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Chopper Gunner is cool and all..... but an AC130 is friggin scary

So now its time for me to be the 150th idiot who has posted a blog on their impressions about MW2s multiplayer! Aren't you all excited? Yes, yes you are. 
Basically, MW2 is the most complete multiplayer experience i have ever played. Theres little i could ask for to improve on it. IW did a great job.  Im playing the PC version and despite what people may tell you, its actually good. Alot of people come on here and complain that there are a million hackers, the lag is horrible, and you get disconnected all the time. I'd like to inform you they are wrong, Ive only seen one hacker in the 60 or so hours ive played, serious lag occurs in maybe 1 out of every 20-30 matches, disconnects are a little more common than most games, but 95 percent of the time, you can go through a dozen rounds without getting disconnected 

Yea i beat everyone! WOOOHOO, oh wait, im in second, sonofabitch.
Yea i beat everyone! WOOOHOO, oh wait, im in second, sonofabitch.
PC Specific tech issues aside, the game play is wonderful, with a few pet peeves that don't really hurt the overall experience. For one, Sniping is trickier now, not impossible, just harder, the maps are not really designed for it of course, but it is a little weird. I used to love sniping but now i feel like i really need to practice it to get good. Which is not really a bad thing, just something i need to figure out. Also, i get really annoyed by people who use akimbo weapons, they dont kill me any more than anyone else, they just get on my nerves for some reason when they do. And those akimbo shotguns are a little too powerful. My final little issue with the game is due to two maps, Underpass and Run Down. Underpass is too big and the weather effects make targetting enemys a hassle, on this map a thermal scope is a must. Rundown is just messed up, theres only three ways across the river and both of those ways are easily camped by the opposing team. But these are my only issues. 
Mixing and matching classes is what made call of duty 4 really interesting to me in comparison to COD2, this continues with MW2, only now i have trouble deciding on what to bring in with me. there are so many options it can cause a serious headache, but now you have the ability to create classes with their own "traits", you can have a stealth class, a runner class, or just class designed to fling huge amounts of explosives and grenades at the enemy. The fact that you now have unlocks for almost everything including perks means the carrot on a stick mechanic is more powerful than ever, there is always something else to get for your favorite gun. 
I could go on forever with what I like, but im going to skip ahead to the most interesting aspect of the game (and the reason for my title.), killstreaks. Killstreaks can totally adjust your play style. Set it up to give you a nuke and you will have to fight like a mad man to get those kills, give yourself a predator missile and a pavelow, and you set yourself up for a really good kill/death ratio.  The fact that killstreaks are now much more interactive makes them even more rewarding, no longer do you leave it up to the AI to decide how effective your kill streak is going to be, at the same time, kill streaks are somewhat riskier now, at least with the airdrop ones, if you call in an airdrop you better be prepared to watch your back because enemys are going to be gunning for you, and if you should bring in an emergency airdrop and the opposing team captures it. You can turn your team's victory into a defeat or vice versa. You also never know what you are going to get, and to get yourself killed trying to rescue a airdrop crate with nothing but a resupply in it can really ruin your day. What MW2 comes down to is it's decisions, do i want an Ac-130 or a chopper gunner, an Acog scope or a red dot sight, a SCAR or a FAL. By giving the power to the player IW makes a game that allows for limitless possibilities and experiences. And to think, i almost spent my money on Left 4 Dead.