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Games I beat Q1 of 2011 part 1

I played and beat this all beacause Craig ( ) said he beat this game. yeah that is why I beat it. The jumping in the game sucks and that is all that sucks with the game. You play as Barbie in her dreams, you use bows and gems to solve puzzles to go foward in the level.

Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian  
I was going for 100k gamerscore and this game is easy points. Game is boring, Ben Stiller didn't do voice work for the game but why cant the person look like him more, I don't know why but to me that didn't look like Ben Stiller.

This is a ok game, besides getting lost a few times there are no problems with this game. The story is ok but lost my interst after some time. The multiplayer is fun but dead, takes 8 people to start a game and no one ever on. After playing this makes me want to try time shift.

Mass Effect 2  
My new pick for best game in 2010. It feels less RPGish that one and one is the game that got me in to RPGs. Even though it took me 60+ hours I feel that I still missed some things and want to play through it again. One part of the game where you meet up with Ashley kinda bugs me, SPOILERS! when the mission starts you see Ashley and people running from the hive. Ashley gets caught by the hive and shes a goner right? well at the end of the mission Ashley shows up fine and we get no explanation on how she is fine or what happened.

Sesame Street: Countdown  
I was bored and half a sleep when I wonder how clear was the voice in this game was. That night I was watching Angry video game nerd videos. I cant believe how crasp and clear the voice is in it.You play as the count finding number or objects of the number you are searching for in 8, 8 level ah ah ah.

Mario is Missing!  
Luigi has not had any good games with just him in it and this started it. I do remember renting this as a kid and not knowing that its a edution game.

Tiny Toon Adventures  
This game is great but switch to a other person like dizzy is hard you need to find this ball with a star on it. It plays mostly like SMB 3. Out of the other Tiny toon games I seen and played this one the best.

Sonic Blast  
Sonic on the Game gear doesnt work sonic is slow on them. With this sonic game sonic take up half the screen and its hard to see whats coming up. This game does have good graphs and a good legth.

Bible Buffet  
Board game with no real bible game feel to it. You can play alone but its boring to do so, it would have been nice if there was a AI player.

Boring board game cant remember that much about it.