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The most fun I had in the STO beta, was at it's end.

So as you all know the STO beta is now over. I got to close it out with the Space Neon Lobsters, Jeff, Ryan, Vinny and Brad.  And it was at the end that STO showed how truly fun it could be. Many of you question the wisdom of people who buy lifetime subscriptions, and i cannot say that I will ever join that group, but what I do know is that STO gave me some of the best gaming moments i have had in a long time.   

No One partys like Space Neon......
No One partys like Space Neon......

The Lobsters Grouped up at Deep Space 9 at the start of the event, where we fought off a few klingon players, and spent most of our time dancing, an hour or so later we were at the Earth Space Dock, fighting off hordes of borg from a balcony overlooking what used to be a bunch of ship shops, we held them off well considering they were 30 something levels higher than us. When jeff Showed up, we all grouped up in the admirals office, and the rest you all know about from the video.  We messed around, typed SPACE NEON, in all caps, and said we were Oscar Mike while dancing in the middle of Borg filled hallways. That alone may be worth the 300 dollar lifetime Subscirption. We fought, we died (Alot) and we didn't care, we never had to make a corpse run, or worry about all our debuffs, and stats and whatnot, we just killed some borg, and loved every minute of it. (Star Trek online is my type of MMO.) 

Never surrender (There were more of us, most of us were dead by now though and waiting to respawn.)
Never surrender (There were more of us, most of us were dead by now though and waiting to respawn.)

Sure these events were a hell of alot more fun with the GB staff there to provide commentary, but nothing compares to fighting off an army of borg with a bunch of awesome people. ( And we used PHASERS, to fight BORG, in STAR FLEET command. How is that not awesome?)  I can't say im even a Star Trek Fan ( The newest movie and a few episodes of TNG are my only experience with the series.), but i found it absolutely wonderful. Even with a little bit of jankiness in game from all those borg (More than 300 in that area of the base alone, if you tried to run into the hallways you would encounter walls of the things,, as Jeff tried many times without success. i have no idea how many were in the other side of the base  .)  the game was still alot of fun, and the action was absolutely mindblowing.  And this wasn't even the space combat i was taking part in, which is arguably the game's greatest strength. 
All hail Jeff. ( I agree, the hero worship thing is kinda creepy, but the only other option was to dance, while waiting for the live stream to start.)
All hail Jeff. ( I agree, the hero worship thing is kinda creepy, but the only other option was to dance, while waiting for the live stream to start.)

Cryptic originally had me doubting if STO can even be considered an MMO, but after today, I realize, it will go on to be one of this year's biggest MMOs.  

We're Oscar Mike.
We're Oscar Mike.

So yea, if Cryptic can find a way to let moments like that happen in the retail game, then they most certainly deserve a ton of support. I might have to look into subscribing at some point this year as well...... 

I dance best when on fire.
I dance best when on fire.
I also took like 800 FRAPS screenshots that i now don't know what to do with, so here is one more. 

Lobsters.... Out
Lobsters.... Out