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@gee_rad said:
@rasrimra said:

Because the air itself needs to make way for the object passing through it, and the air is more easily pushed away by an object with more mass? That sounds like a negligible difference, isn't it?

Hmm even in a vacuum mass will matter the tiniest bit, right? Because the more mass something has the more powerful its gravitational field? But that's super duper negligible because you need an enormous concentration of mass to create a noticeable gravitational force, not just a few tons of mass? Don't know if I got that right, it just sounds like something that would make sense.

No, in a vacuum, the mass doesn't matter. The gravitational force between the object and the planet increases with mass, but so does the force required to move the object.

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation says the force of gravity between two objects is F=G*m*M/r^2, where G is a constant, m1 and m2 are the masses of the two objects, and r is the distance between them. Newton's Second Law of Motion F=m*a gives the force required to accelerate an object with a given mass at a given rate. Setting these equations as equal (and renaming a to g, as is custom when talking about acceleration due to gravity), we get m*g = G*m*M/r^2. We can divide both sides by m to get g = G*M^2/r^2. Thus, the acceleration of the falling object doesn't depend on its mass (m), only on the mass of the earth (M) and the distance from it (r).

In the case where there is air resistance, you're not entirely wrong, but I think it's clearer if you think about it from the opposite direction: an object with more mass is less easily pushed upward by the air.

The force of drag on an object is equal to 1/2 * p * v^2 * Cd * A, where p is the density of the air, v is the velocity of the object, Cd is the drag coefficient (which depends on the shape of the object), and A is the projected area (in this case, the area of the downward facing parts of the object). The terminal velocity is when this force exactly equals the downward force of gravity. (We are ignoring buoyancy for simplicity.) So we set m*g = 1/2 * p * v^2 * Cd * A. If we solve for v, we get v=sqrt(2*m*g/(Cd*p*A)). So you can see that the terminal velocity varies as the square root of the mass of the object.

In other words, if you had two objects of identical shape and size, but one was 4 times heavier, it would fall twice as fast as the lighter object. I wouldn't call that negligible unless the differences in masses were also small.

Ah that makes perfect sense. Can't believe I did not think of the mass itself also influencing how much force would be required. Duh. XD

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Edited By Rasrimra

@desktopman said:

@kkjs: I would certainly agree that surface area plays a larger part in this specific case, but weight (or rather mass) does matter when there is air resistance. If two objects are the same shape but one has more mass the one with more mass reaches terminal velocity first.

Because the air itself needs to make way for the object passing through it, and the air is more easily pushed away by an object with more mass? That sounds like a negligible difference, isn't it?

Hmm even in a vacuum mass will matter the tiniest bit, right? Because the more mass something has the more powerful its gravitational field? But that's super duper negligible because you need an enormous concentration of mass to create a noticeable gravitational force, not just a few tons of mass? Don't know if I got that right, it just sounds like something that would make sense.

Physics are fascinating but it goes so deep and broad that it's extremely demotivating for me to try and learn more about it. Much like everything else, really. I look at dudes online putting robots together with laser cannons that can pop balloons thinking 'I want that!', and I look at convolutional neural networks making machines 'learn' things we can't understand how to program and I think 'I want that!' and I see people creating games and I think 'I want that!'. End result? I kinda don't know what to do and can't do anything cool XD

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Edited By Rasrimra

I love that Vinny has been marked by PC gaming and is now noticing a lot of flaws in poorly running games that other people would just dismiss.

The terribat framerate in this game, and the egregious pop-up in No Man's Sky. For me that makes No Man's Sky neigh unplayable. My eyes would constantly be drawn to that. Welcome to my world, Vinny. XD

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It's like watching a cutscene from a Command & Conquer game. Every now and then glances and gestures in my direction. You are the Drew. It could be a VR experience.

I vote for them to keep it in.

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Yeah! Let me see you work that mic.

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Edited By Rasrimra

Looking at the total length of the video I can't wait to see what happens XD

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::cringe:: That is so cute!

Can't resist it.

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Edited By Rasrimra

Hmm She doesn't seem to be as good at healing as Mercy/Lucio, so you could totally see combo's of Ana + Symmetra, Ana + Zenyatta + no snipers (although they both have no mobility), or Ana + Lucio. I'm most interested in her ability to shut down healing and increase the healing of another healer like Lucio.

If we're going to do this 'add a hero every x time' thing, I bet a Builder will be next, or another full on Healer. Or a Hero that can give people a different kind of mobility. (Give them wings or transport them?)

