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The Whole "FFVII/Sessler" Debate

One of my favorite journalists in the industry kind of took an awkward path over this week. With the release of his "Your Childhood Sucks" video, he's re-sparked a lot of controversy. We all know Final Fantasy VII is probably one of the most over-hyped games off all-time -- it's repeatedly on top ten lists for the majority of gamers, and often made a mockery by up-to-date gamers. That said, just because its popular doesn't make it bad. Sure, that's fine for N'Sync, but were talking about a fifty-hour epic that has truly paved the way for some other RPG's out there. Personally, I'm not sure if FFVII would land even near a Top 10 list of today because, for me, it's lost its charm a little over the course of time. Back then, however, it was a game that gave me the whole "I love playing games" feeling.

So, who was his video directed to, and what service did it provide? There were little means to rant about a twelve year old game, and I think for just this moment, he kind of joined "the culture on the internet." I just don't understand why he would pull such a dangerous stunt to critically punish a game in ... retrospect?

If gaming journalists are starting to do that now, then Super Mario Bros be damned.

(Also, video above contains my thoughts as well, and not just Sessler's video).