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So just onto Ep. 3, and the *spoilers* reveal of the dragon had its entire section in silence. Not only that but the main credit sequence chugs (and has done in past eps) and there's SO many sound effects missing like the opening of doors, soldiers clashing shields etc.

Any fixes for this like a reinstall? Or have you guys experienced the same 'Telltale jank'? It feels like they're getting worse, it's pretty insulting to the fans releasing things like this, and I'm personally getting very tired of playing broken Telltale stuff!

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Quick bump as new posts don't seem to go into the forums I create them in! :D

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So let's get a best and worst levels thread going! It's harder remembering what's what thanks to the lack of showing you the layouts before selecting, but that does make you remember by them by song instead!

Anyway, so far I love Scene 6 - Moving Up - the one with the fans going to retrieve some dude's girlfriend. I just love the layout and how if you're playing as Alex and Ash you can bust in some doors, chainsaw dudes and fire off rounds down corridors!

Worst I'd say 22nd - Blood Money - it has one of the BEST songs in the whole thing (Mega Drive's Acid Spit) but the open nature of the level and the fact they want you to just blast the fuck out of everything makes for too strong a difficulty curve to really have the most fun with it.

What do you guys think?

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Which is both good and bad, depending on how much you got stuck into the first one.

Let me backtrack though, I was prompted to write this post after seeing the majority of negative reviews all mention the size of the levels and increased amount of windows as a problem.

Now, I really haven't been 'sniped from across the map' or anything of the sort. Sure a guy will blast you from off-screen if you've not scouted ahead first and are rushing into an area, but I honestly think it always feels like your fault to get brought down this way.

Being that this is a sequel to one of the biggest cult franchises in years, I really think Dennaton just took the endpoint of the first game in terms of difficulty, and went from there. If you want something easier, play the first game, it's that simple. I'd say when taken together, there's a really great ramp-up in difficulty that spreads across both titles - HM2 is a sequel in the purest sense, it's only meant to be played when you've mastered the original.

Right now I'm on like Act 27 or something (the Russian club-rush with the samurai-sword guy) and I've not encountered anything where I've blamed the game over my own actions. The increase in windows just means you have to pick your spots better, use corners to goad people in and really choose your shots rather than going in guns blazing.

Oh, and the army levels? They're a nice change of pace, ammo scarcity is a good way of reversing your expectations and making every bullet count, and The Writer's non-lethal approach (that PC Gamer essentially claimed was indicative of the entire game - it's like 3 missions) is another nice change from the norm - still letting you get your blood-thirst on if you want.

The more you retry a level and get used to where groups of guys are going to be, the easier it is to speed up enacting whatever path you initially carved through it - I just don't think condemning this clearly intentional factor of map size as a negative fits when it's Hotline's mechanics we're talking about.

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#5  Edited By ShalashaskaUK666

That's always been my thing is I don't mind providing the content is good, and i don't think I'm being taken for a ride when I've clicked in. Providing the ads aren't screen-filling 'where the hell is the X to close this thing?!' reloads every page I don't mind either, but I think it's interesting to talk about the idea that a headline should be as enticing or attention-grabbing as the content.

I think it's a common reactionary response to get away from list-based content in general, especially when there's PLENTY sites giving it a bad name, or doing something like what Buzzfeed do and breaking down what became a string of 'articles' on Leo DiCaprio's beard.

Say it's a 10 point list on core things Ubisoft need to fix for Assassin's Creed, I'd rather get stuck into a concise presentation of that information, than a rambling rant about the game in general. I know Polygon gets a pretty bad rap already, but there's something about some of their articles - and guys like Vice - that just go on WAY too long, rambling and diverging from the point they're supposed to be delivering.

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Just the framerate really, but also collision detection was terrible, leading to Arno freaking out if his feet were between multiple planes. I had a load of those 'fall through the world' bugs too, but they're apparently fixed.

One of the things I noticed most when going back to Black Flag on 360 before Unity launched was the terrible frame rate I must have otherwise ignored before there was so much emphasis on it, but with Unity I really wanted a buttery-smooth AC experience, with no random floating pedestrians or bugs getting in the way either.

I guess what I'm asking is - as the initial release felt like a game desperately in need of a few more playtest sessions, does this feel like a finished retail product?

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I seem to post but it doesn't appear on the page - so sorry but bump! :)

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So I bought Unity to get some content for a site I write for, but after playing just enough for a couple of articles I gave up, reconciling to the idea that patches would make it much better in the future.

I've read Ubi's big press releases but I've also seen Digital Foundry's results that it's a marginal difference. Is this still a total flop on PS4, or is the framerate solid enough now, along with the general feel of gameplay actually working to make it enjoyable?

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Anyone else having this? Not every menu, but in particular the character customisation/weapon-change menus make my PS4's fans make a pretty noticeable racket! (The theatre upgrade list does too)

They die off as soon as I quit again, but it makes me change up Arno's look and shop for weapons as fast as possible every time, as they go louder and louder and I don't wanna know what happens if I hang around haha! :D

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More PS4 glitchiness, I had a hard lock where an enemy disappeared altogether, only for the game to quit back to dashboard and I lost my save! (Luckily wasn't too far from where I was, but considering it was just a one-on-one fight, is still worrying!)

Also just this morning went to put the PS4 on and where the Lords icon should be on the dash, was a giant 'Corrupted Data' icon! Ejected the disc, put back in and it automatically re-installed the 4.72GB patch from launch day, which has got me back into my save with nothing missing thankfully!

Still, very worrying!! You can tell Deck13 are new to all this stuff so I guess it's understandable, but yeah I've tweeted them asking about PS4 stability fixes, because in a game where every few moments you're making pretty big steps forward, this could be devastating!

Aside from that though if you're a Souls fan I think it's pretty amazing!! There's enough differentiation in the core combat from using the Gauntlet's abilities with different runes and on-the-fly spell/weapon-switching to really make it very enjoyable - when it works! :D