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Sharpshooter (quick) review

Hey one of my tax returns showed up today! Time to spend that dough before it burns a hole in my pants that might reveal my unsightly bits to the masses.
Who wants to hear a deep dark personal secret? 
I like the Playstation Move! I know, I'm weird, but I do. I really honestly like opening up my apartment on a warm day and tossing some virtual bocce balls around in Sports Champions. It feels good, feels like a work out and feels intuitive and real(ish).
One downside I've run into while using the Move is the fact that I usually use the dualshock 3 in my off hand. This is mostly fine except in Heavy Rain. While Heavy Rain works fine with the dualshock I want to stand up while playing it, that is awkward. Basically the dualshock isn't meant to be held in one hand so when I use I rest on my lap. 
With all this is mind I set off to my local big box retailer to fix my problem.
I picked up the little navigation controller and the PlayStation Move Sharpshooter. The Sharpshooter works as advertised so far. I feel like all the problems I've been having in Killzone 3 are my fault not the controller's. When the Sharpshooter 'clicks' with me and I'm swinging it around in a firefight it is amazing. The more I've used it the more these moments spring up but even after an hour or two I'll still find myself staring at my feet in frustration. Next week after I've gotten used to it I'll post some more thoughts.
Bonus Points

  • Apparently all Move add-ons make me look the worlds largest idiot
  • My wife giggled the minute I pulled my new "Toy Gun" out of the box
  • I managed to slap myself in the cheek with the rifle's stock after snapping a Helghast's neck (it kills the mood)
  • "I may look like a dork but I feel like a badassss!"
  • It works in Time Crisis:Razing Storm; but the special "Reload Button" on the Clip doesn't...kind of killed my buzz
  • Now I need more light gun games
  • "Ohhh it comes with stickers!"
  • Can I use this in the Archery game? Please Sony please!