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#1  Edited By macandcheese

I realy liked the idea of avatar upgrades from getting achievements/gamerscore, I just dont like that  you cant see what people have gotton on games, there should also be  bonuses for getting perfect 1000 points on games.
Also I want more/better games using the avatars
Oh and the idea of spending gamerscore sounded cool even in they would never do it.

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#2  Edited By macandcheese

I'm really good at singing, I can even sing straight off a page of sheet music, all I need is the music and like 5-10 minutes

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#3  Edited By macandcheese
Austin said:
"HandsomeDead said:
"Austin said:
"JJOR64 said:
I prefer Phail."
I prefer you not posting."
There's no need for flaming dude, if this were Gamespot you would probably be suspended for a day or two..."
really  you think that was BAD, seriously.....I though it was funny
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#4  Edited By macandcheese

Hold on I just need to tell my friend that this page does exist, maybe he will let you join his penguin army.

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#5  Edited By macandcheese

The only issue with the whole yahoo and google thing is that google is attracting lots of worry about antitrust issues and if they did try and buy out yahoo or even if yahoo was threatened it could spark more from that issue.

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#6  Edited By macandcheese
Bulldog19892 said:
"The Mako was absolutely horrible. Those segments pissed me off to no end. Also, I though the weapons sounded really weak, and combat was unsatisfying. Seriously, I just shot a dude in the face with a shotgun at close range, I don't want to hear a dull thud and watch him fall down slowly, I want to hear a loud 'boom!' and see his head snap back as he slams into the ground. People underestimate the importance of weapon sounds and death animations. Also, the AI was terrible, and sprinting is way too fast. Yahtzee Croshaw put it best when he said: "The word 'clusterfuck' ceases to be adequate."

Oh, and the cover system was poorly handled, and almost entirely useless. I used cover maybe once through the course of the entire game. Really, you could nitpick the shit out of this game, but you'd be undermining the awesome story, atmosphere, music, and characters."

First off it wasnt a standard sprint mechanic it was meant to dash form cover to cover... so yeah it was fast, though I wont argue the fact that the side missions were boring and repetitive
Lastly if you were not using the cover mechanic then you obviously didnt play the game on hardcore or insanity level, I though it was a good system and you kinda needed it on hte harder levels of play.
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#7  Edited By macandcheese

I didnt get any games instead I got 4000 Microsoft points and I immediately bought castle crashers since I didnt have it.

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#8  Edited By macandcheese

Ubuntu, Open source Linux based OS, I first got it when my Vista crashed completely and a friend recommended it, its pretty good and there's fixes so I can still run most of my old programs just fine.

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#9  Edited By macandcheese
roushimsx said:
  • $600? Oh, I get it. You're the guy that's been living under a rock for the last year or two and didn't realize that there's $400 and $500 variations of the PS3 out there. For a 360 with a hard drive, you're going to be spending between $300 and $400
  • Xbox Live is compulsory if you want to play games online. Multiplayer is a major component of games these days and having to pay to play online raises the price of the 360 a good $50+/yr (cards are on sale on Amazon right now, though!). PSN doesn't come close to touching XBL (especially if you want to attempt to play Metal Gear Online), but it works well enough for the basic multiplayer that most people are attracted to.
  • Hopefully you have a wired connection or are intelligent enough to set up a wireless bridge, else you'll be footing the bill on an overpriced wireless network adaptor. It's pretty easy to set up a cheaper and more flexible alternative at less than half the price, but judging by how well that thing sells, a majority of people aren't smart enough to figure that out.
  • You can use/buy rechargable batteries, and that's fine. If you don't have them already then you're going to be footing the bill on those, else you can pick up something akin to the play and charge kit for another $20 or $30.

It's pretty hard for a 360 to red ring outside of the three year warranty. Those things fail way quicker than that."
  • There are still single player campaigns in most games and they are still fun the last time I checked, also you can find yr XBL cards on Ebay and Amazon for like $40 and even if you do have to shell out for XBL the service is good so its worth it.
  • Many people can run a wired connection in or they just go to a wiki for help.
  • Lastly the 360 comes with SPECIAL rechargeable battery that you can pug into the system with an included cord to recharge so you really don't  need to pay any extra there.

TwoOneFive said:
"people definitely want it, just the rest are cheaper. this time next year the ps3 will blow away the sales of the other systems "
Not really, economic crises dont resolve that quickly, maybe mid 2010 it will pick up.
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#10  Edited By macandcheese

Ohhh so Rare has time to set up contests and immortalize people in their game but no time to make the patch they promised SDTV users would be done almost 2 weeks ago.