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Mini reviews of every game i've played

What i liked and hated the most about the games i beat. Excluding games i've dropped. Compilations not counting as games (except for those which collect smaller games, like Metal Slug Anthology, or drastically change their games, like Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls). It's more or less in the order that i played them, but sometimes there's games i forgot about that i add later on. Not going in depth on games i played a long time ago and can't remember well.


Quotes"": Emulated platform

List items

  • -I've come to the conclusion that this game isn't 'good', i guess i'll just beat the main story and be done with it.


  • PROS: The parkour is pretty neat, the combat is engaging and the story keeps things in place.

    CONS: Parkour gets boring after doing it so many times, combat is too simple and easy, the story and plot are badly implemented, and just too predictable at times, not to mention the cliffhanger ending. The characters are also not very likeable, and the lack of subtitles just makes it too hard to get into the story for people which don't have english as their mother language.


  • PROS: I came to this expecting another one of those PS3 era DB games that simply try to capitalize on the brand's name or live in the shadow of the excellent PS2 games. It was very surprising to realize that this was more of an Action RPG than a full blown fighting game, and that change of pace alone would have sold the game for me, but it has more. The gameplay is very simple, but for what the game tries to do, it's perfect. The character creation aspect was great, and putting your own character inside the storyline was a really good idea that works really well for a change of pace to all the other DB games that follow the same story in the same way. The new characters are very likeable, specially Demigra, whose design looks totally like a Chrono Trigger/Dragon Quest villain. The game works great as an online RPG, with the function to level up and customize your moves, many quests to undertake with other people and PvP fights.

    CONS: Of course, the senseless grinding. If you want something in the game like pieces of equipment, new moves, or dragon balls, you have to replay a quest countless times until the random drop appears, and that takes so much of your time it's ridiculous. The game is not very accessible for people not familiar with the canon.


  • -My most regretable purchase.


  • -I did play this a little on the PS2, and just got the HD version.

    PLATFORM:PS2/PS3(Rayman 3 HD)

  • PROS: Playing this game gives me so many nostalgic feelings, even though i never played it in my youth (and i wish i had). The game just feels so good with its childish style; the 3D rendered graphics are amazing, it's such a shame the 2.5D aesthetic is not very used in platformers nowadays. The gameplay, while simple, is really diverse and very hard to master. The way the game starts easy and cute, while slowly revealing its true challenge, with its memorable boss fights, is astounding. The story has some really great moments and characters, and the ending is really powerful and emotional for a game marketed for kids.

    CONS: While the game and its characters have many fans around the globe, i found the characters to be really forgetable, with the only exception of Klonoa himself. The story was very pretentious and didn't make much sense to me; all that other worlds/dimensions thing is a very overused cliché. Many argue that the game is too short, while i found it to have the right length.

    PLATFORM:PS3(Psone Classics)

  • PROS: Really good art style, interesting story, a lot of fan-service for western movie fans, tight shooting mechanics, and excellent level design.

    CONS: The game does feel budgeted with its sub-par comic book cutscenes and corny voice acting. The choice at the end of the game is the worst excuse for replaying i've ever seen. I'd argue it was a bit too short, but it's an download game anyways.


  • PROS: Decent metroidvania game, good progression, great gameplay, nice graphics. Excellent protagonist.

    CONS: The concept is really bad and nonsensical, the level design and the enemies are really bland and generic.


  • -This is way worse than i expected. The lack of local multiplayer just kills this game.


  • PROS:The game has more charm than 90% of what was in the market at the time, it has a decent story mode which does a great job at explaining the game's mechanics and showcasing what it can do. The level creator is obviously amazing, as it gives full freedom to the player to do whatever he/she wants, given said player has a lot of time and imagination. The engine actually has a lot of potential, as showcased by the really diverse levels the community has made, spanning genres such as FPS, RPG, and many others not related to the game's 2D platforming roots.

    CONS:It's really childish. I always wanted to play this game as a kid when it came out, but now that i actually played it, it didn't cause that much impact. Frankly, it's not a very good game if you're a busy person, who doesn't have much time in hands to invest in the endless creation mode, given the main story mode is mediocre at best, and serves basiaclly as a tutorial to the creation mode.


  • -Way worse than i expected. Had way more fun with the demo than the game itself. Glad i didn't pay for it(the iphone game distributes voucher codes for it).


