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NinjaTard's forum posts

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#1  Edited By NinjaTard

I knew the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had been redone and was a lot less cheesy than I grew up with....but did anyone else see My Little Pony or Rainbow Bright at the local toy store lately? My Little Pony has become anorexic and Rainbow Bright is jail bait. What the hell?! I told my co-80s children buddies about this and they suggested I look into what happened to the Care Bears. Jesus no...not the Care Bears too! I did a google search and sure enough...they've been reimagined as 3D japanimation crap!
I guess this is when you realize you're old, your childhood starts being molested and recycled for a new generation. I didn't want to be old until I was in my 30s damnit!

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#2  Edited By NinjaTard

Apparently Giant Bomb has a blog for me and if I make a post I get a quest complete achievement. Fair enough, consider this my first blog post!

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#3  Edited By NinjaTard
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Definitely Maria from Silent Hill case anyone ever missed it I won't spoil anything but I was never satisfied with her character resolution. I bought the game a second time just to get her story mission, which is something I never do (Double Dipping for games).
Not to mention, I got a thing for ladies in animal print she and I have that going for us, which is nice.
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#4  Edited By NinjaTard

I like the sound of Irish/Scottish accents....but I would love to speak Russian because out here in the NW for some reason there are a TON of hot Russian girls. Don't tell my wife I said that.....

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#5  Edited By NinjaTard

@Chuggsy: Forgot about punching myself in the thigh...I do that a lot and have a bruise right now from, belive it or not, 1vs100 when I hit the button too fast and guessed the most obviously wrong answer. It was frustrating and ruined my over 20 streak which upset me greatly 
Otherwise, I feel like I must have had some good freakouts back in the old days with Mortal Kombat 2 or Street Fighter or something but I can't really recall specifics.  
However, I am a careful consumer so I usually rent before I buy. Well I had been looking forward to Matt Hazard for a while since it sounded like a cool concept but people were saying it maybe wasn't good at all so I decided to rent and not buy outright like I had planned. I paid $8 for a week with that game and on day 2 when I tried one time too many on the sniper in the dark room (I have blocked specifics of the game from my memory) I was shot dead again and I lost it. I had been talking to the TV for a while like it was somebody who cared and telling it that it was "cheap" and "fuckin' stop being a dick" and the usual but after this last death it was too much. I threw my controller at the wall and it dinged the drywall or whatever is underneath. The controller handle broke so I could see the vibration thingy inside. I let a stream of cusses out and I paced up and down my room wishing I could punch Matt Hazard in the face. Instead I scratched the game with my keys and drove back to the store and demanded a refund as it was "not working". It was weird since I was the first renter but they gave me a free rental and I hopefully saved anyone else from playing that game. Just left a scar on my gaming soul.

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#6  Edited By NinjaTard

Personally I didn't understand this game or it's ending. The fights were huge spectacles and fun to play but I would not give the game more than 3 stars and only on the amount of times I laughed at crazy stuff I was doing.  
I was trying to think what my idea of a good ending is and just off the top of my head (well, gave a few minutes thought) I came up with Super Metroid, ChronoTrigger, Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill 2. I like when an ending evolves, it's not just another fight but it's like "OK, take that and die...haha...OH CRAP YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!!" kind of stuff. Or in Silent Hills case the whole story comes together and you have an emotional conclusion as the player. I can leave a character knowing something happened and it mattered. 
Bayonetta had an evolving ending in that I thought it was done and then it had like 3 more levels and it was big and flashy but since the story was like something written by a 5 year old atheist on LSD I can't call it an awesome ending. It was just the illogical conclusion to that game. Mediocre in my opinion. 
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#7  Edited By NinjaTard

Myself I have been doing reviews of movies and games for the homeschool group here in Portland but nothing near "official" and as much as I want to do it, I don't see it panning out. I am still pursuing it as a hobby and if something happens on the way that's cool but I guess all my sites I know about are big ones and I never thought to look for smaller game sites which might let users write for them (other than this weird thing GB has going which is more like a pirahna tank the way games get attacked after release for every scrap of meat on their bones).  
Ideally I would like to creat games, I do some modeling (3D, not underwear) at home and took a couple classes before my teacher got hired by Disney Interactive and ditched us. It's funny to find this today since I was depressed earlier that a guy on my email list just got hired by Bungie and I was sitting here trying to finish my homework before the deadline to turn it in.   
@doctorchin: if you are fishing for cohorts on writing for a website or something I would be interested. If you are just curious then consider me on the "hobby but not likely to pay my bills" side
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#8  Edited By NinjaTard
@kingclaw said:
"I want to see Robin and in the end of the game The Joker killing him, like hw did  in the comic "

Actually unless I am forgetting something we thought Robin got blown up but really he survived and went on to become the fake Batman in RIP last year. Tim Drake never died and still lives to my knowledge. 
As for what I want to see in the sequel? I think Two Face is a no brainer, would like to see Clayface out and causing trouble if they can work it (maybe using Detective Vision to see him without bones like you could do in the first one). Really I am not sure what the concept could be since Arkham is a creepy and expansive place where you could have a garden level for Ivy then have an electric shock floor for another fight and not think too much about it. Unless the setting is wide open Gotham and you are going to different levels I don't know how they could do it. I know my knee jerk reaction is I don't want "levels" in the traditional sense. 
Guest hero cameos by some DC characters would be cool though, if not Batgirl or Robin then maybe the Birds of Prey (especially Black hot!)
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#9  Edited By NinjaTard

I love Green Day but I love Green Day before American Idiot. I don't mind American Idiot but this last album just really was terrible. I will always remember them for being my first concert back when Insomniac was released. It makes me sad to think there are kids out there today who are getting their first taste of Green Day as a bunch of mascara wearing "artists" when they were a really good pop-punk bad. I suppose my parents probably say something similar about me and my taste in music. 
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#10  Edited By NinjaTard

I have been dying to play this! They are off line for maintenance so I will have to check back but still...good to know they are doing a Beta. This will be my first MMO unless Star Wars comes out first (which isn't going to happen).