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You might like Dicey Dungeons if it isn't one of the "deckbuilder" games you have already played. I liked Disco Elysium, though I think the hype is a tiny bit overblown. Definitely felt plenty of second hand embarrassment during it, though I do think it gets better as you go and level up.

Hypnospace Outlaw is a game where you are in or you are in. It might be a tad too silly for you, but I genuinely enjoyed exploring that world.

Overboard! is a pretty fun "groundhog day" adventure game. You'll know pretty quick if it's for you. 80 days by the same developer is also great, but perhaps a bit more of a phone game.

Opus Magnum is pretty much the Magnum Opus of factory/system/programming games. Either you will bounce off it or you will go deep (personally, I belong to the former category).

A Short Hike is a game I enjoyed way more than I expected to, but it's pretty short. It might work better on a controller, but I had no problems with keyboard+mouse and it's not stressful at all.

Glittermitten Grove is pretty neat if you need something to play.

This is probably more fun to play with friends, but I really like Monster Prom which is kind of a roguelike dating sim.

As for books... I have a really hard time recommending stuff when I don't know what you are into. Terry Pratchett is my favourite author, and you can read pretty much whatever from him (I think Good Omens is a good start before getting into the Discworld series). I like autobiographies as well, and the Glass Castle is a really good one despite the uninspiring name and cover. If you want to get into foreign literature, I can recommend Angels of the Universe (Einar Már Guðmundsson), LoveStar (Andri Snær Magnason) and the Outlaw (Jón Gnarr) from Iceland. The first is a fictionalization of the author's mentally ill brother, the second is a prescient and humorous near sci-fi story that gets pretty bonkers while the third is an autobiography of a comedian turned mayor of when he was sent away to boarding school for naughty children in the countryside (It's the last part of a trilogy, but I haven't read the other two books and didn't feel like I needed the context). If you are interested in illustrated Journalism, Safe Area Goražđe is my favourite graphic novel (and the competition is steep).

I hope some of the recommendations in the thread manage to tide you over.

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#2  Edited By Nuttism

There are two ways to look at this question. There are several soundtracks where I saw someone else playing through the game but never played through it myself (Undertale, Omori, Splatoon) but I feel like that would be cheating so I'm picking soundtracks or tracks where I know little about the game. Cuphead has an incredible jazz soundtrack when there aren't many of those around, and the Sexy Brutale similarly has a soundtrack which is pretty much one (amazing) song. Otherwise I mainly get soundtracks when I know the game well, so the rest of this will be single tracks.

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It might be a joke song, but the ending song of Double Dragon Neon (by all accounts a pretty mediocre brawler) is a genuinely amazing rock ballad.

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I heard this Kirby and the Forgotten Land minigame song during the quick look and had to immediately look it up. This song is a total jam.

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To be fair, I did watch someone play through this entire game, but the Recreation theme from the Swapper is a great piano piece criminally few people know about.

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I will definitely be checking out the other recommendations on this thread, so thank you for all the recommendations. Furi has a great soundtrack @prl412, I checked out the Remember Me track @mellotronrules, love orchestral tracks and I will be listen to the Neotokyo soundtrack @bulllee.

Edit: Just listened to the first suggested Neotokyo track, and it exceeded my expectations. I think I'll have to get the soundtrack if the rest is as good. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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Maybe if you used those words instead of dancing around them it would help in understanding what you are talking about?

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@jagerxbomb: They never said anything about Americans only committing genocide. I would guess they mentioned Americans since they don't tend to stumble upon Belgians visiting Kongo.

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@justin258: He's asking about who bought a 3DS before the price drop.

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In a way, I quit gaming cold turkey twice a year for a few months. I am at university and for the second half of high school and all my time of university I don't have time to play games alongside my studies, so I almost exclusively play them during winter and summer break (today I just played my first game since January for instance). I tend to play short indie games and roguelikes, so it's not difficult to quit once school starts. I still use the site during those periods.

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@brian_: Companies like this work to maximize their gains. If it costs much less that 1/10 of a CoD budget to implement changes in their policy, then they probably will. Keep in mind that this is not the only suit on the table.

I am definitely not saying that all is fine or dandy or that whatever changes they implement will be very effective (a lot of harassment is down to workplace culture more than anything else, which seems pretty rotten in Activision's case) just that money that might seem like small change to large companies is still loss that they would rather be without.

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You know, It's remarkable how my first thought upon seeing the title was "this must be a sometingbanuble thread", and lo and behold...

You realize that you are only the last of your kind in this universe and get an offer from the main villain to go to your home world. However, you reject the offer to save your friends and the villain gets crushed under some asteroids (curious if anyone actually gets this).

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For me, it is the first console I ever got. A friend of my mother gifted me an SNES before ending his life. I think it was around 2007, so that's about 15 years later going by the European launch date. I also got a PS 2 from a friend of my fathers in (I think) 2014 which is about 14 years late. At that point I had a PS 3 though so I didn't use the PS 2 much, except to play Need for Speed: Carbon and Guitar Hero (which came with the system).

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