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Death of Exclusives

So starting with the second to last E3 and leading up to now I have been increasingly frustrated with 'exclusive' promotions.  
I understand that there are developers and business deals to think about which results in some games being released only on one console or before/after it's release on the other console (The timed exclusive).  Thing is I don't get angry because I can't play Some of the Metal Gear games or God of War 3 or Killzone games.  I don't get all puffy when Halo or Fable comes out just for the Xbox.  Fact is, I own a Blu-Ray player and bought the Xbox at the time because the price was right.  THe PS3 price was not.  I have enjoyed some things that I guess are 'exclusive' or 'better' on the 360, and I suppose have probably enjoyed some things that were 'worse' on the 360.  
What really gets me is that "Fanboys" claim that these games coming out for one console or the other or mixed support levels for games between consoles have to do with anything other than developer preference and/or business deals.  In neither case do these have anything to do with console quantity.  Well, I suppose on some tertiary level they do, but I imagine it stays at that level. 
 Yeah so I'm a bit of a cynic.  But I've enjoyed game products.  Also I know PR wording of exclusives won't go away.  I just feel if the games community got together (sort-of Kum-ba-ya) and realized we all like games and aren't necessarily competing.  AND most importantly gave less fuel to the PR wording and more fuel to products being good, it might go away.  I feel gamers and journalists (and the intermixing) both are to blame.  
My proposal is we not give weight to PR usage of exclusives.  Not even when games are really exclusive.  Sure, not all of us enjoy owning all consoles, so sometimes a new game won't peak our interest because we can't play it.  But if we do away with some of the Halo/Killzone arguments and just focus on playing good games (and promoting/buying them) maybe the annoying exclusive talk would go away.
That is all.