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@humanity: You can also turn on a "vacuum" mode where you'll just suck up any raw materials that you walk near, though I don't know if it works for opening drawers and cabinets.

I've turned on hold instead of mash like most people who are absolutely sick of mashing buttons to open doors hiding loading screens and break out of combat. I'm going to wait for NG+ before I really dig into the very fine tune options for stuff like combat and supplies.

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I also turned it off because half of the images it took are of loading screens, black screens, or menus.

It's a neat idea, but the automation doesn't work well. It'd be better maybe if it took 5-10 second clips of whatever you do around the trophy popping.

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@fourthline: For other platforms to stream on - there's obviously Twitch. But you can also stream to Discord if you want to keep it private and just for your friends. It works very well, there's almost no latency compared to Twitch even at the free level of Discord.

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I love how Big Chris Redfield makes him sound like a defender for a Premier League team like Liverpool or Spurs. Big Chris out on a night on the town after winning the league.

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I get what Jeff Cannata meant when he brought up Schindlers List, in the poorly suited place for nuance that is Twitter. I thought it was fairly obvious he meant that Schindlers List is an uneasy movie to watch and that TLOU 2 is an uneasy game to play. He's not the only person to say that it's an uneasy game to play.

But Twitter is the "telephone game" of how poorly messages are received. Even after he tried to clarify what he was saying, people think he's saying something else. It's an impossible game to win so you should just not play.

Nobody wins in this or comes out looking well. I respect the work Schreier and I've enjoyed his articles and books, but he came across entirely too confrontational and he wasn't interested in any sort of discussion with either of the Sony guys, instead immediately playing the work conditions trump card.

I cannot believe that Sony still allows guys at the head of studios have personal Twitter accounts that don't have every tweet be proof read by PR people first.

And attitudes like "lol another zombie game" is just really not constructive in any way. @sweep said it very well earlier in this thread, you cannot be a voice for pushing the merit of video games and their achievements as a medium of interactivity that's unmatched by any other format and then just say "lol but it's a zombie game mate, so whatever".

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@zelyre: Talisman is the best worst game. We're currently playing on TTS a master game of it using every single expansion. My favourite talisman story is about how my friend played his first game, got to the Crown of Command and was a single dice roll away from winning. I was moving around the City board and pulled some card called "Taxes". Because he didn't have 2g to pay the tax, he got put in jail. It was such bullshit.

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@terminallychill said:

^^ I really want to try Wingspawn but copies are currently way overpriced b/c it's sold out haha. I know there is a digital version coming to steam but is there a tabletop sim or something that has it?

I don't know about any tabletop simulator versions, but I thought I saw it on Amazon for the MSRP. There are still people trying to scalp it for hundreds of dollars, though, which is weird.

There is both an official tabletop sim DLC for Wingspan as well as a planned stand alone release for the game on Steam.

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There's a game I really like and so does my partner called Escape the Dark Castle. It's a co-operative game that tells a story as you play it of prisoners trying to escape a castle. Similar to a choose your own adventure game. It's short, fun and highly replayable.

Someone will recommend or mention Fog of Love so I'll get it out of the way. This can be a great, or a terrible game to play with your significant other. It's exclusively a 2 player game, so it's perfect. Except the entire point of the game is to control two people in a relationship and the sort of real world scenarios they end up in. It's a great co-op game, unless its the sort thing that might open up wounds when you have to visit your in game partners mother in law and you try get out of it.

Bärenpark is a great little game about building a zoo, it's fun and the game itself looks great.

You could also consider something like a two player starter set for card games like Magic or Keyforged. Keyforged is a good one because every single deck is unique and there's no deck building, so your deck is your deck.

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I could be wrong about this, but everyone who had the OG Java version was given a Bedrock edition for free when MS bought the company. It's very possible that lots of people with the OG version just never continued playing Minecraft at all or just stuck with the Java version but still get counted as part of the player base.

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@turambar: Literally just trying to provide my support but ok go off on one.

I'll leave this thread to the Americans. Good luck.