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Damn you Treyarch

 Yea, you'll be staring at that explosion for awhile...
 Yea, you'll be staring at that explosion for awhile...
Treyarch has put me into tears, I suppose they are metaphorical tears, I'm not that addicted to call of duty, I don't even start shaking after not playing for 3 hours anymore. But Ive been having serious issues with Black Ops PC multiplayer in that it Freezes and than has to be ended via task manager. The first 40 hours of multiplayer were fine and then this issue began. It has made me seriously upset, but I cant say im angry at Treyarch for the technical Issues so much as angry that they made such a freaking awesome game and then made it unplayable for me personally. But most people seem to finally being having an ok time with it. Should I be angry at Treyarch?  
Regardless of whos to blame, the constant crashing and freezing was supposed to be fixed in the most recent patch. But alas, no... SO instead ive decided to write a blog about what ive been doing instead of Black Ops.  


  •  Space Station 13- As the person who had to create a page for this game, Im guessing most people on this site have no clue what its about... its basically a point and click adventure/action game, IN SPACE! Oh and its multiplayer only. Its a fairly accurate simulation of what would happen if 100 video gamers were put on a space station and told to not die for 40 minutes. Its a really fun game, each round is different and killing someone then trying to cover it up is crazy intense. Its janky as all hell curtosy of the BYOND engine but its still great. The main issue is that it was created and is run by members of the SOmething Awful Forums, and its clear that the "Goons" are not known for their intelligence/respect/skill at being admins. Ive been temp banned several times for things that were not my fault, but hey, ITS FREE! Rock Paper shotgun gave a good rundown of one man's experience with the game.
 Welcome to the future, theres alot of blood... and lag... and ghosts...
 Welcome to the future, theres alot of blood... and lag... and ghosts...

  • Battlefield Play4Free- Im not supposed to talk about this, but to be honest, it isn't worth talking about, but its in closed Beta and therefore is technically, FREE!
  • Realm Of the Mad God- A pretty sweet game, I'll let you play it for yourself, but its flash based, its an MMO, its a quick jump in and out game and has some great co-op play and a solid amount of depth. It also happens to be free.
  • Age of Empires Online- Got into the beta, as my all time favorite RTS game, im a little nervous about what they did to it. I haven't gotten a chance to play yet so I'll have to see but. It could be fantastic! Or terrible, all I know is that its FREE! Anyone have any thoughts on it? 

 Please be good.
 Please be good.

  • Face of Mankind- Another Free MMO, that Ive already written to much about. But it continues to be free and has some really neat ideas, things are quieter than they have been but I still have high hopes for this game if its ever put back on the market. 
  • Men of War Assault Squad beta- I almost forgot! This is a great RTS now in multiplayer Beta, its on Steam, all you need to do is click a button and your in. But its a ton of fun and superior in my opinion to Company of Heroes. (Maybe you cant compare them since COH has base building.)
I suppose this is the part where I write about real games that i've payed for, but I'll save that for later if I feel like saying anything about it, quick preview, Have you played Minecraft?