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Best of 2010

MormonWarrior: Best of 2010

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  • I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times: Mass Effect 2 is the perfect sequel. It strips out the unnecessary components of the original and gets down to the nitty-gritty of what made Mass Effect great: story, drama, customization, and gripping action. It's still very much an RPG, but it's also a great shooter. There are no caveats to my recommendation for this game. Even if you hated the original game, you MUST check this one out. It'll be on the PS3 in a month, too, so you have no excuse. (P.S. I have an S rank on this game, all the mission DLC, and have beaten it twice. LOVE IT!!)

  • Not the lame cash-in I was anticipating. This is a freaking amazing AAA title that is full of ingenious level designs, creative and varied objectives, and it just runs with every good idea that exists at Nintendo. I have blathered on forever about how if Super Mario Galaxy (2007) was a woman I'd marry it, and the sequel delivers big time as well. My GOSH I wish all of the Wii's library was more like this. Or that the Xbox 360 had games like it.

  • Just my kind of game. Super hard platforming that I'm great at - this is the kind of game I grew up with, and it makes me laugh and smile when I hit an especially tough level. I can totally understand other people not enjoying or understanding it as much.

  • I really love the story and characters of Alan Wake, and it's a game that's stuck with me throughout the year since its release. The gameplay is good too, though it does wear a little thin. The atmosphere and execution of Alan Wake are what make me love it so, despite its flaws.

  • Tightly paced character action with loads of style. I really don't appreciate the random strong language in the cutscenes (how easy would it be to allow a censor option? I dunno...Gears did it...) but the game is super ridiculous and fun. I really dig Ninja Gaiden and the like, so this is perfect for me. Japanese gaming at its finest. Most elaborately freaking ridiculous ending of any game I've ever played.

  • The pro keys mode is disappointing, but this is still the tightest music package out there. Just a couple of tweaks to how created characters and bands work and the addition of actual musical notation for the pro keys would make it perfect. And a keys update for The Beatles and older downloads, like Steely Dan and Journey.

  • Enslaved packs an interesting story and a (very) small cast of characters into a fun, beautiful action-adventure game. I really enjoyed most of what Enslaved had to offer.

  • Eery, moody, and just plain awesome. It looks neat and packs a lot of punch in its short 2-3 hour length. Very surprising.

  • A very fun platforming romp from Retro Studios. It's filled with variety, looks great, and is mostly a good sequel to those SNES classics. There's just a couple of nagging control issues that hold it back from being really amazing...some based on design and some based on the limitations of the Wii control scheme.

  • It's so entrancing...the complete antithesis of Super Meat Boy's platforming approach. It's easy, cute, and nearly guaranteed to put a smile on your face. It's also great fun for some completely inexplicable reason. A good year for the Wii, to be sure.