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Not even an 87-year old Republican WWII veteran could convince.

Results are in, Corzine is out, and Christie wins New Jersey (Man, what a crappy prize). Results in Maine yield extreme facepalmery, in the form of me being angry but not angry enough to yell while typing (I talk and type, that's what I do, it makes it flow smoothly in every instance and in case I need to provide gibberish I can only type what I randomly spew out). The "Yes on 1" campaign won.... 
... fuck 
There's nothing else I can say, not even an 87-year old Republican WWII veteran could convince otherwise. Appeals to fact, couldn't convince people otherwise. Appeals to goddamn positive emotion or negative emotion work. Appeals to common fucking sense couldn't convince otherwise. No, the second you hear "They're coming for you", forget it you lost. To paraphrase Charlie Brooker, I don't know about you but I'm really glad to be alive. Fuck it, I can't blame the people who had the campaign to caused the whole thing, I can only blame three people.
The president, a supposed "Fierce Advocate", who kept his mouth shut when it shouldn't have been shut. The media for ignoring factual information, INCLUDING LOCAL MEDIA, I SAW NOTHING WHEN I WENT TO MAINE! No reporting of facts, nothing about it, and in fact the majority of the ads were for the "Yes on 1" group, so include the fourth person being the people who take the filthy money to show the ads. Third, fucking people. We know why. 
Know what? Fuck it, I blame everything on the "Yes on 1" campaign. 
They result to lies and the filthiest of smears against people, promoting bigotry and anger and appeals for negative emotion, and they have the god damn temerity to advocate the sanctity of anything. Well fuck 'em *tosses everything aside*. Honestly, I wish I were ignorant and happy, I would at least be unaware on how humanity is shit and how the world would destroy itself any second now (And know what, I wouldn't mind knowing how much we suck). 
Anyways, Left 4 Dead 2 is going to be amazing. I've enjoyed the demo very much so. If it doesn't sound like it, I'm still pissed off. I've recently purchased Professor Layton, and am scratching my head every step of the way, and I honestly don't give a crap about God of War III (just as I had not given that crap for the other two), I don't care about Bioware's sexathon Dragon Age: Origins, and I think the Final Fantasy Series has sucked since the 8th game. 
Next blog, a theme that doesn't revolve around me losing more faith in humanity. Until then, until then... 


That's some fine lying there Lou (Gaming Update)

Funny news story, this time about Lou Dobbs. Let us start it out. 
First off he reports that somebody shot at him and his wife three weeks ago not that long ago. No, that's not the funny part, I'm not that horrible (I will lapse in that horribleness though). The funny part is when we get the New Jersey police to say something about the story. They weren't so... let's say impressed. The man who represented the police supposedly chucked at the claims by Dobbs, stating that it is hunting season. You know where this is leading. But even then, you could say that it is still negligent. True. But there was only one bullet at the time, which actually hit the attic. How much damage was done? None, the bullet hit the attic and then the ground. So nobody actually shot at Lou, it was just a crappy hunter who missed when trying to shoot something up in the air, bullets do fall you know (eventually). Come on Lou, first off, you report this three weeks after the fact, as if you suddenly developed and fired off the logical synapses in your brain just now. Come on. The cops don't throw away the reports Lou, which isn't fine detective work. Link right here 
PS. Lou is an idiot. 

Time for gaming news, huzzah!

I finally got a working copy of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, and when I say that, I mean I consulted a bunch of help from other once like minded individuals and got it running. Let the Sierra point-and-click ass kicking begin. 
Unless you completely missed out this part of gaming history, Gabriel Knight is a well known cult classic Point and Click style adventure game. Rated M for mature of course. Its story revolves around an attempted novelist who is trying to write about Voodoo Murders, but accidentally gets wrapped up in real Voodoo murders and because the only man who can put them to an end. Like every other Sierra game, the best thing for you to do is to save every room, because death is unavoidable. Do the wrong thing, you die. Give the wrong object, die. Take the right object at the wrong time, die. Because GK deals with Voodoo magic puzzles, the deaths ramp up. 
I will have unlimited fun in this game I have hunted down for 2-3 years. Wish me luck. 
Until Next Time Folks, Until Then. Oh crap tomorrow's Halloween. Well looks like there will be another night of doorbells. I hate Halloween, and youths, and candy, and doctors and lawyers and cops.

