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#1  Edited By mrfluke

id hate to be the guy thats doing episode 5 cause damm, the implications that gary left it at, could make episode 5 a powerhouse

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#2  Edited By mrfluke

worked fine for me

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#3  Edited By mrfluke

next ep has the most serious of potential to be very powerful, so im very glad i didnt get no next time.

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#4  Edited By mrfluke
@JazGalaxy said:

@mrfluke said:

@StriderNo9 said:

@Demoskinos: @Demoskinos said:

@adam1808 said:

@Demoskinos said:

@ajamafalous said:

@adam1808 said:

@Demoskinos said:

@adam1808: Because they are fun and thats kind of the point of videogames?

Can they be fun in a way that won't make me hide the box when real people are visiting?

I lol'd, because, yeah, that's so true.

I guess that might be the case if you are really insecure.

I have boundless admiration for anyone who can explain why they like Dead or Alive to someone who doesn't play games and not be given a strange look.

I've never been ashamed of enjoying videogames, but there's a limit and DOA is it. If it's still a fun game then put those mechanics in a wrapper that isn't so pandering.

Dude, if you care about what other people think of you then you are insecure.

Agreed, what's the big deal. Hide this from people? I'm not 12.

Agreed, like seriously people like this, and the sensationalist press outlets that make such a big issue over these stupid things.........

"UHHHH. THE GIRLS HAVE BIG TITIES", ok, for the most part (with probably the exception of tina) most of the chicks pretty much have realistic proportions, they are not common everyday proportions but they are realistic, heck my brother once dated a girl that was the splitting image of Lisa.

"THE CHARACTERZ BOOBZ BOUNCE WEIRD" im gonna guess this was just a layover from past games and they just keep on doing it cause its part of Doa, cause like it or not, this stupid little thing to the very least contributed to the games success, and cmon take a step back and realize that its fake videogame chicks boobs bouncing, FAKE, NOT REAL, DIGITAL, IMAGINARY, anyone thats held a real chicks breast knows that they don't go all crazy like that.

if these reasons are seriously bothering you from playing the game then you are insecure and you need to leave the internet and experience life a bit more.

I think the breast bouncing is fascinating becuase in the next generation I would hope to see that kind of technology applied to whole bodies, in most games. The problem with DOA5 is that isntead of a momentary jiggle, it's like the surface of the ocean. It just keeps going and rarely ever stops.

I still think it adds quite a bit to the characters, though.

eh i dont think i can agree with you fully on that point on that it adds quite a bit to the characters., but i do at least see where you are coming from in that its fascinating that its even a thing. 
Personally i think if they so want to get "the physics" right, then they need to go truly "hands on",  cause as much as they had said they went hands on for this game, they sure as hell didnt
hire some Japanese AV women (id imagine those would be the only women that would be willing to do their hands on tests and the quickest way to find chicks with doa proportions)  and specifically do performance capture on their chests. and if the US Press bothers them once Doa 6 rolls around,  then just come out clean and essentially say something along the sorts of " fuck you guys we love boobs, if you have a problem with it, then dont buy it, we're gonna do our thing"
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#5  Edited By mrfluke

with the way how reactionary this new team ninja is to fan feedback, i wouldnt be surprised if they removed the stupid bounce, or to the very least go full on weird and get truly "hands on" and get some Japanese AV chicks and put mo cap stuff on their chests and just come out and say "fuck you all we love boobs" XD

personally i dont care, im more glad that they cleared up the whole "hayate!, hayate!"  thing kasumi and ayane kept spouting in the previous games story modes cause that in the past games did come off creepy, (hence in this game ayane address hayate as "master hayate" and

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#6  Edited By mrfluke

@StriderNo9 said:

@Demoskinos: @Demoskinos said:

@adam1808 said:

@Demoskinos said:

@ajamafalous said:

@adam1808 said:

@Demoskinos said:

@adam1808: Because they are fun and thats kind of the point of videogames?

Can they be fun in a way that won't make me hide the box when real people are visiting?

I lol'd, because, yeah, that's so true.

I guess that might be the case if you are really insecure.

I have boundless admiration for anyone who can explain why they like Dead or Alive to someone who doesn't play games and not be given a strange look.

I've never been ashamed of enjoying videogames, but there's a limit and DOA is it. If it's still a fun game then put those mechanics in a wrapper that isn't so pandering.

Dude, if you care about what other people think of you then you are insecure.

Agreed, what's the big deal. Hide this from people? I'm not 12.

Agreed, like seriously people like this, and the sensationalist press outlets that make such a big issue over these stupid things.........

"UHHHH. THE GIRLS HAVE BIG TITIES", ok, for the most part (with probably the exception of tina) most of the chicks pretty much have realistic proportions, they are not common everyday proportions but they are realistic, heck my brother once dated a girl that was the splitting image of Lisa.

"THE CHARACTERZ BOOBZ BOUNCE WEIRD" im gonna guess this was just a layover from past games and they just keep on doing it cause its part of Doa, cause like it or not, this stupid little thing to the very least contributed to the games success, and cmon take a step back and realize that its fake videogame chicks boobs bouncing, FAKE, NOT REAL, DIGITAL, IMAGINARY, anyone thats held a real chicks breast knows that they don't go all crazy like that.

if these reasons are seriously bothering you from playing the game then you are insecure and you need to leave the internet and experience life a bit more.

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#7  Edited By mrfluke

@Jayzilla said:

@UltimAXE said:

I'm totally down for what is basically a sequel to MK9, because I loved that game.

Too much Batman going on, though. We have - what - Batman, Nightwing, Catwoman, Harley, and the Joker.

well batman is the Dc series with the most mainstream appeal due to the arkham games and the nolan movies and the amazing old cartoon.

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#8  Edited By mrfluke

yea pretty much

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#9  Edited By mrfluke

cant wait to see what gary whitta does to these characters.

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#10  Edited By mrfluke

@Demoskinos: it really isnt that bad, but like every press outlet that reviewed it just gets all bothered by it, its ridiculous