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VITA - Castlevania

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Will someone at Konami wake up and make an updated version of Symphony of the Night for Vita already?!? I just don't understand why all these companies are pushing the very limits of the VITA, rather than making fun games for it. The system would simply be the best out there if they would focus on games that are visually interesting on a 2D level rather than sub par to consoles on the 3D front. I just don't get Sony and the third party publishers pushing games for the VITA. I love the system but am tired of the watered down nature of the games coming out for it. We need more games like the latest Rayman, Castlevania, hell, even a rebooted Contra sidescroller would be outstanding.

So many great artistic games are coming out for the consoles and could easily work just as well on the VITA, but they just aren't there. Instead we're getting games like Resistance, that are fun, but too short, and flawed visually.

It seems so simple yet it's just not happening. 3D games are great, but something needs to change. Let's get back to the art, gameplay and discovery that made so many side scrollers of the past so outstanding!

In short... release Symphony of the Night 2 Konami!! Make it co-op, make it wi-fi compatible, and keep it a side scroller like you did for so many games on the DS, but just boost the visuals a tad. Then the VITA will be a winner!