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@jams said:

@deadmoscow said:

Sometimes, this entire discussion feels completely fucking hopeless. Trying to convince a generation of males who have been consuming male-oriented video games and targeted by male-oriented advertising that maybe, just maybe they'll need to start letting girls into their treehouse can feel like ramming your head into a wall. Look at the comments section on this subject in any other, non-videogame centric media outlet, and it starts to paint a pretty ugly picture of our community. It's the same with the Kotaku comments section - any story about women, feminism, or minorities can't pass without legions of (white) (male) commenters picking it all apart. On top of that, look at the members of the chat and their reaction to a transgendered woman on the recent new releases live show. Absolutely shameful.

I know that there's a good chance this post will be quoted and pulled apart and somebody will accuse me of crying out "misogyny!", just like the last ten pages. I don't blame the staff and moderators for not touching these threads with a ten foot pole, because apart from a handful of pretty rational duders, they attract the absolute worst and most backward elements of the user base.

Do you realize that the people you're complaining about don't exist in this community (or at least are not vocal)? Most of the counter arguments to any sexism claim are usually for true equality and are tired of people making a mountain out of a mole hill and labeling everything sexist. We pick apart the posts because they're logically weak and don't stand a chance against true equality. But that always falls on deaf ears because radical feminist are hell bent on convincing everyone that sexism is in absolutely everything at all times without taking anything into consideration.

The notion of arguing for "true equality" while in the same breath arguing that the cultural history and historical representation of women is irrelevant, is to me, more disgusting than someone who is an open sexist or racist.

It's a complete fallacy to suggest that you're for equality but also against the feminist movement-- the feminist movement is an equality movement. This notion of adopting this stance of "equality" exists solely to render critical thought moot-- it's an anti-historical and anti-critical stance. And what makes it so disgusting is that it's couched in the framework of altruism, when it couldn't possibly be further from that.

I've also found it quite funny that in my personal experience when I've come across people who are against the feminist movement but purport to be for a greater "equality" (lot of those people in my University as it turns out) they all happen to be white men.

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@mtcantor said:

@ravenlight said:

@nickieroonie said:
@ravenlight said:

Are you serious? Ms. Pac-Man is a great example of gender-equality in video games. She noms the dots and runs from the ghosts just as well as the male Pac-Man all while maintaining gender-identity.

Devil's advocate: Ms. Pac-Man simplifies the female gender by being differentiated only by a bow, a beauty mark and lipstick (I kid).

The ghosts represent society's pressure to conform. The fruits illustrate the stereotypical female gender-role as homemaker. I guess the dots could be Communism?

No. Communism is a red herring.

No you fools, it's all a metaphor for Capitalism and the consumerist culture.

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#3  Edited By RockyRaccoon37

@jimbo said:

<3. Nice to hear from somebody who 'gets it'.

There are problems which need addressing in the game industry, but thoughtful and considered opinions like this one will achieve far more than the hysterical and illogical ones who just scream 'Sexism!' at everything. They know who they are, and often they're the ones making a living out of screaming 'Sexism!' at everything. Funny that.

Good for them that they've figured out a way to use their cause to line their pockets, but they aren't going to actually achieve anything other than making people roll their eyes at them. If anything they're probably having a negative effect, because they're just drowning out smarter people who would otherwise be capable of delivering the message in a more surgical / less blunt force trauma way.

The idea of someone "getting it" is absurd because it suggests that there's only two sides to the argument-- a right side and a wrong side. It's far more complicated than that.

No one that I've seen, and certainly not Anita, is screaming SEXISM. She's discussing the representation of women in games and using specific examples to back up her claims. You can choose to argue that her examples don't back up her claims effectively, or that those examples are misleading (if you can provide support).

The purpose of a dialogue like this isn't to have some kind of immediate significant change, but instead to get people talking and thinking, nothing more.

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#4  Edited By RockyRaccoon37

@rockyraccoon37 said:

@mrsignerman44 said:

@rockyraccoon37 said:

@red said:

I really dislike Anita Sarkeesian for her manipulation and her cult-esque audience, but I find it very hard to defend Peach as a strong female character.

That being said, what damage is Peach really doing to women?

