how FPS games were supposed to be made. In terms of physics, mostly. Also Call of Duty 4 is an important game, considering what it did for online FPS games. Max Payne for slow mo. Assassins Creed for crowds of people. World of Warcraft for making MMOs appeal to casual gamers. Portal for portals. And Mass Effect for being fucking awesome:) "

I'd say that those would all be good choices.  It'd be interesting to see more lists like this, because I can't imagine any two looking even remotely the same.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
Again, I only put it on there because it matched the average for that year; if I wanted to do the best of each year, Other M wouldn't get it.
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Edited By ArbitraryWater

Weirdly enough, the one game I'm going to pick a bone with you on this one is Eternal Darkness. I was expecting something a little more Resident Evil or Silent Hill esque in the way puzzles were presented, but I found most of them to be kind of simplistic, and the combat to be really clunky. And I guess Lovecraftian insanity is alright, but when you get the restore sanity spell that entire mechanic goes out the window, and all the crazy stuff is one youtube search away. Maybe if I had played it when the Gamecube was still important, I would've had a different opinion, but that's how it rolls I guess.
Otherwise, I find your list to be perfectly fine. Persona is cool. MGS is cool. Fire Emblem is cool, although I would've put the first one to come out in the US over Path of Radiance, which I still enjoyed quite a bit.

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Edited By Siphillis

Interesting list.  Mine's a bit boring in comparison: 
2000: Perfect Dark 
2001: Halo: Combat Evolved 
2002: Metroid Prime 
2003: Call of Duty
2004: Half-Life 2 (Game of the Decade runner-up)
2005: God of War 
2006: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2007: Super Mario Galaxy (Game of the Decade)
2008: Grand Theft Auto IV 
2009: Batman: Arkham Asylum  
2010: Super Mario Galaxy 2

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Edited By mutha3

You made me make one to! It might be a little different in reality , though. because this is of the top of my head:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
Persona 4
Uncharted 2
Resident Evil 4
Mother 3
Shin Megami Tensei:Digital Devil Saga 
Super Mario Galaxy 2
2001-2010 was amazing for videogames. Way better then the nineties and the eighties put together.

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Edited By unchained
@Hailinel: I made mine a while ago. 

Game of the Year (The last decade)

Just for fun, I thought I'd post my GOTY from 2000 to 2010.  I'm not arguing the technical merits, nor the overall influence these game may or may not have had on the industry. I'm just stating my personal favorites for every  year from 2000-2010. 
Honorable mentions would be:

  • Diablo II (2000)  
  • Assassin's Creed (2007)
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
  • Uncharted 2 (2009)
  • Assassin's Creed II (2009)
  • Red Dead Redemption (2010)
1. Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn


2. Halo: Combat Evolved


3. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos


4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


5. World of Warcraft


6. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory


7. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


8. The Witcher


9. Fable II


10. Dragon Age: Origins


11. Mass Effect 2


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Edited By amir90
@Hailinel: Actually, the common interpatation of decade is like from the year 0-9, think about it, when you refer to the 60's it is 60-69, not 61-70.  
But I exaggerate, a decade only means 10 years, I am just pointing out what the "common" decade is.
The only one on the list that I personally found fun was FF X, which I never finished, lots of Japanese games.
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Edited By Cornman89

Very eclectic list. Nice. This is also yet another kick in the pants prompting me to play Eternal Darkness, goddammit. As for my Games of the Decade, in no particular order:
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
Final Fantasy X
Metal Gear Solid 3
Mass Effect 2
Uncharted 2
Fallout 3
Half Life 2 + episodes

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Edited By MooseyMcMan

I think you're crazy. Elite Beat Agents is way better than  Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. ;)

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Edited By delogo

Interesting lists. Here's mine:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Resident Evil 4
Halo: Combat Evolved
Fallout 3 
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Shadow of the Colossus
Neverwinter Nights
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

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Edited By EuanDewar

This list is effin crazy, I like it.
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Edited By Animasta

god FFX is so terrible! when's the last time you played it, because that game... ugh.
I still need to start Hotel Dusk, but I wanna finish 999 before that happens.

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Edited By FlyingRat

You should be glad that they didn't release Last Window where you live. Trust me, it's nowhere near as good as Hotel Dusk. Maybe standing on it's own it would be good, but if you really loved Hotel Dusk, i think you'd be dissapointed like i was.

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Edited By Xanth93

When I think of games of the 2001-2010 decade, I think of Halo, Metroid Prime, Resident Evil 4, Uncharted 2, Super Meat Boy, and a whole ton of other fantastic games. This decade didn't beat the 90s, though. I'm sorry, but StarCraft, Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Mario Kart, Mario 64, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and IX, Diablo, Diablo II, Baldur's Gate, Mario World, Donkey Kong 64. Yeah, the 90s was the shit. I am more assured of how fantastic games were last decade than this one.

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Edited By wrathofconn
@amir90: It's true that the 60's are the years with sixty-something in them, but there was no year 0. This is why everyone was wrong when they said that 2000 was the beginning of the new millenium. It's also why he's right about decades.