  • -Playing it. Seems pretty generic.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD Version - Tales of Symphonia Chronicles)

  • -Disappointing. It's like westernized Persona. Not sure i'm gonna beat this one.


  • PROS: The atmosphere. The game feels just feels so real, so legit, there's an extraordinary attention to detail, to the animations, the intricate puzzles, and it never feels too much of the same. The game has exactly the right length, it doesn't overstay its welcome, and it's beautiful in so many ways. The soundtrack is beautiful, the whole concept is stellar, the few characters are charming and memorable, and the level design itself is a work of art. Truly unique game, and way ahead of its time.

    CONS: Personally, i found the controls to be really awkward when dealing with some puzzles, specially the ones that require very accurate jumps. While very engaging and interesting, the game is very repetitive and boring, with most puzzles being recycling the same mechanics, and the enemies are always the same.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD Version - The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection)

  • PROS: This is the kind of game that's hard to explain in words how and why it's that good. The unique atmosphere, the excellent graphics and animations, the environments, the touching soundtrack, the perfect gameplay aspect that may sound repetitive in theory but never actually is, the game is always exciting and new every time you play it. It's made to be something special, transcendental, to impact generations of gamers for years to come, and it succeeds at that; it's a very rare case of an insanely ambitious game which excells in mostly everything it tries. The way the game tells its simple but touching story in a very minimalistic way is something that has never been done so effectively since, it's a perfect example of a game that's excellent in technical aspect and also has a great narrative. This masterpiece took the videogame medium to a whole new level, and it does deserve a lot of respect for that. The gameplay has flaws, but once you get to closer to the end of the game, you realize that most, if not all flaws are intentional, which is an absolutely fantastic concept.

    CONS: The gameplay has many flaws, yeah, the controls are very confusing, specially considering it's technically an action/adventure title, and the camera is mostly put in very weird angles, which sometimes disrupts the flow of the gameplay. However, like mentioned before, most of the flaws are intentional, for reasons you'd have to play the game to understand.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD Version - The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection)

  • PROS: The game pretty much excells at everything. Great visual style, amazing characters and story, engaging metroidvania map, and its combat, platforming and stealth mechanics revolutionized the industry. It's also great in representing the character and his mythos, something the fans wanted for decades.

    CONS: For many people, it lacked what Batman really stands for, that is patrolling a city. It also didn't feature most of the other beloved characters from the Batman universe. In a few words, it could have used more of fanservice.


  • PROS: Hell, it's GTA V, what can i say that hasn't been said already? This game got the sandbox formula that its own franchise created and brought it to a new level. The map is just so rich and detailed that many times it manages to perfectly mimic real life Los Angeles, and that alone is just incredible. The game has perfect gameplay, a really good plot and memorable characters. It was a great idea to have 3 different playable characters, so it caters all audiences and playstiles. The action in this game is outstanding, few action games feel this fluid and at the same time so intense.

    CONS: While the plot is really well written, sometimes it suffers from being too edgy and violent, making it less accessible. The character of Trevor is disliked by many, as they couldn't feel connected with the a psychopath with no real motives, aside from money. One particular scene involving him has caused a lot of controversy, and it was really unnecessary, restricting it to a very specific kind of open-minded audience. The online mode of this game is horrendous, full of glitches and exploits straight from day one, which made it a glitchfest where most players cloned cars and maxed out money, so the game became totally screwed up and unbalanced. It actually wasn't that fun to begin with, it had a good concept, but could be implemented better.


  • Brilliant game with an amazing concept. Much has already been said about the amazing feel of accomplishment and satisfaction the Souls games bring when you finish something, and this one is no exception to the rule. That packed with memorable stories and characters, presented in an interesting world full of lore and with a very complex feel to it, in a great narrative, and you have yourself a modern classic.


    -Innovative gameplay style; very addicting

    -Amazing level and enemy design

    -Great soundtrack

    -Memorable characters and lore

    -Unorthodox way to discover things in the game makes it always interesting

    -Excellent progression and pace


    -Very glitchy

    -Movement is very clunky


    -Some of the boss designs are really bad



  • The horror game of a generation.