It can be alienating to young girls who are looking for someone they identify with to only be relegated to the role of damsel in an entire series of games (in this case Mario).

It reduces one of the only female presences in Mario games as an object that must be gained in order to win the game.

It also reinforces the notion that video games are for boys when most games have you playing as a male character.

Come on now, don't be silly. Alienating young girls? In this day and age? Especially now, when Super Princess Peach is out and every mario kart/party/sport has her and Daisy in playable roles? That's a bit exaggerative.

Super Princess Peach puts her in a game where her abilities are defined by her limited range of emotions--not exactly the most endearing of representations.

The point was that she's a protagonist but if you want to change the subject all the time and not even address what I said then whats the point of arguing with you?

The point isn't simply that she's a protagonist, but how she's represented.

Dead or Alive also has lots of women, but that doesn't make it an adequate representation of women.

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@rockyraccoon37 said:

@red said:

I really dislike Anita Sarkeesian for her manipulation and her cult-esque audience, but I find it very hard to defend Peach as a strong female character.

That being said, what damage is Peach really doing to women?

It can be alienating to young girls who are looking for someone they identify with to only be relegated to the role of damsel in an entire series of games (in this case Mario).

It reduces one of the only female presences in Mario games as an object that must be gained in order to win the game.

It also reinforces the notion that video games are for boys when most games have you playing as a male character.

And when the Mario games were first created the majority of the audience WAS boys. When you are talking about a commercial product like video games you pander to your audience because that makes financial sense. The Audience for many years was boys. Not saying there weren't females playing as well because there were. So obviously stories that pander to male audiences are going to be included for that reason and also reasons of just well... its an easy concept to get across in a time where the medium wasn't exactly as evolved yet. The only way to change this boys club-house is for females to show that they want to be part of it. The industry HAS responded to the growing number of female gamers as well. There are way more relatable female characters for women now days than there ever has been.

Also, women are now in prominent roles making video games. Uncharted 2 Sony's possibly biggest game in the last 10 years was written by a woman. You can't however expect the male pandering in video games to cease though. There is always going to be a segment of games that is directed at a male audience and I don't see and issue with that. The same thing is true in other mediums there are movies and books that directly target women and movies and books that target men more.

Video games are still a extremely young medium by comparison. People need to chill out. The industry is still evolving. The concept that Anita brings up that these men rescuing women are somehow "taking possession of them as an object is absurd. They aren't trying to "take possession" of the woman they are simply trying to win her admiration. Its a fantastical day-dream version of real life. Men want to impress the woman of their dreams and catch their attention. And yes, its an empowerment fantasy but... that's kind of what entertainment is supposed to do be an escape from reality. And again,the audience was still largely male when most of those game were made. And just because one female character in a game is in peril doesn't mean that the game is painting with a sexist brush. I mean hell you have games like the recently released Tomb Raider where Lara is obviously the dominant survivor who is rescuing not only fellow male survivors but also her friend and fellow female Sam. I think its absurd that somehow a character like peach is somehow supposed to be representative of an entire gender. The real sticking point I have with anita's work is the lack of acknowledgement of the societal climate surrounding the games she brought up. And the absolute entitlement she brings to the table.

You can't expect to show up to what has been traditionally a male clubhouse and expect everything to pander to you right away. And again, the industry is still evolving and reacting to the ever growing female population. And not just with cliche "girl games" like the Sims either. Core mainstream popular games are starting to react to this. Gears 3 featured a number of playable female characters both in the multiplayer and campaign. Things are getting better not worse for female gamers and dwelling on what games WERE rather than what they are becoming does nothing to move your cause forward.

A long write up and I'd like to give it more of a response, but to sum up:

Historically video games have been specifically marketed to young boys, practically from their inception, which is why they have been predominately played by young boys-- not the other way around.

Video games are over 40 years old at this point, certainly young still, but were created in a time where people were already becoming more socially and culturally aware of women's rights, and the representation of women in popular culture. You can't compare its trajectory to that of film or television even. There have been advances, which is great, but the industry at large is still dominated by men. Men making games for men.

Escapist fantasy can be okay, but it should exist for both-- if you're going to have specifically gendered fantasy for men, then there should also be representation for women as well.

