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So, Perler Beads

They're these tiny little beads that you can iron together to make cool little pendants and stuff. Just buy a box that has the beads, the wax paper and the pegboard, have an iron and you're good to go! Why am I writing this on Giantbomb? Well I figured I'd show you some of the stuff you can make with them!

Her Stuff

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I didn't know what perler beads were until my girlfriend showed me and I thought it sounded way too difficult. So we ended up at Michael's one day, she showed me how to do it and now I make them pretty often. I've made her ten things so far from the Purple Tentacle from Maniac Mansion/Day of the Tentacle, to a flower.

The hardest one by far was the Purple Tentacle just due to its size and well, it was the first one I made. Probably wasn't the best idea I had to have the biggest be the first but it turned out okay! I do have more ideas for stuff I'm going to make her, but knowing she's going to read this I'm not going to say!

My Stuff

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I made the Headcrab, Metroid and Meat Boy but she made my Akuma and gave it to me on my birthday. It's still by far my favorite perler bead thing I have not only because it's the best looking one, but also because she made it herself. She knew I used Akuma in Super Street Fighter IV, took that idea and ran with it and that was the result, it makes me all excited all over again when I see it, she makes some pretty amazing stuff and I hope she comments back with stuff she's done.


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That's the card she made me for my birthday too, thought some people might like it too! It's always the best to receive things that people themselves made and I still love my gifts from my birthday and before then. So people if you find yourself bored and looking for a way to spend time doing something fun, look into perler bead art, it's pretty cool.