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365 Game To Play Before You Die - #87-99: It's Back

365 Games To Play Before You Die

I haven't updated this blog in a long time but now I'm back and (I hope) this will be back on a regular schedule (doubt it).

Previous 5 Games

Full List

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#87: Diablo

Platform(s): PC and Mac
Release: 1997
Developer(s): Blizzard
Best Quote: (after clicking on a cow) 'I'm not thirsty'
GB Wiki Page

The game that popularised the action-rpg/hack-and-slash/loot-whoring genre. Diablo II is, for me, the better game in the series but it's always good to see it's predecessor and how it was influenced. 

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#88: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Platform(s): PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2 and PC
Release: 2007
Developer(s): Neversoft, Vicarous Visions, Aspyr Media and Budcat Creations
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page

Why not Rock Band or the new GH games you ask? Well, simply because this is the only guitar-based rhythm game I've played and I had a lot of fun doing so.
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#89: Borderlands

Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360 and PS3
Release: 2009
Developer(s): Gearbox
Best Quote: 'I don't like that guy! He messed up my momma's girl parts!'
GB Wiki Page

It might be only a few months old but I've already put at least 50+ hours into it. Any game which I've spent that much time on automatically goes into my list.

Borderlands just combines all the best bits of multiple genres into one solid package. The art style also helps to keep you engaged and I've got to give a big thumps up to Gearbox for making the decision to change it mid-way through development, one of the best choices they could've made.

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#90: Beyond Good and Evil

Platform(s): PC, Xbox, PS2 and GC
Release: 2003
Developer(s): Ubisoft
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

One of those gems that unfortunately never got the commercial reception it should have. Hopefully we get some more news on BGaE2 soon.

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#91: Final Fantasy IX

Platform(s): PS1
Release: 2000
Developer(s): Square
Best Quote: 'The only scoundrels here are you and your fat queen!'
GB Wiki Page

This game marks the passing of 1/4 of list so I've saved it for one of my all time favourite games, FFIX is a true classic and my tied favourite Final Fantasy game (the other is gasp... FFXII).

Everything about the game just encapsulates what I like about the Final Fantasy series: an enchanting world, likeable characters, fun bosses and a great JRPG experience.  

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#92: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Platform(s): GC
Release: 2003
Developer(s): Nintendo
Best Quote: 'Hoy, small fry!'
GB Wiki Page

I love cel-shaded graphics.

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#93: Medal of Honour: Allied Assault

Platform(s): PC and Mac
Release: 2002
Developer(s): 2015
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

Before there was COD the was MOH. Before there was IW there was 2015. The guys from 2015 left to form IW and the MOH series fell by the wayside. That's all in the future because Allied Assault was released in 2002 before the WW2 shooter genre became over saturated and it was a great, fast-paced FPS.

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#94: Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

Platform(s): PC, Mac, PS1 and Saturn
Release: 1995
Developer(s): Blizzard
Best Quote: (Two-headed Ogre) 'All right.' 'No, I'm hungry.'
GB Wiki Page

Again, the successor is better but it wouldn't have existed without Warcraft II.

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#95: Jazz Jackrabbit

Platform(s): PC
Release: 1994
Developer(s): Epic
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

It's still even hard for me to believe that Cliffy B made this. A fusion of Sonic's speed and Mega Man's shooting, JJ was a novel, vibrant platformer that I played many years ago and it still brings back fond memories.

It's shareware now so download it and experience it for yourself.

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#96: Bejeweled

Platform(s): PC, iPod, Mobile and Xbox
Release: 2001
Developer(s): PopCap
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

PopCap are the masters of making addictive puzzle games.

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#97: Picross DS

Platform(s): DS
Release: 2007
Developer(s): Jupiter
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

I could have chosen any picross game because the basic concept always stays the same. Another one of those I'll play for 5 minutes and then it turns out to be an hour puzzlers.

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#98: Audiosurf

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2008
Developer(s): Dylan Fitterer
Best Quote: Whatever your favourite song lyrics are
GB Wiki Page

A game that uses your music as the levels and the soundtrack, it was always going to be great.

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#99: Battlefield 2

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2005
Developer(s): DICE
Best Quote: 'I need medic quick, do you copy?'
GB Wiki Page

I miss the days of huge multiplayer FPS's. Maybe BF3 will bring it back.
99 down 266 to go.


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Edited By mracoon

365 Games To Play Before You Die

I haven't updated this blog in a long time but now I'm back and (I hope) this will be back on a regular schedule (doubt it).