Far to simple in this game (Hate Crimes Legislation smackdown)

Who here knows who the Youtube user "HowTheWorldWorks"? Just kidding, I know you don't, that's fine. Do you know who Lee Doren is? Same person. He works for Bureaucrash, is a lobbyist, appeared on Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs' programs. He gave a small speech during the 9/12 protests and was about as copy/pasta inspired as every other speaker (Until the Yes Men speak at one of these). By this point you know who he is. 
Well his Youtube profile is all about making "news" videos on how Obama is corrupt and blah blah blah. I can name exactly four other places that do the exact same thing (Malkin's blog, Newsbusters, RealClearPolitics, PJTV which reminds me of bananas in pajamas for some reason). Nothing new, literally nothing new because he actually copy pasted an entire episode from the four above. What is the purpose of this? Why write this blog? Well for posterity's sake, because that's how I roll. But also because I feel like celebrating for causing the destruction of this person's credibility. Because that's how I actually roll. With the power to protect and destroy people's credibility (Well, to a certain group of people, not for the eyes of all people). 
Anyways, I had infiltrated his page as "Oskiesrosa" (Note; He had banned my other profile, so I needed a fresh start). I had played as the silly noob in politics. The bait as I would call it. The hook is a simple question. Because he is a 9/12 speaker, but also a reader of opinion news (his own), I had only one chance. Remember that Equality March I talked about a few blogs ago? Well he sure didn't read it, nor did he actually talk about it. I used this as the hook. I asked a few questions, and one thing led to another, he seemed reluctant to talk about this. 
My question was why he never covered this march despite talking about the 9/12 one for a long time. His responses included avoiding it, rejecting its existence, denying its importance, and eventually caving in by saying QUOTE "I didn't because I didn't". Now, people don't do things because they don't, this person is notorious for his constant attempts to downplay Obama, why did he never talk or reference this event? Then this went to the Hate Crimes legislation, extra bait, why not. I got exactly what I wanted. 
Now I stated this once before, using the term "Thought Crime" has nothing to do with Hate Crimes, in fact it is an intellectually dishonest distraction. There are two reasons as to why you would say this. One being you don't understand the bill, now me being only partially evil, had told him it was okay if he didn't understand what the Hate Crimes legislation does, the majority don't understand what it does, even those who support it (I understand because I do my homework, even though I should do my schoolwork). Nope, he wouldn't have it. So there's only one reason left. 
I don't even need to point out what that reason is. You know it, I know it, he knows it. Which led to me being banned from his channel for simply raising a point. A point that another supported deeply by stating he also wishes to know why he doesn't talk about it. 
Anyways, the entire thing was recorded, and sent to a popular user, who does these debunking videos. He's no LiberalViewer, but he's still quite good. Why did I do this? Write this blog I mean. Well a simple reason, two actually. One being you should do your homework rather than to look like an intellectually dishonest idiot. The other being, well I'll save that for another time.
Cheers, and I finally got the second S-Rank. Hurray for me. Sexy parties for all who want them, not you though, you don't deserve it.


11 years is a long time to do anything.

I can totally convince you that its a long time even for the legislative process. Fun fact, in The Iliad, the siege lasted 10 years. Not 11, not 100, 10 years. I know it's an epic poem (And it truly is an awesome poem), but epic lasts 10 years. 11 years for a single bill to pass is quite long and overdue by at least... 10 years. We should have been holding a siege if we had known this would last 11 years.   

Sorry Matthew 
Sorry Matthew 
Yes, the 11 year long Hate Crimes bill update will be signed on Wednesday after long and thoughtless deliberation (Note; thoughtless deliberation), constant gibberish from a group of people who use the term "Thought Crime" in a law about singling out a group of people to beat down and murder. A bunch of people who deny that Matthew Shepard was even killed for reasons other than the obvious. As well as one group who likes to hold protests outside of funerals of soldiers. The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Bill will finally be signed by the president. About bloody time. I mean, the Patriot Act took no time at all (Oh yeah, and Obama still has no problem with that by the way). The decision to go into Iraq took nothing whatsoever. But the Healthcare bill is taking a long time (More on that later) and this simple update on the Hate Crimes legislation took bloody 11 years (You could also say the Healthcare bill has taken 70 years to do, since FDR tried to do the same thing).
Hey while you are doing that, do what Arlen Specter says and repeal DOMA and DADT. No? What a shock. Listen, whenever somebody says I'm a partisan hack, do me and them a favour and point them to some of my blogs, because I'm not going to advertise it.

And Now For Something Completely Different

The Public Option is in! 
*cheers from the crowd* 
It's automatically in the bill and states will have to opt out from it! 
*Continued Cheers* 
It's triggered 
I could try to talk about the trigger, but even I've got no idea how in the hell to describe it. So I'll talk about two things. 
1) The premiums have shot up when the news on this has come up. Now why do you think this is? Because the health insurance industries want to make it seem like the public option is the reason for the rising premiums, therefore creating a fake opposition to it in the senate. What a bunch of slimy bastards. You would be smart to disregard that fear mongering tactic, I know you are. Unfortunately the people who oppose it will use it to further their bullpucky case as to why even this conservative public option is bad for America due to roots in socialist policies and all of that gibberish. 
2) Joseph Lieberman will try to block this. Yes, the shifty no-party bastard will try to pretend to be a democrat and block this. Which essentially means it will have to go from 50 votes to pass this, to 60 votes to pass this vote. Which essentially means he will stop this from going into law. Now before you grab a baseball bat to break his kneecaps, consider this.... 
There's nothing to consider. Joe Lieberman (Excuse me if I've misspelled that) is a gutless non-human Dickensian Dicking machine, and deserves a ton of scorn. Try flooding his emails with that scorn and put the bat away. 