    -Very interesting story and world

    -Immersive; with the great sound design and art direction, to further the feel of isolation and hoplessness

    -Very innovative and addicting gameplay

    -Well implemented RPG mechanics


    -Narrative is sometimes really confusing

    -Very reminiscent of other games

    -The ending is kinda underwhelming



  • PROS: Solid platform game. The gameplay is very varied, with all its quirky guns and gadgets. The hoverboard and spaceship sections are surprisingly very good, while offering a nice change of pace from the rest of the game. The characters are very memorable and likeable, specially the title characters. The level design is excellent, there's always different paths and secrets, and the environments are amazing, they really make you distinguish each planet from one another, each one has a different feel. The game is very non-linear for a platform game, a nice change of pace from the usual Mario and Sonic linearity.

    CONS: The story tries to be funny, but it isn't; the humor is so childish that i'd say even a child would find it stupid. The story lacks something, maybe the motivations for the characters aren't clear enough. Minor bugs, but maybe it's a problem with the HD version. There should have been more boss fights.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD version - Ratchet & Clank Collection)

  • The definition of a classic. It's weird to say this about a video game, but this has some really well written dialog. Even weirder is to say that it has plot twists more well written than any Shyamalan film or most Twilight Zone episodes. But, regardless of writing, it's still a solid(no pun intended) stealth game, inventing some mechanics that reinvented the market. Still, it is kinda dated, feels clunky to control at times, may be unbearably hard at times, and the plot can be a little cheesy at times. In any case, sometimes those flaws only add to the charm.


    -A masterclass of writing; can be moving, engaging and thought provoking, sometimes at the same time

    -Very smart gameplay mechanics, well balanced and has many tutorials(including its own tutorial game sold separately, Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions)

    -Excelent boss fights, that can get extremely personal, heartbreaking, funny, and even meta at one point

    -Some amazing level design; Shadow Moses is one of the most recognizable and memorable places in a game that's not open world

    -A certain richness in details that's rare in a PS1 game; loved the proverbs from Mei Ling everytime i saved the game


    -Some of the stages and bosses have outdated difficulty

    -Not the best looking game, even for its era; the graphics make you take the game less seriously than the plot demands

    -Sometimes the plot is way too convoluted and melodramatic for its own good; when it doesn't work, it really doesn't

    SCORE: 8.5/10

    PLATFORM:PS3(PSone Classics - Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection)

  • -Completely forgot i beat this. Suprisingly good action/platforming game.


  • PROS: It's amazing how much of an improvement this is. This game corrected all the flaws of the first game; it has great boss fights, the story is nice and the humor is slightly better. The sacrifice of platforming depth for great shooting mechanics, a much higher challenge with tougher enemies and more inventive weapons and gadgets turned what was an unpolished platform game to a highly polished action/adventure game with very strong platform elements. The game still has excellent level design, but it's different in the way it's less platform-y than its predecessor, which fits perfectly with its new combat mechanics. The characters are all-around very likeable, and they managed to make the villain legitimately funny and memorable. The story is a little less chidish than its predecessor, which is a welcome addition. Turning Ratchet & Clank into actual heroes-for-hire with training and a big arsenal was a really great idea, bringing with it the stellar change in direction the gameplay made.

    CONS: The camera is kinda clunky, which is really harmful for the combat. The vibrant colors of the first game are missed, but this is a different game anyways. Felt much shorter compared to its predecessor, the story felt rushed as a result. Still not laugh-out-loud funny as many people make it out to be.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD version - Ratchet & Clank Collection)

  • PROS: Incredible game. The franchise started from goofy platformer with guns to become a full blown third person shooter, with excellent camera controls, a solid first person mode, and the infinitely welcome addition of a lock-on strafe mode. The arsenal, as the name implies, is bigger than in previous entries and much more fun to use, with the improved gunplay. There's much gameplay variety, with many puzzles and platforming, the Qwark vidcomic stages, the battle sidequests for the Galactic Rangers, which include shooting with a drone-like machine and a jeep-like car, with many weapons and variations, with the addictive ability to level up your weapons up to level 5, with gradual increases in power and a full transformation at the end. The story is surprisingly well written, with nice dialog and amazing characters, the humor in this one really works very well. The online multiplayer is supposedly really good, yet the community is dead on PS3, and the servers on PS2 are shut down.

    CONS: I miss the racing and space battle segments from the previous games. The shooting may get a little samey at times, so a little more variety in gameplay would have been welcome.

    PLATFORM:PS3(HD version - Ratchet & Clank Collection)

  • Good game, if a little overrated. The level design is fine for the most part, but the story lacks emotional attachment, and, quite frankly, some good writing. The combat couldn't be more solid though; very satisfying and sometimes challenging.