Eternal Darkness is a good pick, and probably the only one here that would be on my list.
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Edited By Hailinel
@MooseyMcMan:  Perhaps, but without Ouedan, there would be no EBA, and manly cheerleaders are awesome.
@Laketown: And I still can't understand how anyone could like FFX-2 more than FFX, but there you go. :P  And Hotel Dusk is well worth it.  Hope you enjoy it when you get around to it.
@FlyingRat said:
" You should be glad that they didn't release Last Window where you live. Trust me, it's nowhere near as good as Hotel Dusk. Maybe standing on it's own it would be good, but if you really loved Hotel Dusk, i think you'd be dissapointed like i was. "

That's disappointing to hear.  Was there anything that really stuck out about it?
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Edited By AhmadMetallic

i havent played any of those

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Edited By FlyingRat
@Hailinel said:
That's disappointing to hear.  Was there anything that really stuck out about it? "
Not realy, no. They kinda just... remade the first game. Except less good. Like literally there will be characters where you can see like "Oh, that's supposed to be this game's version of Louis" you know what i mean? So it kinda sucks. Since i loved the ending of the first one, i was really hoping they would build on that and go from there. But instead it's just kinda this stand-alone game that tries to hit all the same exact beats of the first one, but doesn't do it nearly as well. The biggest connection with the first one is a part where Mila (That was her name, right...?) comes to visit you for only a brief moment. So yeah, kinda dissapointing. For me, at least.
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Edited By Hailinel
@FlyingRat:  That is disappointing.  Given Mila's story in the first game, I'd hoped that she'd play a bigger role in Last Window than she apparently does.  Oh, well.
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Edited By FlyingRat
@Hailinel:  Exactly, yeah. But it's almost like none of the stuff from the first game even happened. It's really weird. Anyway, the first game is still awesome.
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Edited By sgjackson

Here's my list.
2001: Golden Sun: I'm not a big J-RPG guy, but this game's charming (if overly wordy) story, alongside accessible yet awesome, well-designed combat and dungeons sucked me in. It managed to capture a lot of what made the classic SNES J-RPGs fun without feeling dated.
2002: Sonic Adventure 2 (GC): Cheating a little here since it came out on the Dreamcast before this, but I sunk dozens of hours into this when it came out. I'm sure it hasn't aged well, but I still feel pretty safe in saying it's the best of the Adventure-style Sonic games, and at the time I enjoyed it immensely.
2003: Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire: It's a shame that one terrible design choice (excluding the older Pokemon completely) probably killed this game for a lot of people, because it was the first game in the series which had a high level of polish. Add that on top of great music and creative monster designs, and I think this is a gen which gets undeserved hate.
2004: World of Warcraft: Do I even need to say anything? This game's probably sucked more hours from me than everything else on the list combined. Even today I'm still thinking about the Pally I just rolled on a friend's server.
2005: Soul Calibur III: Yeah, it's the worst in the series, but it's not egregiously awful as a casual fighting game, and for some reason it clicked enough with my friends that we ended up playing it constantly. The single player campaign in 2 was better, create-a-fighter didn't really add much, but it was still fun (Also, I must admit I was mostly still playing WoW so I didn't end up buying many games this year).
2006: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GCN): Half of this game is fucking amazing and is the best experience Zelda has ever delivered, with awesome set pieces. It's just a shame the other half is filled with pointless time wasters (hunting bugs as a wolf) and boring dungeon designs (the yeti mansion).
2007: Mass Effect: This game obviously had issues, but mixing a serviceable third-person shooter with BioWare's RPG chops was a match made in heaven. I played through it again right before 2, and while it pales in comparison, it's still a fantastic game. 
2008: Persona 4: Like a lot of people here, I heard about this game from the Endurance Run. After burning through the first 20 or so episodes, I ran out and found a copy, and ended up dropping hundreds of hours into it before Jeff and Vinny finished. This game's characters and storytelling are unmatched in the J-RPG genre, and I got super into making the best fusions possible.
2009: Forza Motorsport 3: This was a hard year to pick, as I also considered Pokemon Platinum (the culmination of the series, fixed a bunch of niggly issues I had with Diamond and Pearl and added a lot more to the game), Borderlands (man, shooter+Diablo was a great idea), and Dragon Age (I played it on casual since I wasn't super into the strategy and just wanted to experience the story, but it was still awesome), but Forza threw down the gauntlet in the console sim racing genre here, with a slick interface combining with some of the best console racing gameplay available. I probably would have liked GT5 a lot more if I hadn't played this, and I think it says more about the quality of Forza than any lack of quality on GT's part.
2010: Mass Effect 2: Thought really hard about Fallout: New Vegas, but I just booted that up again and it crashed 2 times in 5 minutes. ME2 needs no introduction - it took the concepts from ME, and made them a lot more polished, in an awesome, 20 hour focused experience. This may be rose-colored glasses talking, but I think some of the more RPGesque elements in Mass Effect were kind of charming (driving the Mako was fun in a sort of Star Trek exploring the planets kind of vibe, but I've heard it's way better on the PC, which I played it on), but ME2 grabbed me just as hard as the first one did.