It's not entitlement to expect proper representation for your gender.

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@rockyraccoon37 said:

@red said:

I really dislike Anita Sarkeesian for her manipulation and her cult-esque audience, but I find it very hard to defend Peach as a strong female character.

That being said, what damage is Peach really doing to women?

It can be alienating to young girls who are looking for someone they identify with to only be relegated to the role of damsel in an entire series of games (in this case Mario).

It reduces one of the only female presences in Mario games as an object that must be gained in order to win the game.

It also reinforces the notion that video games are for boys when most games have you playing as a male character.

Come on now, don't be silly. Alienating young girls? In this day and age? Especially now, when Super Princess Peach is out and every mario kart/party/sport has her and Daisy in playable roles? That's a bit exaggerative.

Super Princess Peach puts her in a game where her abilities are defined by her limited range of emotions--not exactly the most endearing of representations.

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@red said:

I really dislike Anita Sarkeesian for her manipulation and her cult-esque audience, but I find it very hard to defend Peach as a strong female character.

That being said, what damage is Peach really doing to women?

It can be alienating to young girls who are looking for someone they identify with to only be relegated to the role of damsel in an entire series of games (in this case Mario).

It reduces one of the only female presences in Mario games as an object that must be gained in order to win the game.

It also reinforces the notion that video games are for boys when most games have you playing as a male character.

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@gumby said:

@extomar said:

You are being silly. Did you not just watch this video? Do you not read this and other thread? Suggesting she is suppressing discussion is a stupid argument to make.

How isn't she though? By moderating the comments or closing them down completely, she is making herself untouchable. She obviously targets her videos at a demographic who are not "gamers" (I hate the term, but what else is there) and certainly not people who are savvy enough to be on an internet forum to discuss said video games. The only way for criticism to reach her audience, would be through the comments and they are closed down completely. She only wants her views to be heard and not challenged.

How is this video being targeted to people who don't play video games, and people who don't use the internet for discussion?

I think it's pretty clearly intended for people who play video games and since this thing raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter, it's clearly directed to "internet-savvy" people as well.

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@gumby said:


But are they as visible? What other way is there to criticize her while reaching her fanbase. Writing an email or PMing her with well thought out points won't change her stance on anything. I agree that most of youtube commenters are complete idiots, but in here Ted talk she basically lumps all gaming related forums together as one and labels the entire internet as trolls and haters. At no point does she want to create a discussion or encourage any form of academic discourse.

I think if you want to exclaim an opinion, you have to be prepared to defend it. She's never done so.

Her entire argument is a defense of her opinion, she has absolutely no obligation to continue the conversation in YouTube comments. The entire point of this video series is to create discussion-- it's clearly already proven successful since we're here right now having a discussion about this other person's video which attempts to refute and discuss Anita's point.

The discussion is already underway.

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@brad_d80 said:

@aishan said:

@brad_d80 said:

Anita Lies by omission about Krystals role in dinosaur planet. She was not the MC the guy fox replaced was. Mario saves many toadstool men before saving peach, that kinda messes up Anita's gender based trope stance. There are many games where a man saves men they might actually be more cases of that then women.

Krystal was going to be playable character in Dinosaur Planet, alongside Sabre. The fact that they changed Sabre into Fox in no way changes the fact that Krystal's role went from hero to damsel-in-distress.

Also, re: the Toads in the original SMB. One simple sentence. "Thank you Mario, but our princess is in another castle." Come on now, this isn't exactly Shakespeare, it's pretty clearly implied there that Mario searches each castle for Peach.

The toads were being held hostage to keep peach in line. Lets ignore the fact that they needed saving as much as the princess. They dont count as being saved cause they are not women, which is messed up that you just dismiss them so easily. Is that fact missed on you. Are you so cult worshiper sold on Anita's cult of propaganda that you would suicide rush anyone that differs in view from the Core ideology she pushes.

The obvious ultimate goal is to save the princess, once she is rescued the game is over. No one is suggesting that they didn't count because they aren't women, but the ultimate goal of the game is to save the princess.

You can obviously differ in view, frankly it would be nice to have a dialogue. But all you're doing is arguing around the point and being antagonistic