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If that caught your fancy, this one is pretty rad. It's Leap Motion (the crappy motion sensor) with a new update that makes it pretty damn rad. VR demo.

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I kinda think I like how Nintendo just doesn't give a fuck about E3. If I was nintendo I wouldn't care much about E3 either. The last 5ish years or so the western audience has been really hostile to Nintendo as a whole (eventhough there have been some great games) that it seems the market might as well just wait for the NX. Nintendo will reap very little benefit from showing up at E3 and should probably just skip it, leave the people craving more instead of showing up to be laughed at.

People don't need to witness the last death throes of a failed platform.

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Edited By MostlySquares

I hope Oculus just goes silent until they have something to sell. Right now they produce something like 300 HMDs per day, with no motion controllers, and they're somehow still the face of VR... They should absolutely not be the face of VR.

As Jeff said, Facebook is not a hardware company.

At present, Oculus could be summed up as "Startup fails at delivering product." Hardly rare.. Add kickstarter and facebook into the mix and the current debackle kinda makes perfect sense..

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Gotta say, those were some wonderful gifts right there!
All of this makes me want to check out Gundam just to have an excuse to build a kit..

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It very much is snuuuker. Snucker sounds completely insane, so I would prefer you continue saying snucker. That goes for you too, Dan. You're an American now, you have to start pronouncing words wrong.

Snooker is cool.
Err, snucker is cull.

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PS4.5 sounds like a great idea to me. Consoles used to work like this:

First 2 years, nothing happens, very few reasons to buy the console. Then you get 3 years of awesome stuff, then you get two more years of shaky PC ports at 30ish FPS, Fallout4 style.. That's 4 years down the shitter, and then the PS5 comes out and you get two years of no games again and then 3 years of awesome, two years of crap PC ports, new console, 2 years of nothing and so on and so on.

This has always been a huge bummer about consoles. If I can buy a new console that can run everything that came out already, that's super awesome. I loooooved that about the Vita. You feel like you get awesome value for your purchase because there's actual stuff to do on your brand spanking new console.

I've held off on buying a console this generation because they took a long time to take off, and now they're underpowered as fuck compared to PCs so they are way less tempting at this point.. An upgraded PS4 is suuuuper compelling to me.

399 every 3 years is about 11 bucks a month.. I'm fine with that, seeing as I pay 13-1500 bucks every 3-4 years for a new PC.

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Can not wait for "leaders" to get replaced by AI. So fucking tired of the bad ideas of humans at this point. The bullshit Alex st. John and others peddle makes my skin crawl.

No one is going to suffer from leaders disappearing. People "on the floor" have a deeper understanding of the process than leaders most of the time, and this holds true in all businesses. People on the floor have often worked for the company years longer than whatever leader comes in to "save the day". Everyone thinks they're the Benz, they're not.

Hire clever people, throw the leadership out the door. An AI scheduler doesn't demand crunch, and it would be infinitely more effective than a human when it comes to delegating work.
Humans can't deal with having power. The risk of humans turning feral once they get to boss people around is HUGE.

Also, the best tool to deal with situations like this is leaking recordings of meetings etc. People like Alex love attention, but only a certain kind. Let these people face their shame head on. Make their twitter feeds glow red with fury!

And for the love of jebus, stop listening to "authority". Everyone is just a fancy monkey, take no shit from no one.

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Not sure why people don't want the breakout box for VR. If you move too far away, you pull the breakout box around a bit. If it's hooked to the PS4, you'll yank that right down on the floor. PS4 will take more damage than a black box with nothing but solid state components.

Also, you don't want more stuff in your console than is needed due to heat. The breakout box generates a bit of heat (not because it's high performance, but because it's running ful tilt doing what it does (unwrap picture for TV and do the 3D sound) ).. You don't want more heat generating devices in your box, essentially. The breakout box is here to stay. It comes with the PSVR even. not like they're going to make yet another PSVR bundle without the breakout box.. Giving us a total of 4-6 different bundles (and that's not even taking the game+PSVR bundle deals into account.. All of which would need to come in both breakout and non breakout box varieties.. And that would be silly.

So happy they upgraded everything and not just GPU as was rumored first. That would be a pointless endeavor.. Particularly seeing as the PS4 has an APU with CPU (8 cores of 1.6ghz chips) and GPU in one.. If you swap one, you might as well swap the other, because baking 4 year old gpu tech into an APU with a new cpu seems duuuumb.. A completely new APU would have to be designed anyways, and it would not cost more to put a higher end newer gpu in there. Since the PS4 APU was made, we've moved down a die size, so they probably want to take advantage of that, making an old GPU even more unlikely to be the solution..

Anyhoo, I am fucking AMPED for this new PS4. Haven't bought one yet, but if a 4 year cycle is what Sony is doing now, I am on fucking board! That's the kind of stuff that would possibly make me ditch my PC.

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What you said about people who are amped for VR is that they see where it's going. Those who think it's going to be tech demos forever just don't remember much of how games developed. I can get it if you got into games in 2005 or so, games have been the same since then.. But the first generations of consoles had a RIDICULOUS pace of development, and that was fucking intensely exciting. If we get even a fraction of that experimental era with VR it's worth getting in early. The next three years will probably be the most exciting time for VR. Every couple of months there's a leap, and the leaps will give you a brand new experience every time.

Contrast this with your newest console.. How many "oh my god.. This is so fresh!!!" experiences have you had? Not a ton? Me neither :/

The 2600 of VR is already far more exciting to me than the previous 10 years of games. Aside from the indie gold that we've seen for the past 5 or so years, nothing really changed in the last decade of gaming. Endless mill of WoW and CoD knockoffs, stupid music games, deluge of match 3 mobile games.. The perfection process of the MOBA.. That's about it.. Been starved for "new" for so long.

Dreams from Media Molecule and other UGC games will be fucking amazing for VR and they have me more excited than anything else right now. Excited to see what people brew up when being given near limitless freedom to create. Excited to see what different groups make, maybe we'll get a Giant Bomb Dreams dev group going where we can share and check out eachother's creations and whatnot. Twitch game-jams etc. The potential for awesome has never been greater.

That should be enough fanatical VR evangelizing for today.. :D

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Great article, and very important.

Being from Europe, viewing the union busting that went on in the US (and still goes on today) is fairly absurd. Americans have essentially been told that unionizing hurts companies and often gets conflated with communism. There's some really fucked up propaganda that's been repeated for so long that Americans truly lost all concept of what a Union actually does.

Hope people take your article to heart and maybe read some more on the interwebs. If you want to really get fucking furious, google Union busting in the US. Everything from stealth takeovers of unions to outright sending in the national guard to kill off workers.. It's been fucking insane.
Wikipedia is a good source for a timeline and quick intro to the goings on.