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10k post celebration blog that chances are no one will read?

Safety warning. *I take no responsibility for bad sentence structure,Grammar or typos for this blog. Its worked 8 and a half hours 4 days straight now and barely gotten 6 hours of sleep each night for those days*   
*Small edit. Thank you @Sparklykiss for removing the POST and letting make this a BLOG* 
Yup. It all started here Nearly 2 years ago I took my first step and made my post. Course I was here a little longer then that. What brought me to giant bomb was the release of "Rogue warrior" Course I was kinda interested so I followed the foot steps and found  

  I was kinda shocked at being smacked with so many cusses and what not but quickly realized it was done to make fun of the game. 
I then went backwards and watched all the quicklooks. Blah blah blah I signed up. Blah blah blah someone cast bufu when they should not have blah blah blah "Isn't that right Zack" Blah blah blah Patrick arrives and now we are here. Nearly 2 years later I am making this thread that chances no one will read. But hey. Its nearly 11 pm and I got off work barely an hour ago.  
So lets move on. 


 Right now mostly working 35 ish hours a week and trying to not kill my manager. Its amazing how one person can attract so much hate. I like to this of myself a passive person. I hate violence and hate conflict when its not needed. But this one person seems to target me out for no reason. If something is not done right I am blamed. The reason? " It was BOTH your jobs"  Course the logical idea is "They would get in trouble to right?...Nope." It seems the faults of two becomes the fault of me. Luckily my manager is out for surgery and wont be around for 3 weeks. As of last week a very nice feeling of peace has fallen across the work place and everyone seems much more...relaxed.   
Anyone who has read another of my blogs knows I got a truck! Year one went fine no real issues. Course with cars come issues. Shit breaks and breaks at bad times. My first run in was with the battery wires more or less rusting out. a 66 dollar towing fee and 20 dollar repair fee had my hopes up of it being fixed. 23 hours later again it died. Turns out they MISSED the OTHER cable (Yes both cables where rusted to hell). So right there was 100 bucks gone. Time went on and all was well. Till it was inspection time. A buddy of my cousins said he would help me out with the inspection. Course the day we showed up he was out with a tooth thingy. (Now he wont help us cause of something about conflict of interest or blah blah blah) But on the bright side I have a chance coming Tuesday. So wish my luck with that. 


 Well not much as of 2012. Kinda been stressed but lets show what I DID play before the new year rolled around 
360 box art (cropped) 
360 box art (cropped) 
 Dark Souls was picked up during my week vacation from work and anyone who followed me on Twitter or talked to me on AIM quickly learned it sucked me in. The air of depression and being alone quickly stole my heart and the threat of death from even common baddies won me over. Something so SOUL crushingly DARK...*Ill stop now* turned many people away but for some reason I just played for hours on end. Beating the game and even restarting it netted me over 100 hours in it * Something I really wanna go back to for more PVP*  I say for the next Souls game. Bring the pain,Bring the sadness, I am one man. I have my shield and sword. No force shall stop me. Not creature will defeat me. For I am hollowed and will never die. 
360 box art (cropped)
360 box art (cropped)
Crazy? Check. Explosions? Check. Balls to the wall Action? Check. Saints row the third was picked up on gentle coaxing from a few review sites. And Giant bombs Very own quick look. At first I was not sure if this game was for me. But ONE mission changed that. About to parachute onto a penthouse to steal it for my own As I leaned out of the chopper it started..."No one man should have all that power" Somthing inside me snapped and a grin crept across my face. Out of the chopper I went and to Kanye West I shot up the building and took my first step into Steelport. And each step after that was more zaney. Not to mention the cast I loved. Auto tuned pimp? Big ol Russian Bruiser? Ex FBI nerd? All my homies. I am the king of Steelport and my take over has hardly begun 




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 Sadly I have not gotten much into this game. ID was a big part of my childhood. Doom was one of the first FPS I played..*Or can recall playing* Enough so that my text sound for my next phone will be the double barrel shotgun shoot and reload sound. Post Apocalypse has all ways caught my eye. The world at its knees clawing to stay alive. Something..just something about it keeps me wanting more. However somewhere I lost myself and stopped playing. I do plan to go back. The wasteland calls and I will answer 
PC box art (cropped)
PC box art (cropped)
I had no interest in this game for the longest time. Until I heard more and more about it was a zombie game "Just done right" Right now however it sits still in plastic wrap. Maybe this year I can pick up a bat and swing for the fences *And zombie heads* 
Final Box Art
Final Box Art
Fus Ro Dah baby. The game that many waited for and stood in line for hours came out. I was one of those who stood in line *20 mins* and quickly went home. I however did not dive in. I played combined maybe 10 hours. Something lost me. The world? The battle system? It was..just something. I lost interest. I DO plan to go back so don't hate me. The Dovahkiin will save Skyrim. 

What am I listening to?!  

Not having a Smartphone or Ipod really limits my music listening to time to video games or just youtube. Course I do listen when ever I can. As I even type  
  Is playing. Something I dug up from my childhood. My mother had gotten me a CD filled with a bunch of popular songs or.. something not able to recall but this one song stuck.  
I am however more of a fan of Daft Punk so of course their music ranks high on my list (Including remixes) So of course 
    Why not toss in some Anamangochi as well  


Quite a few people here know I am I work hard and try to get more hours. Lets be honest. The U.S is kinda fucked right now in money. The 1%/99% stuff. Course before X mas rolled around one of our very own picked to share his own good will and gift me a entire year of Shiny gold member 
@Branthog has my thanks and friendship. *Hopefully he sees this blog and wades though my ranting*  
Thanks to him I can watch older videos in big ol Shiny HD. So again thank you duder!  

What am I looking forward to?! 

 2012 is gonna be a big year. Lots of releases and what not. ANYONE who knows me at the top of the list is 
Official logo of BioShock Infinite.
Official logo of BioShock Infinite.
I loved the first two. The entire feel of the game. Utopia gone wrong. Chaos around each corner with the your little bubble leaking. (Can anyone spot the trend with me?) I have high hopes for this one and can not wait till it is released 
Runner ups!  
Err..uhhh...Ok its near fucking midnight. I can not think or be bothered to find pics. 
Witcher 2 for 360 
Prototype 2 *Yes I liked the first*  
And some others 
TAX SEASON IS COMING! My first goal? New computer so I can rumble with the bombers on BF3! 


Again money issue crap. I have been very excited about the IPHONE 4S. I had found a plan with Sprint that gives 450 mins and unlimited text/data. Something that I COULD AFFORD! After looking over the plans I sent a quick question to support (Something about their network) However with the answer my hope started to crumble. They now charge a 10 dollar "Premium" data plan which brings the cost to near 80 bucks. Another 10 dollar would not be much right? Course I had forgotten about taxes. At my current income I could not really afford 90 bucks a month unless it is EXACTLY 90 dollars or less. *Still hope?*  

Lets wrap this shit up

In my 2 years I have seen and heard a lot. I'm sure a few people here hate me. I wonder if anyone even cares I am posting this. I felt I needed to do something to celebrate. So yay.. Balloons streamers and  soda.  
Thank you for reading all this. And if you wanna hear more  
Of course I have a 360 and anyone who wants that can message me.  
Thank you all for reading this and again sorry for any grammar mistakes and what not.  
There is so much more I wanted to type but I am sure people would get sick of it. But before I go.  
Meet meko. My buddy and pet. We all need a cuddle after a day of work. 
Meet meko. My buddy and pet. We all need a cuddle after a day of work. 
O and 
Thats a Kombat pass for 360. Not sure if it works but good to anyone who gets it.  
So go forth bombers and have some  
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