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CGC (Classic Game Collecting) Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is with a system. Think about a system you used to have this way some of the leg work of game selection will already be done for you. You'll remember the games you liked and the ones you didn't. An easy system to start with is the Sega Genesis. While a lot of you may say that the Nintendo Entertainment System is better the faulty design of the cart reader makes it a little less than awesome. Genesis games are just as easy to find as NES games and the systems are a bit more rugged. If you want to collect NES carts, NES system repair isn't rocket science and there are plenty of NES clones that work better than an old dusty NES will.

Once you have a system focus on a 'theme' to start your collection, this helps focus your research. If you want to make good deals you'll need to know how much each game should cost. Ebay prices will always run high, make sure you look at the games closing bid and add the shipping. Also vintage stores tend to price games based on how many they have in stock not just its collector value. Also you will always be able to find games for cheap at conventions, both gaming and comic conventions are great places to hit up. Remember that prices at stores vary from region to region. Vintage shops in suburbs have lower prices because there is a lot of stock and less buyers.
Stay away from peripherals for awhile, I've seen people drop $100 on a R.O.B. not knowing that you can find them for $10 - $20.
The best tip as always is "take it slow." If you miss a game don't worry you'll find it again.

  • My first theme was "Capcom's Disney Titles for the NES"
  • If you are buying a NES clone do your research some are great and others are really junk
  • Always try to find 1st party controllers!
  • When you are starting out don't mess with finding manuals and boxes. Work on finding out how much the bare game is worth.
  • Q-tips and Rubbing Alcohol are your friend buy them you'll need them for what comes next.