Previous 5 Games

Full List

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#87: Diablo

Platform(s): PC and Mac
Release: 1997
Developer(s): Blizzard
Best Quote: (after clicking on a cow) 'I'm not thirsty'
GB Wiki Page

The game that popularised the action-rpg/hack-and-slash/loot-whoring genre. Diablo II is, for me, the better game in the series but it's always good to see it's predecessor and how it was influenced. 

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#88: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Platform(s): PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, PS2 and PC
Release: 2007
Developer(s): Neversoft, Vicarous Visions, Aspyr Media and Budcat Creations
Best Quote: None
GB Wiki Page

Why not Rock Band or the new GH games you ask? Well, simply because this is the only guitar-based rhythm game I've played and I had a lot of fun doing so.
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#89: Borderlands

Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360 and PS3
Release: 2009
Developer(s): Gearbox
Best Quote: 'I don't like that guy! He messed up my momma's girl parts!'
GB Wiki Page

It might be only a few months old but I've already put at least 50+ hours into it. Any game which I've spent that much time on automatically goes into my list.

Borderlands just combines all the best bits of multiple genres into one solid package. The art style also helps to keep you engaged and I've got to give a big thumps up to Gearbox for making the decision to change it mid-way through development, one of the best choices they could've made.

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#90: Beyond Good and Evil

Platform(s): PC, Xbox, PS2 and GC
Release: 2003
Developer(s): Ubisoft
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

One of those gems that unfortunately never got the commercial reception it should have. Hopefully we get some more news on BGaE2 soon.

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#91: Final Fantasy IX

Platform(s): PS1
Release: 2000
Developer(s): Square
Best Quote: 'The only scoundrels here are you and your fat queen!'
GB Wiki Page

This game marks the passing of 1/4 of list so I've saved it for one of my all time favourite games, FFIX is a true classic and my tied favourite Final Fantasy game (the other is gasp... FFXII).

Everything about the game just encapsulates what I like about the Final Fantasy series: an enchanting world, likeable characters, fun bosses and a great JRPG experience.  

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#92: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Platform(s): GC
Release: 2003
Developer(s): Nintendo
Best Quote: 'Hoy, small fry!'
GB Wiki Page

I love cel-shaded graphics.

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#93: Medal of Honour: Allied Assault

Platform(s): PC and Mac
Release: 2002
Developer(s): 2015
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

Before there was COD the was MOH. Before there was IW there was 2015. The guys from 2015 left to form IW and the MOH series fell by the wayside. That's all in the future because Allied Assault was released in 2002 before the WW2 shooter genre became over saturated and it was a great, fast-paced FPS.

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#94: Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness

Platform(s): PC, Mac, PS1 and Saturn
Release: 1995
Developer(s): Blizzard
Best Quote: (Two-headed Ogre) 'All right.' 'No, I'm hungry.'
GB Wiki Page

Again, the successor is better but it wouldn't have existed without Warcraft II.

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#95: Jazz Jackrabbit

Platform(s): PC
Release: 1994
Developer(s): Epic
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

It's still even hard for me to believe that Cliffy B made this. A fusion of Sonic's speed and Mega Man's shooting, JJ was a novel, vibrant platformer that I played many years ago and it still brings back fond memories.

It's shareware now so download it and experience it for yourself.

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#96: Bejeweled

Platform(s): PC, iPod, Mobile and Xbox
Release: 2001
Developer(s): PopCap
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

PopCap are the masters of making addictive puzzle games.

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#97: Picross DS

Platform(s): DS
Release: 2007
Developer(s): Jupiter
Best Quote: -
GB Wiki Page

I could have chosen any picross game because the basic concept always stays the same. Another one of those I'll play for 5 minutes and then it turns out to be an hour puzzlers.

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#98: Audiosurf

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2008
Developer(s): Dylan Fitterer
Best Quote: Whatever your favourite song lyrics are
GB Wiki Page

A game that uses your music as the levels and the soundtrack, it was always going to be great.

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#99: Battlefield 2

Platform(s): PC
Release: 2005
Developer(s): DICE
Best Quote: 'I need medic quick, do you copy?'
GB Wiki Page

I miss the days of huge multiplayer FPS's. Maybe BF3 will bring it back.
99 down 266 to go.
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Edited By Jeust

Nice post man!
Though Diablo isn't as necessary to play as all that, if you played D2.
I want to see the list to the end. 
Keep it up!

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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Great additions to the list.  Love me some Diablo, but I'll agree that its sequel did everything in a much better fashion.
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Edited By skrutop

I liked Guitar Hero 2 much more than the 3rd one.  FF12 was also my favorite of the franchise, but I didn't really care for FF9 all that much.