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The games I enjoyed the most this year..not all from 2010

I don't go much for GOTY awards...I find that we're all pressured into deciding that 'this game is better than that game and if you don't agree with me you suck.' 
People take this thing much too seriously. In fact, the internet is much too serious. Nearly as serious as my bank balance after the steam sale... 
Here's my list of games which I have enjoyed more than any other this particular year. There will be some games from this year, some from last and some from over ten years ago. 
Deal with it. 
No order.

List items

  • I'm not the worlds greatest FPS fan, but I love this game. It's certainly a marmite type game..all those people brought up on COD will have a hard time with the 'tank' like controls. I love adds a degree of weight to the action that the meth'd up COD lacks for me. Online rotating game modes is also genius.

  • Great, awesome, great, nice shot.

    Not your average Nippon Ichi SRPG, ZHP is much more playable and funnier than what came before. If only we could get rid of Etranger, the whiney little bitch. Anyway, for what is described as a 'rogue-like' game, ZHP is a very accessible, yet deep game.

  • Insanity divided by DMC. If you took out the quicktime events, this would certainly be a masterpiece of design and function. The irony of people calling this game sexist gets me every time..also any game with 'Fly me to the moon' gets immediate praise from me.

  • Originally released in, 1998 I believe, this would be the game that I could point to and say 'The best game I have played this year.' This reminded me of the feeling I got the first time I played FFVII..a sense of wonder and being drawn into an incredibly well constructed world. I love this game, and anyone who likes RPGs should as well.

  • It's an impressive feat Sega managed here. They took one of the best games on the ps3 and shrank it down to the psp almost perfectly. Sure the graphics suffer and the storyline is a bit boring but mechanically this game is nearly perfect and is great fun for short plays.

  • Who would have thought that in 2010 we would still be excited about Pacman? That really says a lot about the design of the original game. The addition of slowdown, bombs and grinding on walls makes the game a lot more accessible, but its the scoreboards that really push this game to be what it is today. One day I will overcome HS's 1.8 million on the first board. One day....

  • I have a love/hate relationship with this game. I love the storyline and the characters, I love the magic and I love what they are trying to do with the overall package. I could do without the combat and the god awful bosses. It also happens to be the only game that i know of that once you complete the whole game (all endings) it will delete your save file. Seriously.

  • At the beginning of the year, this was the only game in my ps3. Fantastic in every way APART from the map designs..those got old very quickly. Still, racking up numbers and playing the DPS game with a Siren is always fun.

  • A mini on the list? Yep.

    Essentially a tower defence game, I have sunk hours into this when i just wanted to relax with my psp. It's just a nice, relaxing game that came with PSPlus.

  • As i said, I'm not big on FPSs and even more so not big on online FPSs, so i was in for a shock with how much i enjoyed TF2. Being a spy, I like winding people up causing them to immolate their whole areas and spread paranoia everywhere. stab stab stab.

  • ...hmm. I prefer Relic RTS games (Homeworld 2 being my favourite) but i cannot deny that mechanically this is a wonderful game. Shame about the storyline and the insane amount of dedication people have to the online. Also i'm a zerg player and being shafted every 5 mins by reapers or void rays is pretty boring. Whoever builds fastest (at least i my level of play..which is pretty low) wins. Thats not cool.

  • I'm going with the original over the sequel..just because I prefer it. I don't like what Street Fighter has become, nor the elitism that has spawned around it in some areas. Blazblue may not be as technical or revered but for me, I emphasise me, it's the far better game. Perhaps I don't know how to play a fighter without air dashes anymore?

  • Does this game have a ton of issues (none of which have anything to do with the shooting mechanics)? Sure. Does it detract from the overall game? No, not really. I had no bugs and no problems with the shooting mechanics while playing this through. A great attempt at something a little different in the WPRG collective. It's a shame we will probably never see a sequel.

  • Speaking of no sequels...I played through EDSR once again and I still love that game. Having my head suddenly fall off while running from Lovecraftian monsters is probably all thats needed for me to enjoy a game.


    I'm one of the few people who eschews the dash slide...I think it doesn't really work within the way I play the game. Otherwise it's nigh on perfect for what it is...if it was any longer I think it would probably wear out its welcome.

  • I still haven't finished this. I really need to at some point.

    One of the better stories committed to a videogame, and one of the more likeable main characters, and no I haven't tried the karaoke yet.

  • If there ever was a series (beyond Legacy of Kain) that needs to return in full HD, Viewtiful Joe is it. Imagine this as a PSN downloadable. With Trophies. In HD.

    Just think about that for a minute.

  • A late comer to the party, I found Bioshock 2 to be a massive improvement over the first in every department..and yes that includes the story. At no point was I particularly taken in by the original's plot..I thought it was trying too hard and the narrative suffered for it. That wasn't the problem here...and Sofia Lamb has to be one of the most repulsive villains of the year.

    Minerva's den is also very good.

  • Cramp in my fingers playing it on my keyboard..on my mac.

    that pretty much sums up SMB.

  • Sooooo good. Like SMB it strips away all of the nonsense that pervades modern videogaming and gives you pure unadulterated fun in return.