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The Revolutionary Video Music Blog

Long-time listeners will no doubt remember that I use Soundcloud to embed my music on Giant Bomb for these blogs. Well, long story short - I ran out of space on the free version of Soundcloud...

So I'm going to transfer to Youtube for a while. I made a snazzy intro sequence for my music. Check THIS out:

Wow, that's a lot bigger than I intended. But never mind!

I prefer Soundcloud, but when push comes to "you have to pay us money to continue using our fabulous" my wallet is usually the first to say "eff that".

Alright, so behind each one of these blogs, there is usually a tale of woe, and this is no different. This poor track will never actually be finished, because at some point during the production process, the whole thing corrupted itself eight ways from Sunday. Luckily, I had exported an unfinished version before that disaster struck, but without all the original data, I'd have to reconstruct Rust by ear and memory to get back to where I was.

To be clear: this has a zero percent chance of happening. So I faded out the end with an external program, and voilĂ , Rust XI.

So the ending is lame, the mix is... well lets just say for a period of about 45 seconds, all the instruments are so loud that those little bars that turn red when everything gets loud... turned red. For a whole 45seconds. That is a long time. But I was happy with the kickdrum, and that's basically all I need in a piece of music.

Now, important question to the audience at home: what is a video editor that is better than Windows Movie Maker? Because man... everything is so much harder than it needs to be, even for things like adding multiple pieces of text at the same time. I'm no video production expert, but when it's hard to add text, something is broken with your program.

Bye bye, till next time.