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@HH Oh boy. I can't wait for this 'clean up'. Instead of a 'clean up', let's call it a 'purge'. That sounds more accurate. And who shall we purge? After all, the promotion of invasions of privacy, doxxing, stalking campaigns are _already against the rules_ and already result in forum bans, maybe we need to increase the scope of what qualifies. Maybe it should be a certain of critical posts? Once someone makes four posts critical of Patrick for whatever reason, the reasons don't matter, they'll be purged. After all, it stands to reason anyone who would publicly state some issue with Patrick is likely to be one of the people being aggressively abusive to him.

At a certain point, we have to think about how it starts. If you let people make three negative posts before purging them, it will only embolden others to make their three negative posts. For the good of everyone, we'll have to lower the amount of negative posts allowed before purgation to 0. If people see that 1 negative post results in being purged, they'll stop posting negatively altogether, and thusly, we will have no twitter harassment of Patrick.

Of course this might not stem the problem. People could remain silent and completely anonymous and still harbor I'll intent to Patrick. Many people who have been critical of Patrick have said they've stopped watching videos he's involved in... Therefore you can root out harassers by checking people's watch history. Someone who doesn't watch Patrick videos is a possible harasser and should be purged. Those who don't watch enough will be purged. Those with Twitter accounts and youtube accounts can send hateful anti-revolutionary messages. They will be purged. It's a website. About Patrick Klepek.


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#2  Edited By RockyRaccoon37

@rockyraccoon37 said:

@endurancefun said:

@rockyraccoon37: Nothing about your post indicated it was a joke. Why is it weird to complain about someone "talking too much" or being "annoying" when they're putting out content that's supposed to be entertaining / informative? Seems fair to me.

You might be in too deep if you think that saying people are unstable for judging a person's character on the internet isn't a clear joke. Just an FYI, but I'm not a goddamn lunatic.

Those complaints are entirely subjective and unless an overwhelming majority of people believe it it isn't worth considering. Especially when you factor in that these are personality driven websites, and you're essentially asking a person to change an element of who they are, or how they express themselves so you can enjoy them more.

It's an unreasonable complaint.

I mean, that's a more specific example. I don't have a problem with people saying things like "I wish this person was more sensitive about spoilers", or "this guy needs to tone down the hyperbole". I get those issues, most of the time my reaction to those complaints would be that they don't bother me at all, but hey I see where you're coming from.

It's the "constructive criticism" of personalities that irk me. If you don't like a person on the team, then simply avoid the content they put out. If you're then complaining that that person is in a lot of content, then maybe find other sites to explore-- maybe you'll find something else to like out there.

On this site, it's no stretch. I've been told to do everything from stop posting to killing myself, so being told I'm mentally unstable is par for the course.

Actually, Patrick has accepted criticisms on his tumblr / formspring about talking too much and interrupting others in quick looks and promised to work on these issues. He even said if you don't like him as a person it's fine.

I see what you're saying, but ultimately people will complain about what they want to and not make distinctions of it being someone's personality.

Of course you don't have to like him as a person, but that doesn't mean that you can come into his yard and take a shit and not expect to hear about it. I obviously don't think there's anything wrong with voicing some criticism in a constructive manner, but most of what I've seen is the same people complaining about the same things over and over again in a snarky, angry tone.

And to be fair, you've probably been told some of those extreme things by people in threads regarding the representation of women in video games -- if I remember correctly (and oh god I'm so sorry if I'm wrong) said some pretty gross things in those threads and shown some disdain for that entire conversation. Not saying that justifies people telling you to kill yourself! But that's obviously a heated conversation and very different from criticizing a member of the GB staff.

Anyway! Point being that tone matters, it doesn't matter that this is the internet and it should be expected.

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@clonedzero said:

go read the walking dead comments again. theres a few over the top comments, nothing major. most of the comments were merely pointing out how weird it was that patrick made such specific and harsh judgements of something he never read.

theres about 20 comments going "OMG these comments are ridiculous!" for every one comment who criticized patricks opinion. again, a vast majority of the comments disagreeing with patrick were perfectly rational and polite.

so yeah....uh please actually read stuff before spazzing out that people are attacking patrick, it wasn't that bad lol.

