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Horrible Things I Do -- 11/28/11

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Creepin' At Work

Oh god, I am so going to get fired. Here's a brief list of things that I do that could probably get me into some hot water (which would be nice, actually. It's fuggin' cold here, you guys. Almost like it's winter or something!)

But we'll get to the creepin' in a moment, for now, enjoy this (not-so-brief) list of Things I Do That I Could Probably Get Me Fired™:

  • Disney's Phoebus, depicted by David Kawena
    Disney's Phoebus, depicted by David Kawena
    Spell out "ANAL GLAM" with the monogram mugs
  • Get caught chuckling at conversations I'm not a part of
  • Stare daggers at the mean girl at work
  • Sleep in and be an hour late
  • Play my DS at a high volume in the break room (Accidental, really!)
  • Cheer to myself over being my high scores on the arcade machine
  • Give nicknames to co-workers

Now the creepy part of this is the nicknames. The tame ones are Earrings, Cool Hat Dude, Nice Arms Guy, and Great Butt Guy. I, uh, may or may not do my assigned tasks out of order so that I can work in the same area as Great Butt Guy. But he looks so much like Phoebus, only with shorter hair and a Southern hospitality that rivals those on True Blood.

It's gotten borderline dangerous. I just want to hug Great Butt Guy into oblivion and it's only going to get more obvious. I see him every single day I work and god damn dat ass. But he looks a lot like Phoebus! ...I could have an excuse to dress up as Esmeralda! ...And he could dress like Phoebus. It's a win-win for everybody! And a double win for me~

Bein' Creeped On

I'll keep this short.

I was cashier. Gentleman in his 50s/60s. He was staring.

Old Guy: I like your nametag...

Me: Oh, uhm, thanks!

Long pause.

Old Guy: Kort... ney... *Creepy smile as he walks off with his purchase, glancing back over at my "nametag"*

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Camping Mama: Outdoor Adventures

I had to make the wiki page for this. Am I ashamed? Not really. But I do feel like a creeper, considering when I purchased this game, I was near a little girl who was all "OH WOW, A NEW COOKING MAMA GAME. MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY~" and I sort of did the same thing, only to my friend Vicki. >.> Didn't help that the woman who was ringing me up was all "Did you get this for a kid sister?" No. "Niece?" ...Nope. Funny looks get! I also got those same looks when in GameStop and asked by my mom what game I wanted for Christmas. Stone cold fuckin' serious about Skylanders, sister's co-workers be damned, son!

But, yes. This is a game that I have played and find to be absolutely marvelous. It's a good change of pace from past Mama games and I like being able to play as her daughter, she's just too cute. This whole game is cute and it has a collection concept. So, uh, sold. Yep. I'm going to have all of the butterflies.

Makes me wish I hadn't given up on Animal Crossing. Or Harvest Moon... Someday.

Oh yes, that day is today.

Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Towns

I'm, uh, just starting on this and don't really have any feedback to give. Although I do know that I'm playing as a cute little lady and am going to grow all of the crops. All of them. Try and stop me.

I can't wait to get married and whatnot in this game. It's been awhile since I've played a Harvest Moon... (Like, nearly 7 months. Madness.) So I'll be chuggin' along here, hopefully.

I really haven't played much else. That's insanely dull for a blog that should have more to do with games. Ah well. Phoebus on the brain.

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Christmas Shopping

I am completely and absolutely done with my immediate family. I've never been done this early before and it feels pretty damn good. Granted, my sister will be getting her piece late, but I'm sure she'll like it. I'd detail it, but, y'know, homegirl knows how to use the Internet. She mustn't know.

I also went a little loco-in-the-coco and gifted a small handful of memberships to users here, nearly broke bank there, too. DERP. Meaning that a few of my real life friends aren't going to get much from me. But... But those yearlies were 35 bucks, you guys. Bucks as in luchadeer or some other poorly done joke. But, whatever. THE HOLIDAYS. CHRISTMAS MUSIC. SNOW. I love two of those three all caps things. And I'm glad to have knocked some people off of my list. :)

...And other minor great things happened, but not enough to really go on about. I'm going to be over here thinking of creepy dumbshit. Like Great Butt Guy and Totally-Super-Duper-Crazy-Awesome-Crush-Person-Who-Can-Be-Kind-Of-A-Bully because I'm mentally still in middle school. D:<