And now, something celebratorial

Shep Smith is showing some backbone on Fox News, apologizing for their interviewers lack of balance on the show. This was live. I don't care what his politics is, Shep Smith is possibly the most awesome man in the American Media. Let us celebrate his awesomeness with this clip of him talking about an abomination of a burger.
  Awesome. Until next time folks, until then.

S-Rank number 2, give me a minute.

Borderlands has some easy achievements, which will mean yet another S-Rank in one year, which is shocking considering all the games I play. So celebration will begin in 3...2...1... 

  God bless this music, celebrating my second victory of the day... what do you mean I'm not coming down?! Well that's a disappointment. Regardless, I still win. Another political blog shall be posted soon (Accursed portfolio has grown quite large with the recent stuff, and nothing has seeped into the Giantbomb blogs in a while). Until then, until then.

CZAR WARS Episode III; this one sucked as much as 1 and 2

Anita Dunn says a clever joke and naturally people lose their shit... again. I'll post the joke. 

"A lot of you have a great deal of ability. A lot of you work hard. Put them together, and that answers the "Why not?" question. There's usually not a good reason.

And then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa -- not often coupled with each together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point, which is, you're going to make choices. You're going to challenge. You're going to say, "Why not?" You're going to figure out how to do things that have never been done before. But here's the deal: These are your choices. They are no one else's.

In 1947, when Mao Tse Tung was being challenged within his own party on his plan to basically take China over, Chiang Kai-shek and the Nationalist Chinese held the cities, they had the army, they had the air force, they had everything on their side. And people said, "How can you win? How can you do this? How can you do this against all of the odds against you?" And Mao Zedong said, you know, "You fight your war, and I'll fight mine." And think about that for a second.

You know, you don't have to accept the definition of how to do things, and you don't have to follow other people's choices and paths, OK? It is about your choices and your path. You fight your own war. You lay out your own path. You figure out what's right for you. You don't let external definition define how good you are internally. You fight your war. You let them fight theirs. Everybody has their own path.

And then Mother Teresa, who, upon receiving a letter from a fairly affluent young person who asked her whether she could come over and help with that orphanage in Calcutta, responded very simply: "Go find your own Calcutta." OK? Go find your own Calcutta. Fight your own path. Go find the thing that is unique to you, the challenge that is actually yours, not somebody else's challenge."

Did you miss it, don't worry, I'll post the important part and bold/italics the extremely important part. 
"And then the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa -- not often coupled with each together, but the two people that I turn to most to basically deliver a simple point"    
Funny how the critics need to crop this up to say how she admires Mao Tse Tung while missing a very clever joke. Should I be shocked? Well considering they claimed Van Jones was a communist and Kevin Jennings was affiliated with NAMBLA (You know, because he's gay), I shouldn't be.

The most awesome insanity I've seen in a while

Clown Core, is essentially two guys in clown costumes playing the drums/sax/piano and the horn that clowns are well known for. This brings me back to my Captain Beefheart days, and I loved those guys, and I hope you do to. Here's Clown Core with "You Have Cankles" (Which means you are undesirable). Enjoy.

Wasn't that awesome boys and girls? The answer is clearly yes. Wasn't that insane? Absolutely.

Sean Hannity is a scumbag/Gaming update

Little commentary here, just watch the below videos that prove me right. 
What a lying sack of crap, scum of the bloody earth, spreading horrible vitriol about one person
I could have had more links, but I didn't bother because I could have overwritten some of the links. But all these videos goes to show you but one thing, Sean Hannity is a worthless human being, and after consulting a friend of mine who is studying law, he could be sued for defamation. I've emailed Kevin Jennings that he should get his lawyers to sue the pants of this shiteater, but not in those words (A kind reminder that he should take legal action against this man). 

