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#1  Edited By NinjaTard
YES!!! I was on like day 8 or something and got busy with school and bam...back to square one.
I won't be getting the S-Rank related quests. I'm not good at finishing 1000 achievement points on games, I could probably put a week or two into Oblivion and Fallout 3 to finish up the ones I missed there but that's only 2 games so...not now and not for the quest.
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#2  Edited By NinjaTard

I got a good laugh out of the Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, and Beyond dialogue about people not liking the Eat Lead game and the smaller budget resulting in download only sequel. Actually most of the Matt Hazard humor with breaking 4th wall  is kind of funny but the game (Eat Lead) just was broken and not fun.

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#3  Edited By NinjaTard

Funny you mention this but I don't know it's related. I had been avoiding updating to 3.21 but last night my kids were playing Ratchet and Clank and the system shut off on it's own then wouldn't recognize my controller when I restarted. It also freezes before the X-media bar shows up, it hangs there at the wavy line PS3 logo screen.

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#4  Edited By NinjaTard

She's not a bad looking lady but agree with the earlier post about redheads.
As for the "game characters aren't hot" dispute, I say they most certainly can be. It's no different than thinking Black Canary is hot in my "Birds of Prey" comics or really that much different than thinking a picture of a hot girl is hot since you don't know how much photoshop or altering that photo had. Likely lots of the celebrities we think are hot are actually just clever uses of makeup and CGI to look that way. At least video game girls are honest, they look the same 24 hours a day no matter when you turn them on (that's not some kind of lame ass pun, FYI).

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#5  Edited By NinjaTard

 Years ago when the console wars split and The Xbox came out to contend with the PS2 I opted to stick with my PS2. Who needs a hard drive anyway?
Point being I never played Halo at all until about six months before Halo 3 came out and when I played I did them in order 1, 2, and then 3 for the single player "story" which is how I traditionally played games. The idea of the online mode being the big draw escaped me. 
All this is to say I suck at online modes. I got ODST for my son who loves Halo and isn't too terrible at the online stuff considering he's 10. I tried Halo 3 multiplayer and can't even begin to compete with the worst of players unless they have gone to the bathroom or something. Trust me, when I see a guy standing still I feel no shame in using them to boost my kills to 1 instead of 0 for the match.
So now Reach is coming later and the beta starts in early May and it's got filters according the the Giant Bomb news article, including how competitive people are. It makes me wonder if that means I could just play with bad players? Could this be my shot to even up the odds a little and try to get some enjoyment from the online mode? I have not only not enjoyed previous attempts to practice but it was literally a painful chore to "compete" with the people I was playing with. Isn't the match making supposed to already pair you with equal players? I suspect I just am not any good at the online mode. So that leaves story....
I don't understand Halo's story. I felt awesome in that last warthog sequence of 3, I felt the emotional levity of that last cut scene but I couldn't tell you who or what that giant plant thing was about or why Halo rings were made in the first place. I'm usually pretty smart about these things but the Halo universe just baffles me somehow.
Writing this all out I can't imagine playing the story mode on Reach but then again my kids want it, they'll be playing, and why buy a game I never play. So I guess this self therapy means I will play Reach, I'll suck at it and be confused, but at least feel justified in the $60 (Bungie...screw you with that Limited and Legendary edition crap. Fool me once on Halo 3 with the helmet but I won't be a patsy to you again). Worst case, I know Damien will dig the hell out of it, he's been playing the Halo games we have left (got rid of 3 in one of those "trade 2 and get your new game for $20" deals) so I don't worry he'll make plenty of use of the game.
I just wish I cared. I feel like my grandpa asking me why I liked these "super marvin brothers" back when Super Mario 3 came out! Between this and not being excited about motion controls like Wii, Natal, and most of the Playstation Move stuff I worry that I am getting old and will stop loving video games sometime in the near future...a fate worse than death in my current mind.

