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#1  Edited By Kojdog

I ordered these really awesome whole smoked shrimp from Sweden.  UPS shows up (very uncharacteristically) between 10am and 12pm on the day of delivery.  Of course, I'm not home.  The fiasco continues for 3 days despite notes on my door to leave the package and after this the shrimp goes all the way back to Sweden.  I get a nasty email from the vendor, I don't get my awesome smoked shrimp, and over 50 shrimp die needlessly and rot in the back end of a UPS truck.  Fucked.   
Sorry about ME2.  I'm still waiting for my copy in the mail.

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#2  Edited By Kojdog
I want to address your second point though: PC market is not shrinking due to sheer volume of PC's being sold (if I understand you correctly).  It stands to reason from personal experience that the majority of these PC sales are not sporting high-end graphics cards and particularly so since many of these sales are not desktops.  This means the hardware is generally weak and likely behind current console standards for the average PC being sold. 
Your first argument seems to be the following: the cost is not the only factor since these parts deliver higher resolution and frame-rate.  Seems that this is a moot point in the current argument because, as many other posters have pointed out, you may rather hook this thing up to a TV and sit on your couch.  If that's not the case you are in a small but important minority and will continue to be in such a position for the forseeable future.  Akward multi-LCD setups aside, that TV is going to max out at 1080p and many of these televisions max out at 60hz.  As TV's and highdef standards evolve the demands on hardware will increase but consoles have a track record of stepping up to the plate just as PC's have (just on a much slower cycle).  Overpowered hardware is pointless and, really, for a similarly compelling experience, I need to run a minimum 24" monitor with a large speaker set that does nothing but play games and sit alone in my office in the dark.  I enjoy that but the rest of my house doesn't.  Point is, get peopless asses on the couch for the same money or cheaper and have an enjoyable experience that may involve the whole family (despite resolution and framerate being merely acceptable).   
We are becoming the modern equivalent of people that loved their C64's well into the early 90's and need to accept that.
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#3  Edited By Kojdog

Some of you and the OP have this wrong. However, let me preface this by saying that I love my PC and work as a tools engineer for my livelihood so you don't think I'm just hating on PC's:
A brand spanking new graphics card for your PC costs more than a brand spanking new console.  As long as the console has internet access and a reasonable interface the console is most comparable to replacing your entire PC every few years for the cost of a graphics card.  If you want to argue that PC's are on the bleeding edge then I challenge you to maintain the relevance and cost of a console by buying the best new PC components at the beginning, and only the beginning, of every new console cycle.  At first you'll maintain parity then the costs will go up as the PC becomes incompatible with new cards etc. and will eventually far outstrip console pricing.  At best you'll remain equivalent in computing power but the shrinking PC market seems to be shoving itself more and more into a high-end only corner so in rapid time your PC will be half-assed for the few major tech-demo and intensive strategy games that are released for it.   
My best hope for the OP's original sentiment is that consoles hurry up and start supporting a form of mouse if only for downloadable games (I'm pretty sure that's the only thing holding back a PSN Torchlight).  *Sigh*... I'm making myself sad.

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#4  Edited By Kojdog

Anyone play that kick ass hologram cowboy game (name eludes me) that was in casino arcades (Caesar's Palace Lake Tahoe, circa 1990 comes to mind)?   
That shit's the future.  We'll all have multi-thousand-dollar corner glass coffee tables in the future with Dragon's Lair - minus running on it with cowboys and geometrical shapes instead of Dirk and dragons.
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#5  Edited By Kojdog

Has nobody said that yet?  I was so struck by it that I made the mistake of telling my elderly parents about it in hopes that they might understand since my girlfriend and dogs refused to humor me.
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#6  Edited By Kojdog

Can someone please enlighten me as to why the 'Clerks' pic? 
Also, that's some bad news r.e. Bioshock.  I can only assume the single player must be fairly one-dimensional if they have to fall back on the antiquated crutch of deathmatch achievements for their bulk.
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#7  Edited By Kojdog

Thanks, and I'll definitely check out Sunnyvale in the future.  Any idea what teh San Mateo one is going to be called?   
Anywho, back to the "so what we doin' tonight?" conversation.
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#8  Edited By Kojdog

I'm in Berkeley and we've opted out of the Ferry Building mess in SF on this New Years and decided we want an arcade tonight.  Does anyone in the area know of something nearby?  We're trying to stay out of SF and don't really want to drive all the way to San Jose.  Suggestions? 

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#9  Edited By Kojdog
Maybe it's because I misunderstood Doom 1 but I found that D3 completely changed the direction of the series (to one I didn't like and found poorly executed).  I always took D1 as some Metal stylized version of Dead Space meets Dante's Inferno with Serious Sam action.  D3 felt more like Resident Evil 1. 
In any case, from my interpretation Doom 3 didn't continue the feel of the first two and also just failed to be a good game.  Others are completely welcome to opinions of their own, of course.
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#10  Edited By Kojdog

I would chalk it up to the size/distance of your TV.  I noticed the xbox menus did not look so good after upgrading my TV size as well.