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QoTD: The Games I Need


Winter 09

1. Modern Warfare 2

My most anticipated game of 2009. I am a huge Infinity Ward fanboy, I will openly admit, and for good reason. Their games contain a consistent level of quality that is hard to find elsewhere in the industry. Call Of Duty: United Assault is one of my favorite games of all time. I'm going to be playing the MW2 multiplayer for months to come. This game is going to rock your socks off.

2. Left 4 Dead 2

As a zombie enthusiast and Left 4 Dead veteran, I need this game all over my face. I'm getting it on the PC this time, having learned my lesson with the shitty 360 support Valve is in the habit of keeping. I look forward to what seems to be a more pro-active zombie survival shooter.

3. Assassin's Creed II

The Dev team admits: "This is the game we wanted to make all along..." Which is just as well, because the first one was, despite moments of brilliance, average. The spectacle of the first game contrasts with the shabby voice acting and poor mission design. They say they have changed it, but have they changed the right bits? I shall dive back into the animus with a heavy cynicism.

4. Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City

Or rather The Ballad Of Gay Tony. I don't really need an excuse to return to Liberty City, but some new features and characters would be sweet as fuck.

5. Brütal Legend

I don't know what to expect from this game really, it sounds like a bizarre mix of Hack & Slash and RTS. I think the games evident humour will ease the transition and I look forward to finding out what exactly the fuck is going on here.

6. Forza Motorsport 3

I don't really go for driving games, but the artist in me loves a challenge. Can't wait to get my mitts on the paint tools.

7. Borderlands

Please note how low down the list this game is. Borderlands looks pretty but i'm finding it hard to get excited for what seems to be a Cell Shaded FPS with 4 player Co-Op. When I look at my favourite games, gun variety has never been a factor that affected my enjoyment. Left 4 Dead gets by with only 3 types of gun most of the time, for example. Mixed feelings about Borderlands.

8. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

I love Marvel comics and seeing as Disney now has exclusive access to Spidermans ass, the Civil War may well be the last great episode in their Superhero world. I need to read the graphic novels before I buy the game, but it's definitely a priority.

9. Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

Flashpoint, like Eve, scares me with it's depth and pace. It's about taking gaming a step further than moon physics and button mashing. I haven't ventured far into that world before, but i'm willing to give it an exploratory shot. Stay tuned...

Thanks For Reading
Love Sweep