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Edited By xyzygy
@Hailinel said:
" @xyzygy said:
" Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list!  But... why isn't the year 2000 included? "
A decade spans from year 1 to year 10.  The year 2000 is the end of the decade spanning 1991-2000. "
But by this logic 1960 isn't part of the 60's, 1970 isn't part of the 70's, etc. Also, thinking like that would mean that the new millenium started in 2001. It started in 2000 because there was a year 0 and as such, the very first decade was from 0-9 AD.
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Edited By Enigma777

Did you play the GBA Fire Emblem games? I absolutely adored those, but when Path of Radiance finally came out, something about it just looked off. I think it's because I loved the smooth animations of the sprites and the 3D models had none of that grace.

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Edited By Hailinel
@xyzygy said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @xyzygy said:
" Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list!  But... why isn't the year 2000 included? "
A decade spans from year 1 to year 10.  The year 2000 is the end of the decade spanning 1991-2000. "
But by this logic 1960 isn't part of the 60's, 1970 isn't part of the 70's, etc. Also, thinking like that would mean that the new millenium started in 2001. It started in 2000 because there was a year 0 and as such, the very first decade was from 0-9 AD. "
There was no Year 0.  The calendar goes from 1 B.C. to A.D. 1.
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Edited By xyzygy
@Hailinel said:
" @xyzygy said:
" @Hailinel said:
" @xyzygy said:
" Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list!  But... why isn't the year 2000 included? "
A decade spans from year 1 to year 10.  The year 2000 is the end of the decade spanning 1991-2000. "
But by this logic 1960 isn't part of the 60's, 1970 isn't part of the 70's, etc. Also, thinking like that would mean that the new millenium started in 2001. It started in 2000 because there was a year 0 and as such, the very first decade was from 0-9 AD. "
There was no Year 0.  The calendar goes from 1 B.C. to A.D. 1. "
But there were years before 1AD. And we call the year 2000 the new millenium. And we call 1990 a year in the ninties. 1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2009.
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Edited By Hailinel
@xyzygy:  Not everyone does.  And yes, there were years before 1 A.D.  Specially, 1 B.C. and on back as far as time goes.  But there's no zero.
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Edited By shirogane

@Hailinel said:

" @MooseyMcMan:  Perhaps, but without Ouedan, there would be no EBA, and manly cheerleaders are awesome.

Manly cheerleaders? That...put bad images in my head. EBA had some nicer dance animations though.
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Edited By Hailinel
@Shirogane said:

@Hailinel said:

" @MooseyMcMan:  Perhaps, but without Ouedan, there would be no EBA, and manly cheerleaders are awesome.

Manly cheerleaders? That...put bad images in my head. EBA had some nicer dance animations though. "
So manly, they can blow up asteroids:
And the girls' team on insane difficulty?  GOD DAMN.
@Enigma777 said:
" Did you play the GBA Fire Emblem games? I absolutely adored those, but when Path of Radiance finally came out, something about it just looked off. I think it's because I loved the smooth animations of the sprites and the 3D models had none of that grace. "

I did, but I didn't like them as much.  I prefer the gameplay and leveling structure of the GameCube and Wii entries.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@sgjackson said:
"Golden Sun: I'm not a big J-RPG guy"
Then why are half your entries JRPGs :P?
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Edited By Video_Game_King
Read my first two entries, and you'll understand why I chose those two games.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
What the hell is wrong with sequels?
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Edited By Hailinel
@RiotBananas said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @RiotBananas:   What the hell is wrong with sequels? "
Nothing if they're good. I just wanna see some new, successful IP. "
So why single out those two games specifically when there were other sequels in his list?
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Edited By WickedCestus
@Hailinel said:
" @xyzygy said:
" Nice, My favorite MGS game was Sons of Liberty. Nice list!  But... why isn't the year 2000 included? "
A decade spans from year 1 to year 10.  The year 2000 is the end of the decade spanning 1991-2000. "
Whaaaaa? No, not at all. Decades are 0-9. Are you seriously saying 1960 is part of the 1950s and not the 60s?
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Edited By WickedCestus
@RiotBananas said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @RiotBananas:   What the hell is wrong with sequels? "
Nothing if they're good. I just wanna see some new, successful IP. "
Dude, there are tons of good new IP; you are obviously just choosing to ignore them so you have something to complain about.
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Edited By Video_Game_King
@RiotBananas said:
" @Video_Game_King said:
" @RiotBananas:   What the hell is wrong with sequels? "
Nothing if they're good. I just wanna see some new, successful IP. "

I'm guessing it's because he's on the "hate this game" bandwagon. Granted, I'm on it for Modern Warfare 2 (it sold out, essentially), but I didn't willingly jump on the damn thing; I just
happened to find myself on that bandwagon.