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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

Huh. Looks like this was added to my list automatically, which I guess it must have done for everyone this year. I'll just make this identical to my already existing list, as that other list is linked to the community game of the year Google doc. Will use this as my main list though, and delete the other one after the end of the year.

List items

  • When you mix the free world of an Assassins Creed game, with a mix of combat from Batman and Assassins Creed, you should get a good game. Adding a new system called the Nemesis system, and you get the game of the year.

    Everyone has talked about this game, so I am not going to write much. I understand the complaints about the weak story, but everything around it is great. I still find myself wanting to jump in and manipulate Uruks to do my bidding. The first DLC has been solid so far as well, but I have yet to beat it.

  • One of the biggest surprises for me this year. Got it a few months back, thinking I should play it seeing how a few people I respect thought it was good. I expected a stupid, but fun, run and gun adventure. What I got was a fairly deep and dark war story, with a tortured soldier trying to survive in a world where the bad guys have already won. Everything was a surprise in this game, from how human they made B.J. Blazkowicz, how good the cutscenes was, how fun the guns was to how well they did the usually boring "find all collectibles".

  • I haven never done drugs, but after playing this game I might have to say I have. Not sure what else I can say than this: Play this game. Just do it.

  • While not as good as Dark Souls, which might just be in my "Top ten games of all time", Dark Souls 2 is still a damn good game. Grand and dark, with death lurking around every corner. The two things I feel it did worse than Dark Souls are the story, how it is even more hidden and impossible to understand, and how the world does not fit together as well as it did in the first. Other than that it improves a little on everything. Still haven't played the DLC, but I hear it is great.

  • I was afraid The Stick of Truth would be bad. Hell, I almost guaranteed it. So the fact that it not only became the best South Park game to date (not that hard) but also one of the best and funniest games of the year? That is just crazy.

    They captured the feeling of the show perfectly, while also making a cool simple RPG with a funny story. Not much else needs to be said really.

  • Still not done with this game, but I am having a blast! More of the fun from Far Cry 3, but with enough new innovations to make it feel fresh. Some of the things are minor, like how you can disengage the brakes on parked cars and roll them down hills. Some are bigger, like hijacking a car from another car. While you both are driving and breakneck speeds in the mountains of Himalaya.

    HOWEVER! I had to move this a few spots down after finishing it due to the way it ends. Or, more the fact that you cannot replay the ending to get both of them. Because the one I chose first was the "boring" one, and I really wanted the other. Oh well!

  • I only got a few hours under my belt, as I am waiting for my cheap HOTAS, but this is a game I am going to waste a lot of hours in. Called "Space Truck Simulator" with guns and pirates by a fair amount of people. Something I actually must agree with, as that is not a bad thing for me. Visuals are great in this game, but what I really love about it is the sounds. How the engine roars as you throttle up, ready to engage warp? Love that sound! The fact that you can visit every star in the Milky Way is just icing on the cake.

  • I wish I was the kind of guy who could fiddle with some synthesizers and have awesome music come out of it. I am not, but this game made me feel like it for a while. The puzzles are intuitive for the most part, but the end of the game got really hard. I hear a lot of people never got the end parts, but I stuck with it. And man, was it worth it. The building up of music as you do a puzzle is frisson inducing at times, and the end result is always great. It helps that the game looks absolutely stunning as well.

  • Who would have thought an FMV game starring a silent protagonist driving a spinning limo would be so fun! Looking at gameplay, it seemed impossible to steer sometimes, but actually playing it is a lot easier. Not that the game itself is that easy, as some of the challenges take some real skill. The FMV sequences are hilarious, the acting just bad enough to be funny (as far as I know there are very few real actors in the game, mostly game devs and their friends) and the game looks good.

  • I am not sure about this, as it technically came out years ago. But it recently hit "beta", with all or most of the core features in place. As such the proper game that was going to be KSP was just released. But due to the whole "this has been out years, and is still not actually done" I place this on tenth place. Even though it should be higher up.

    The recent update made this more into a game than ever before. In career mode you need to balance money, prestige and science now, while upgrading your buildings and unlocking new parts. To do this you pick contracts to do, some which are laughably easy, some which takes hours of building, flying and landing. I haven't checked the tutorials to see if anything has been added, but the game has a steep learning curve from what I hear, making Youtube and Wikis important. Some might say that detracts a fair bit, but for me it's not that big a deal.

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