That Aside for a moment

Been playing the pants off of Brütal Legend since it came out, and I am loving the hell out of it. If you love metal or Tim Schafer, do yourself a favor and pick it up. Why are you still reading? Pick it up... oh you already have it and you are reading because of it? Oh... well pick up the case. In your hands is one of the most lovingly created game to date (To date). The world created is simply the most beautiful ever created, each statue and creature is designed with one thing in mind. Is this metal? 
Yes Tim, it's metal. The most metal thing ever made, and for that we salute you sir, for making this game. 
As you can clearly see, I love the game, and Tim Schafer, as well as Double Fine. Also, I never thought I would say this, but here it goes. Thanks EA, thanks for picking this up, without you, Tim's dreams of a metal world inhabited by metal creatures for the enjoyment of metal fans, wouldn't be realized. 
Final thing, Borderlands comes out in three days. Also, 39$ at Wal-Mart. Thank you Wal-Mart *vomits* sorry, my body wasn't ready for that. 
That will be all for this update. If anyone wishes to join me in a game of Left 4 Dead, by all means just say so.

How you can tell American Media is shit.

    Now we all know of Fox News, obvious. What about CNN, ABC, CBS, and MSNBC? Don't they have a liberal bias? The answer is what every media analyst (Note: A person who studies news media in this case, not a person from the media) will tell you, hell no. CNN is so damned neutral, they don't even have a position on anything. Being neutral is fine, but they don't actually side with facts, when somebody says something so full of shit they don't call them out on that. What about MSNBC? Same story, except they also have Morning Joe and often invite in Ron Paul to pitch his platform (Of course never getting somebody to fact check his statements, naturally). ABC, CBS and NBC, again same story. I know, MSNBC has Olbermann, Maddow and the Ed Show. But Maddow calls out politicians on relevant issues, and is regarded as one of the best journalists/reporters in America if not North America. But in the end, it's all about semantics and one cannot exactly prove how crappy the American media is in words. So let's do a small comparison; the Tea party protest coverage and the recent march on Washington, just about the same amount of people were seen there, so its a fair comparison. 
    In the tea party protests, there must have been tens of thousands in Washington, if not 100,000 (I'll have to read up on that) Fox News covered it days before and after it occurred, even advertising it. CNN also did the same, sending a ton of reporters to the scene during the protest. Same with MSNBC CNN and all others. They covered it for a week and a bit still talking about it. Hell, they are still talking about it from time to time. 
    In the gay rights march in Washington, same number of people arrived maybe more. An actual grassroots protest, because it sparked due to the HRC hosting an event with the president speaking there. You know how many reporters were sent by Fox? Zero, and they only referenced it for a maximum of four minutes. Four minutes. Think that's pathetic? That's nothing, the so called liberal media is just as bad. CNN sent nobody as well, MSNBC sent one person, but for a short while. Compare that to the coverage of a fake grassroots event. It's pathetic, and insulting.
    Liberal media my ass. If they were liberal, they would do something to fix their coverage. Or they wouldn't pull this kind of shit in a media show. 

Give me a break.

Somebody get the HRC locked up in a closet, we don't need shills.

The HRC, formally known as the Human Rights Campaign, is the largest gay civil rights group in America and also the worst. Besides how they are shills for the government and are also incredibly weak in terms of policy lobbying. Then there are also the donations, to everyone who considers it, here's a thought. They don't use it for lobbying, making your donation useless (Give it to the GSLEN, a group that does real lobbying with politicians and schools). 
Well recently they hosted an event in which the president would show up and give a speech. Honestly, I don't want to hear another funking speech, and for obvious reasons. Looking back in this presidency, he has given only one speech to congress, one speech. That's pathetic, and weak, and does nothing but continue to grow my lack of trust in him. Anyways, he gave a speech to the HRC, which is dumb because the HRC is so supportive of the democrats they just hope they do something for them. Nothing happens of course, because that's not how you lobby politicians (You go to them, with demands, not the other way with promises)! Right outside was a march, with legends such as Cleve Jones (See Milk), Dustin Lance Black (Wrote Milk), Judy Shepard (Mother of Matthew Shepard), and Lieutenant Dan Choi (Arabic Translator discharged). As nice as this was it was quite useless, because the problem isn't just the executive branch, but also those pussies in Congress. 

 As you can see, this isn't much, why bother?
 As you can see, this isn't much, why bother?
Now getting through to the president is useless, because he promises things, and the only thing you can get him to do is to freeze DADT until further notice. Which he says he won't do, for some reason. Oh wait, he doesn't say that, HRC says that. That's right, on a CNN panel, four guests, three of which were against the HRC. One of those guests, Hillary Rosen, a chairperson on the HRC said that their group opposes the Stop-Loss on DADT. Apparently, the largest gay rights group in America, opposes a measure that would ensure enhancements in gay rights. Well you know what I think, fuck you HRC, fuck you. 
That's about all I have to say about this right now, I need to get working on a 1000-word essay, not that much but I still need to get that done. 
And in case you want to know how to run System Shock 2, refer to the last blog post. This has been Snipzor, and I've got new glasses. Cheerio.