This is always the case, sadly. Out of hundreds of negative comments there will maybe be ten borderline spam comments by users who conspicuously have a few posts and no avatar. This is then used as the rule rather than the exception of critical posts.

Case in point, that comment section. Not even a week later and it's already being revised, so that it's supposedly full of Patrick's bullies.

Yes, Patrick has stated many times that he wants feedback on his content. He has thicker skin than his would-be defense squad.

I don't recall the entire thread, but much of it was initially dominated by people upset at Patrick for voicing his opinion on the Walking Dead tv show and comic series. Then that quickly devolved into a debate about whether or not the show was any good (HINT IT'S TOTALLY NOT).

But I think you're doing exactly what you complain about -- this thread doesn't have a bunch of people saying how horrible the comments in that quick look are, but instead voicing their opinion about a vocal minority of the community who feels the need to chastise Patrick for voicing his opinion in a way that offends them. It's hardly the "defense force" you make it out to be. The OP here may have been over zealous, but I'm not seeing a litany of people here calling for death to the people who criticize Patrick.

I don't see people coming to Patrick's defense here, just people voicing their opinion, much like you feel you have a right to do.

All I'm saying is, you can't have it both ways.

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@rockyraccoon37: Nothing about your post indicated it was a joke. Why is it weird to complain about someone "talking too much" or being "annoying" when they're putting out content that's supposed to be entertaining / informative? Seems fair to me.

You might be in too deep if you think that saying people are unstable for judging a person's character on the internet isn't a clear joke. Just an FYI, but I'm not a goddamn lunatic.

Those complaints are entirely subjective and unless an overwhelming majority of people believe it it isn't worth considering. Especially when you factor in that these are personality driven websites, and you're essentially asking a person to change an element of who they are, or how they express themselves so you can enjoy them more.

It's an unreasonable complaint.

I mean, that's a more specific example. I don't have a problem with people saying things like "I wish this person was more sensitive about spoilers", or "this guy needs to tone down the hyperbole". I get those issues, most of the time my reaction to those complaints would be that they don't bother me at all, but hey I see where you're coming from.

It's the "constructive criticism" of personalities that irk me. If you don't like a person on the team, then simply avoid the content they put out. If you're then complaining that that person is in a lot of content, then maybe find other sites to explore-- maybe you'll find something else to like out there.

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@rockyraccoon37: Neither is invalid, but I was disagreeing with your statement that "[if they] feel the need to voice their opinion [they] are probably unstable or missing some meaning in their life." They're equivalent measures, if one makes you 'sick,' so does the other.

I was totally joking around. I think it's weird when people feel the need to voice things like "this person talks too much" or "Their laugh is so annoying" or whatever.

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@rockyraccoon37: I'll take criticising the content over criticising the criticism of the content, every time.

But it's all criticism, so what's the difference?

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#7  Edited By RockyRaccoon37

@hh: You'd end up banning half of Giant Bomb with such a vague definition.

Sounds good!

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People who don't like a writer guy on a video gaming website are mentally ill.

I wouldn't say that, but the people who feel the need to voice their opinion are probably unstable or missing some meaning in their life.

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#9  Edited By RockyRaccoon37

@jasonr86 said:

Guys, The Walking Dead is an alright show. Plus a lot of people watch it. So it'll survive Patrick's malicious attacks. We cool?


It totes sucks and the comics are just as bad, but hey I haven't read all 100+ issues of it, so heads up, I'm clearly misinformed and not worthy to judge it.

Not sure why people defend the show at all-- it's a soap opera for dudes, clearly not everyone's wheelhouse and absolutely not something that requires a person's undivided attention to grasp its subtlety. If you like it, cool, but it should be clear why people would think that it's trash.

And hey, can we permaban anyone who uses the term "white knighting" in a non-ironic way? Because it makes me vomit in my mouth a little every time I read it. I mean, it's a good gauge to know who to ignore, but still.

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