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Wiki Points Report

Hello and welcome to MattyFTM's soon to be world famous Wiki Points Report. I've decided to do a semi-regular blog detailing what I've been doing to edit the site recently, and gained wiki points from. I'm hoping it may inspire new people to get involved in the wiki part of the site and/or be interesting for current wiki editors to see what I've been up to. Or failing those, It's a way to waste a small part of my life, which is something I'm always looking to do. So without further ado here is my Wiki Points Report.

Monkey Island

With the release of Tales of Monkey Island, and The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, I've been getting my hands dirty with some of the Monkey Island pages. For
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starters, I wrote a full plot summary of Episode 1 of Tales of Monkey Island: Launch of the Screaming Narwhal, and added a little bit to the gameplay section of the page. Also, I've written a couple of summary paragraphs for the the main location in the episode, Flotsam Island.

After that, I moved onto The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition. So far, having yet to complete the game, I've mostly stayed clear of the main wiki page, and have instead been focusing on images. While playing through the game, I have been taking screenshots, and uploading them. One even got used in Jeff's Achievement's Article.

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Zool, there's a game from my childhood. I remember playing it on the Amiga when I was a child. At the time I sucked at it. Anyway, this is one of the wiki pages I've been meaning to get to since the site launched. I had forgotten it for a long while, until a forum thread from FlamingHobo reminded me that the first edit I did on giant bomb was to create the Zool Character Page. This inspired me to go and write something on the completely empty game page.

Stop 'N Swop

While browsing the Recently Created Concept pages, I noticed someone had created a Stop 'N Swop page. That's a great concept, I thought, why didn't I think of that? But rather than sulking about not creating the page, I set about writing a detailed summary about what Stop 'N Swop was, and quotes from games that mention the infamous and mysterious Stop 'N Swop from Banjo Kazooie.

Sunderland AFC

Sunderland AFC are my beloved football team (soccer team to you weird Americans). After adding a bunch of concepts to the FIFA 10 page, and realizing that a bunch of football clubs have pages, I decided to create one for Sunderland. I added info about it's history, it's current state, and it's inclusion in games. I also added some info to the already exiting page about our stadium, The Stadium Of Light.
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Retro Points: Pandemonium 1 & 2

This is the part of my blog when I look back at edits I made a while ago. Today, it's Pandemonium! and Pandemonium 2 I'm looking at. These 2.5D platformers from the PlayStation era are a couple of games I have fond memories of. They followed Sorceress, Nikki and Jester, Fargus in their quests to save the world. Naturally, these games demand half decent wiki pages, so I set out to do just that by writing plot summaries and gameplay summaries for both. I even included a small segment about differences between the western and Japanese releases of these games.


That's it for this blog. I hope you at least partially enjoyed this blog. I don't know how often I'm going to do these blogs, I guess it'll depend on how much wiki editing I do. Or I might completely forget and never do them again, like I did with my top 30 games ever list. Either way, Goodnight Comrades.