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Edited By Rasrimra

I love it when Brad says "this is a fools errand" on the meekest monster in the game XD


Brad. You can beat this. You are doing fine. Beating your first big monster always takes a long time. You just have to pay a little closer attention to what the monsters are doing and maybe practice your combo's a little. Almost every weapontype has a little list of combo's that can be chained in some way. It makes using the weapons more fun, too. (This guy has good tutorials. Just pick one weapon type that interests you. Watch a little bit, and then try it!) Oh and stop feeling guilty about watching that. I know you didn't watch them last time but this is how Monhun is played. Information gets shared between hunters, and you improve yourself with it.

And I can tell a little about the monsters if you like. A type of monster always starts on the same area (or one of two area's) of a map. So if you remember where you found it first (if you were quick about it) you can probably find it pretty easily the second time. They also have area's they prefer to hang around in. They normally don't just run to any area on the map. If they run away and you haven't painted it yet, you can see whether it takes a normal route or a shortcut (a path you can't follow). If you see what path the monster used (if it's not flying) you can totally use that information to deduce where the monster went. It never 'skips' area's unless it really needs food or is heading for its nest, which is very rare. If it is flying, you can watch its shadow to see what direction it flew into. Check the map to see what area is directly in that direction.

Once you are fighting the monster it tends to try to attack one Hunter at a time. Everyone else standing near that Hunter or in its attack path will just be collateral damage, if you'd ask the monster. Hitting the monster, and especially healing yourself, does build aggro. It will never feel 100% predictable though because you're all hitting it and doing stuff.

Every move the monster makes takes time and stamina. So after the monster makes an attack you can probably hit it, before it makes another attack. They often have one or two surprise attacks, or a nasty follow up attack. So once you get hit by that, try to prevent it from hitting you next time by staying at a certain distance and/or angle. Bit like in Dark Souls. There is a way to avoid or prevent every attack. And staying alive is much more important (especially online) than doing some damage.

When the monster is getting hit a lot it may get angry. That is when you can see its breath and it will move/attack much faster. Be very careful when this happens! You may want to be a little less greedy with the attacks when it is being angry. But while it is angry it will lose stamina even faster.

A monster can get knocked out, be put to sleep, get paralyzed, poisoned, or tired. Unless you use items and weapons that specifically hit with damage of those types, you won't usually see these things happen. Except for it sleeping and getting tired. Once its stamina is depleted it will become tired and its attacks will be much slower. That is a great time to attack it. If it starts limping, it's almost done for. Let it limp away and it will travel to its nest. If you wait outside of its nest area for a little while (maybe 20 seconds?) it will reach its nest and sleep. The first hit on a sleeping monster does way more damage than normal hits.

A monster has many different parts with different amounts of resistances and softness. Most of this is logically placed. Hitting a tough looking monster on its shell will probably cause a sword to lose sharpness very quickly, and won't do much damage at all. A hammer is better for hitting hard parts of monsters, and often they can 'break' after taking enough damage, making it possible for other hunters with swords and such to hit it there as well. Only sharp edged weapons can cut tails. A hammer's usual attacks do not do cut damage. Hitting one part of the monster a lot will usually make it flinch, which can really add up during a fight to a lot of extra breathing room and damage.

Some items can only be gotten off of monsters when you break certain parts or cut the tail. Breaking parts and cutting tails can make it easier to fight some monsters but it is quite an advanced technique that you shouldn't try to do early on.

When it comes to finding the right items for crafting there are useful apps or sites that tell you where you can find these items. It can take a very long time to find those things on your own. The same thing goes with quests. Monhun games always have some very boring or tedious quests and you don't need to do a lot of them to progress. The ones you need to do to progress are called key quests and you can easily look up which those are if you want to.

The armor you can craft always comes in 2 variants. One is for blademasters (every melee weapon) and one is for gunners (every ranged weapon). Be careful that you don't spend your hard earned materials on the wrong type. You can't equip ranged weapons while wearing a piece of melee armor and vice versa.

Just a personal tip: Healing does take some time but not THAT much time. Often if a monster goes into a long winded attack, you can heal just fine even if you are pretty close to the monster. You can also run out of the area to heal if you are dangerously close to fainting. It can't follow you that quickly. For the whetstone it is probably best to leave the area for a moment because that can take a long time.

Those are like the super basics. Because you have trouble with when to heal and such, I would actually recommend the sword and shield because you do not need to sheathe the sword and shield to use an item. It is unique in that respect. (See weapon tutorial.)

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Edited By Rasrimra

Hmm PS4 or Vita? I have both systems and this is one of those rare occasions...

Does it run/control well on both? I think I'll play it safe and get it for PS4.