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@topcyclist: I honestly wish Destiny would do a rollback like they did with World of Warcraft. I've heard so much about these games and in some of my game reviews from years ago I said Destiny 2 might be my favorite game of all time. I have a bad habit of saying every game is my favorite of all time. Still, I think if i could play the content and know a roadmap was coming over the course of a year. I would love to consume everything on the exact same time table of Destiny 1 and Destiny 2's roadmaps. I've played enough other games and am so sick of the marketing, podcasts, streamers, and my urge to consume it all. I just want one game that will fit on any stock harddrive with updates that already exist and are bug free. All of tears have been spilt about something not living up to the hype and have been fixed or the opinions to have turn a 180 (like they all do). Can we get a Destiny 1 reboot?

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Good read. I played the beta on Xbox but it was during a transition phase for me where I refused to buy anything multiplayer only. Even though something like Overwatch would absolutely be a game I would love i just refused to buy game that was attached to a xbox gold requirement (Im a never-pcPlayer-er). For me PUBG was the first and so far only multiplayer-only game I've ever purchased. I put about 750 hours into that game. I would have bought Battlefield 2042 and would be more willing to give games a try if there was single player component to fallback on.

In the Hunt I only played 2 matches and was pretty confused the whole time. Unfortunately, this game needs a boost from a games with gold, gamepass, or psplus free-mo. BUt i guess it's doing alright without me.

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@shaunage: game developer here, what would it take for YOU to get back into my game?

@mistersims: Yeah it's crazy that Epic Mickey was pretty okay. I'll go back to it one day. I want absolutely nothing to do with Kingdom Hearts. If they had done anything than what they did I might have played through all the 3.14 and 6.66 versions they came out with. That game should interest me. I do have the original on PS2 and if i do ever play one it will be that. I guess i'll give it a fair shake one day but someone went full geek on that series. Shame.

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@mindbullet: Streamers are the secret sauce. The Youtube algortithm, review embargos, and twitch streamers all converge at the same time. Look at a game like Apex Legends . That game was 1/4 of the multiplayer experience found in Titanfall 2, 0% of the single player experience in that it didn't have one, and 10% of the maps available. It was probably readily discounted to $20 or less. It was considered a strong title with a poor release schedule. However ninja secretly dropped that game back in February of 2019 and we have the zeitgeist of "free," and my best friend but he doesn't know it yet says this game is cool as he cashes a check to say such things. 3 years later that check was some well spent money.

Another thing is i think people want to beat a Souls-like as some sort of badge of honor. I beat Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order kinda because it's a souls-like. I tried sekiro and owned all the other souls besides demon souls because I want that merit badge. Everybody seems to be on board with this being one of the more accessible souls like so I will justify this purchase at some point down the line. Some of us are game-starved in that we want to explore new genres. I would kill to be in the top echelon of Fifa player or relevant on the Smash scene but those ships have sailed. I still want to game and some of the drugs don't get me very high anymore. So if somehow Elden Ring moves me then all of sudden I have 5 or 6 games to play next much like when i discovered AC:Black Flag well after 2013. I went back and devoured those other games and then proceeded forward at a nice cadence when i got caught up with Odyssey. Peaced out after that. Gaming is that infinite loop. Only other games can pull us out of one loop into the other. Elden Ring does that, or so i've heard.

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Sometimes the starts dont align in our multiplayer dreams. A new friend on a long plane ride doesn't have his link cable either. If only you had 1 more copy of a title you could finally own in Advance Wars. Maybe Destiny 1 on the 360 is no longer viable but you just got out of the pen.

For me, I've owned nearly all the handhelds and I can't never find anybody to play with locally. I truly think the most i ever did was play Mario Kart on the 3DS and 5 minutes of multiplayer on 3DS with lugi's mansion (i think). The Switch has played out no better. I'm never rooftopping it with Karens. Ever!! You?

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@facelessvixen: We are on the same wavelength about assassins creed. It's not that i don't care about that franchise it's about not caring about the location. At this point i don't think there is a location i care about, they've plumbed the death of them all. Maybe something like Gang's of New York or something during World War 2 in Berlin that doesn't devolve into aa first person shooter, per usual. I really don't want Assassins Creed Japan because that's going to give you SIFU or even Ghosts of Tsushima. Which aint exactly F.U.B.U.

As far as racing game go progression is almost as important as controls or a sense of speed. I remember the orginal Burnout 1 and 2 offered different cars very slowly. You might have only ended up with 7 or 8 cars but they all felt earned and slightly different. I think there has yet to be a racing game to nail story maybe Need for Speed The Run or Need for Speed Payback (speaking of games deemed bad by social media and me taking that at face value) could have done story in a racing game in a way GT7 never will.

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I swore off the Fifa Franchise in 2010 after years of playing it. I had N64 version, gamecube versions, xbox versions, and playstation. I had done pretty well with that until they decided to add a storymode in 2017. I was back on/off the wagon. Is there a game series that you vowed to never touch again? Being truthful with yourself, is there something that could bring you back? Or has something similar to my fifa experience happened to you?

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#8  Edited By mAAArii

@topcyclist: I don't think Sonic should stop. You never really stop in Mario Kart and the platforming exists with the ramps. My point, is that with Mario Kart in 1 play through of a race you learn the entire course, potentially see other routes, and can go an entire lap without hitting anything. If i play a level 3 or 4 times I'm setting all kinds of new records, maybe only experiencing slowdown due to cheap items in multiplayer (thank goodness there's no multiplayer in sonic... so problem solved). The platforming has always been clunk. I'm looking at your specific Sonic Colors reference and Sonic Generations and the platforming has to go. He is moving too fast to get all the coins unless you memorize the map like a Rock Band note highway. Got to go. Point, the speed in Mario Kart is great even at 50CCs. I can't wait to maybe get up to 200CC or even reverse course. Sonic is at 400CCs for some reason when it needs to be more at 75CC.

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N64 ushered in the era of multiplayer gaming that some of us have burning nostalgia for today. I've experienced everything from the SNES that I wanted to at that time and have no interest in a Star Fox, Mortal Kombat, FZero, or Street Fighter remasters from that era. I'm not a JRPG guy and i expect any site with a URL to skew heavily towards those games. Would I like to see most of the N64 better titles in today's context? Absolutely. The knock on N64 graphics is such a cheap shot. Square is overdoing the SNES but better look but diorama style to death now. If you like SNES better maybe read a book?

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#10  Edited By mAAArii

@topcyclist: I just think Mario Kart conveys speed and arcade action 10 times better than anything I have ever played in the 3D Sonic, specifically- im not loading up your list bud, games. 3D sonic games are all clunky and you move forward you get hit with spikes and then it just grinds to a halt. Maybe if 3D Sonic had levels that were like Mario Kart with 3 laps or repetition on the course so you are not encountering things for the first time, the true failing of sonic is you dont know what's around the bend. Yes Sonic Racing exists and those games are fine but I think an entire campaign could be done using the Mario Kart-ish formula for a regular old campaign, not racing. And they could have a great game. In summary Mario Kart is very competent in portraying speed. Yes, that is a multiplayer game. However, even a single player mode would be interesting with a big boss that followed you around. Every time i collect a coin in Mario Kart that could easily be a ring. It doesn't have to be a car it could be Keds. In summation of the summary i don't think Sonic does 3D very well at all where other games, in this case Mario Kart as an example from which many could be pulled, does a great job. I think the title alone is explanatory enough.

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