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@robaota: you're completely right. I edited that comment a few minutes before I noticed yours because I think that complaining is unwarranted. I don't even want comprehensive VR coverage, I just have this chip on my shoulder regarding the GB boys opinion of VR being full of wave shooters. But that's just their opinion and I shouldn't expect them to have the urge to play everything that comes out in VR just because they can. They think putting the thing on is a hassle, that's fine. There's just more good than bad, more unique than bland at this point, and I want them to see some of that.

Ah no worries, I'm similar when it comes to JRPG content. That's my jam, but it's not really GBs, and that's fine - but there are times where it's disappointing for sure! Still love the GB crew and what they do show.

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Edited By Robaota
@mfjubes said:

@robaota: Echo Arena is releasing alongside Lone Echo (the single-player component) as a separate download, available for free for a limited time. The release date is July 20.

Oh cool, thanks for the correction. I just did a cursory Google and saw a few articles that said it didn't have a slated release date. My bad!

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can't wait to watch them not play echo arena or any high-profile big-budget VR releases and then say a bunch of unimaginative shooting gallery games made by 1 person are indicative of the whole medium of virtual reality!

edit: ok it's cool that they focused on less shooters - to the top is magic and I'm glad they like it - and a few games I'd never even heard of, but come on, still no Echo Arena or pavlov or Wilson's heart or Star Trek bridge crew or Werewolves within or the mages tale or iron wolf or eagle flight (I don't even like that game but it was featured on stage at E3, you'd think they'd be curious)

I can forgive them avoiding Echo Arena, it's an oculus title, but it'd work just fine on the vive controllers with one .dll and there's no excuse for no star trek bridge crew coverage at this point

This is not your one-stop shop for comprehensive VR coverage. You should look for that elsewhere.

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@mfjubes said:

@carpe_dmt: I don't think Echo Arena is out yet?

It doesn't. It also hasn't got an announced release date bar "later this year".

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This pretty much nailed my feelings with the game; my interest in the narrative jumped off of a massive cliff during the Shido dungeon.

I did actually really like Akechi's finale though, I thought the VO for that was absolutely stellar work.

The high concept stuff that Persona 4 and now Persona 5 went for in the tail end of their games really didn't sit with me at all. They tend to do it at an absence of an actual villain; and though while it was a little better in this game, the final act (Mementos onwards) just did nothing for me at all.

The characters as well were, largely, quite one note. The first 4 characters you get in your party (Ann, Ryuji, Mona and Yusuke) were all just quite uninteresting to me. It wasn't until Makoto joined (who was a pretty great character) and Futuba's dungeon happened was when I really started to like some of the characters in the game.

But even then, there just wasn't any moment of lightheartedness there. Like, Hawaii was a REALLY bad bit, in what was the first real moment with all the characters away from the main story.

The gameplay itself was a lot of fun, and the music was AMAZING. It just was missing what I go to Persona for: good personas.

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I love the immediate cut after "I love to fuck", no way folks held it together after that.

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@welding said:

To be fair, the fights with the weapon-guy are bullshit.

This is worth bearing in mind; the most problematic parts of the game for me were against that motherfucker.

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If it wasn't for Wolfenstein 2, that would have been a shocker of a conference. They did not need to hold a conference for that level of content.

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@rossco81 said:

The amount of "Haha, Youtubers and Twitch Streamers are lame, am I right guys?!" going on was a bit much for me. I can't believe that people in this industry would rather see celebrities paid to shill for a game they have no interest in or connection to, rather than passionate players who are thrilled to be there and actually hold interest and excitement for the game they're representing.

I really don't want to come across as an asshole or as being too harsh on the GB crew, but I feel that a ton of people seem to have forgotten that the Youtubers and streamers weren't the ones that came up with this "influencer" or "content creator" shit. They're passionate people doing shit that they love and for the most part, they're good people building diverse, international communities. The amount of money donated to charity in the name of so called "influencers" across both Twitch and Youtube is insane.

I really didn't see it this way at all; they actually said that the guy who was freezing up a bit at teleprompter issues was probably a really nice dude. But I really didn't see anything personal at all?

And the reason they want to see celebrities, is simply to laugh at people like Snoop Dogg smoking a joint while playing Battlefield, rather than people they don't know at all. I really didn't see them shitting on anyone? I just see them just not knowing people.

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Well. That intro is certainly an all-timer.