    -Nice presentation and setting

    -Memorable soundtrack

    -An interesting variety of enemies

    -Fun combat system with a lot of depth


    -Kratos as the protagonist; unlikeable and unsympathetic character

    -The over-the-top story and dialog

    -Unfair in some bits


    PLATFORM:PS3(HD version - God of War Collection)

  • In theory i should hate this game; didn't enjoy the predecessor, find the overarching plot and characters very pretentious, the combat mechanics add nothing new to the table, it spawned dozens of mediocre imitators, what's to be enjoyed here? Well, the beautiful setting of renaissance Italy, that the player explores in its every corner through the amazing platform gameplay, the repetitive but fun sword-swinging and assassination action, a very charismatic and memorable protagonist in Ezio, and some legimately enjoyable story beats. It's a shame that it's not as self-contained as it should be, leaving a lot for the sequels, and that the story doesn't hold much depth as it should(stop treating anti-hero characters like they're heroes!), but, regardless, it's a solid experience that has aged pretty well, and reigns over its copycats and even some of the sequels.


    -Some very likable characters, specially the protagonist Ezio Auditore

    -Lots of content, with a surprisingly enjoyable collectathon aspect

    -Against all odds, an amazing platform game

    -Some fun times to be had with the combat

    -Incredible scenary


    -Desmond Miles and his stupid conspiracy plot

    -Gets kinda dull at parts with some uninspired quests and objectives

    -Some annoyingly hard puzzles

    -Incoherences in the story



  • Absolutely brilliant. Despite of the terrible job the internet has done in keeping the spoilers to themselves, i couldn't help but be blown away by it. It's the most inovative game i've played in a long time.


    -Beautifully meta narrative

    -Perks only a pc game can achieve

    -Memorable soundtrack

    -Expertly written characters


    -It feels very gimmicky sometimes



  • Yeah, clearly not the greatest RPG ever, but it's not trying to be. This game's weaknesses, which are its generic D&D style that dominates the story and mechanics, lack of creativity in combat gameplay and limited fast travel, end up being its saving grace; the familiar themes and characters are easy to resonate with and absorb, the gameplay, that draws heavily from games like Monster Hunter, Shadow of the Colossus and Oblivion, is very basic but infinitely fun, and the RPG mechanics hold a lot of depth for the player with most time in his hands. The fact that you have to walk great distances for the most part of the game to get where you need to be, while annoying, can make even the simplest quest incredibly personal and affecting, feeling like an actual journey. And there's the pawn system, which is cool i guess? Wonder why almost all pawns are women though...


    -Derivative combat gameplay(yes that's a pro)

    -Downright epic feel at some parts, due to the score and the feeling of odds being beaten from the great distances walked and difficulties faced

    -Some interesting RPG progression systems

    -Amazing game to play as an archer class(underrated class)


    -Story so atrocious i kinda wonder why it even has one; the ending is akin to Batman: Dark Tomorrow

    -Laughably bad graphics and art direction; not to mention the Oblivion-esque NPC conversations

    -Some wacky quest design

    -Gets VERY grindy at times

    -Not too much content to warrant post-game interest



  • One of the most ambitious and impressive games ever made. Not only is it much more enjoyable to play than the first one, with a lot of great additions to the gameplay and a lot more attention to detail, it is one of the most cleverly written titles in gaming history, to the point it's almost alienating. The way it subverts expecations, like the ones a player would have going for a sequel of a highly acclaimed game, with such subtlety and grace, gradually turning the characters' and, by extension, the player's world upside down, evokes emotions and thoughts that are very rare in any work of fiction. It deals with themes that are more relevant nowadays than ever in a way that doesn't sound condescending, preachy or gimmicky, it really is a very smart game crafted by very competent writers. To say it was ahead of its time is a big understatement.


    -Best written work in gaming history

    -A third act no one can be prepared to

    -Really enjoyable and creative stealth gameplay

    -Much more versatile and fluid controls

    -Some silliness to make the tone a bit lighter

    -Very memorable characters

    -A VERY good protagonist in Raiden, perfect character for the story


    -Gameplay is a bit unpolished in places

    -Writing can get a bit cheesy

    -The boss fights aren't as memorable as the first one's

    SCORE: 9.5/10