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#6  Edited By NinjaTard

I love Green Day and I'll be picking this up but I'm bummed there's nothing about their early career (Paper Lanterns is my all time favorite song they did) and only 3 venues? Seems like a bargain basement treatment for a band that helped jump start lots of the bands out today. And like Ryan Woodstock 94? What the hell is the reasoning behind that? No further DLC? Huh?
I feel let down by this story but again, I love the band so I'll be buying this for all those songs I love. Maybe the bonus features will be good to see too.

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#7  Edited By NinjaTard

That second one really bugs me, did they have to make it such a bear to find?

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#8  Edited By NinjaTard

He's a big dude but his audience definitely had some whales which made him look anoxexic....which is to say he's not giant or anything. It's kind of hard to tell how fat he really is since he wore his trademark shorts, overcoat, and backward cap (which was really freakin' cool, if I may say so). 
As for missing previous shows because of school or whatever.....let me suggest next time it might be worth ditching class? I know that's not very responsible of me to say but he doesn't do many live shows and when he does it's usually LA or Redbanks, NJ with the scattered and seemingly random stops in between so....yeah, I would see him. He did just over 3 hours for us and it felt like an eternity in a good way. He's just a fascinating chap with tons of stories and an uncanny ability to make his stories come to life. 
I'm gushing now...sorry, but this is going to be one of those watershed moments of entertainment in my life.
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#9  Edited By NinjaTard

 What is an evening with Kevin Smith like in person? For a couple hours of a semi-famous guy to just stand on stage and answer questions it may seem over priced at $60 (after fees) but the truth is that you are under paying if you pay $100.

In short, make no mistake that a live Evening With Kevin Smith is the best time you will ever have....if you like Kevin Smith.

You see, if you know Kevin Smith from his movies, Twitter, SModcast, and previous Q&A DVDs and if that's your idea of funny then you will shit your pants laughing in person. If his stuff isn't your thing then it'll be hours of tedium and frustration.

The entire thing begins some what like a business meeting: the lighting doesn't change and a guy just says "Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Smith" and then he just steps on stage and doesn't stop for over 3 hours. Once he got the audience back in their seats and quiet he lubricated the evening by telling a story about how gay his friend Malcolm Ingrim is and how the gay community classifies fat men as bears. This story takes maybe 15 minutes and then he says he's talked long enough and it's time for questions. Our first question involved who was the hardest entity to work with on a movie, be it an actor, studio, or whatever. This prompted a 40 minute story about making Cop Out with Bruce Willis and included a great impersonation of Mr. Willis. It's hilarious and I hope it shows up on the likely to be forthcoming 4th Evening With DVD.

Other topics covered included his stand off with a Good Morning America camera man, how there's no record stores anymore (except the one right out the window and across the street from the venue), his favorite scene in his Batman mini-series comic, and a variety of random other topics which mostly excluded his recent tangle with Southwest Airlines. Half the fun was also hearing people trying their hardest to make an impression in front of such a open and famous dude. An example was a guy who walked up to the mike and proclaimed he had a monologue to read Kevin and then spewed a few minutes of rambling nonsense about the audience member, Jason Mewes, and Kevin Smith breaking into a head shop and stealing a bunch of weed.

If Kevin Smith happens near you then I would recommend you do everything in your power to go, it's probably the best time I've had in my life. And speaking of weed, wait until you hear his grand finale tale of his first two experiences with smoking pot with his wife on their rare weekends without their daughter in the house. There is NO WAY this story doesn't make it to the next DVD and once you see it you'll be laughing to yourself for weeks and repeating "It's ropey, it's ropey" much to the confusion of those around you.

Kevin Smith, thank you sir and I hope you make it back to Portland soon!

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#10  Edited By NinjaTard

I would have missed the hint if it hadn't been for the "I see what you did there" making me go over that post with a semi-fine tooth comb. Then I got it. The Space Giraffe is kind of a big giveaway though.