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Was this a scripted event or non scripted event in Skyrim ?

Hi all, some of the events in Skyrim are pretty epic but I would like to know if a certain event happened to you guys or was a random event.

I was following the Thieves Guild quests when I was sent to Winterhold (where the Mages College is), this was the first visit to the city and as soon as I arrived a Dragon attacked the town landing on the Inn, flying around and torching the town, in doing so it completely destroyed about four or five buildings in the city (not sure if these will ever get rebuilt).

The dragon was not even a named one it was just called "Dragon" which is why I think it may be random, if it is random then it was the best random event I have witnessed in a game in about 20 years of gaming.

So did this happen to you? Have you had an event which you are not sure is scripted or not?