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15 things that I love about Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb Is awesome, here is why. 
Also, I want my list related site-achievements....... 
This is a weak list as I consider all these things equally awesome, but here goes nothing.

List items

  • He's kinda awesome...... and by love I mean love in a friendly sort of way.

    He's one of the most entertaining people on the internet today. He's quiet but when he does speak up and makes a point he's usually right.

  • They devoted an entire series of videos to one of the weirdest games of this console generation. Thats just plain stupid, yet I love it.

  • I still hate both anime and JRPGs, but at least the Endurance Run made me realize people who play games like this aren't totally out of their minds.

  • He has his own scandal named after him. If you look him up on Youtube you get videos of him speaking on Good Morning America in shorts. What else needs to be said?

  • Finally, the world can know that PC players do stuff to! Thank you Giant Bomb for tracking everyone's achievements, including us PC gamers.

  • God I love inside jokes, the Bombcast is chock full of them, and even if it took me awhile to figure out what the hell Jeff was talking about, I still found it hilarious.

  • Best Quick Look the site has ever had, when you bring in the entire GB crew, chaos insues, we see a little bit of each staff member's personalitys. Brad dies.... constantly, Ryan diabloically charges ahead, Jeff shows calm indifference, and Vinny just seems very confused.

  • What the hell is cryostatsis, and why is it so janky! It can't possibly be good. Dave explains why I am mostly wrong..... Now it all makes sense.

  • This game's quick look never should never should have been made, but because the GB crew thought otherwise, we we're given one of the most hilarious videos i've seen on the site.

  • TANG was a brilliant concept, and he sat through terrible movie after terrible movie just so we wouldn't have to, he's a hero in his own right.

  • Well I suppose he isn't actually part of Giant Bomb, but I sure do love when we get to hear from him on the occasional podcast.

  • Same reasons as above, the meaning of Mario Clock is forever changed in my mind.

  • There are others who play this game? REALLY! The Giant Bomb forums let me find out.

  • If it werent for Giant Bomb I would have missed out on the beta and being part of Space Neon Lobsters, the last day of the beta and the Live stream gave me some of the best gaming moments i've ever had.

    The game may not be perfect, but the people are awesome. Way to be GB.....