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My Game of the Year 2017

What a season, what a season!

2017 was a great year for gaming; maybe a little better on certain platforms then others in my opinion.

As you'll see the Switch dominates my list this year and it's well deserved. What a fantastic first year this system has had; potential one of the best ever. The other systems were no slouches, but the Switch just really brought it. I love that system.

Anyways, here's my list...

List items

  • I love Persona 5. It's just such a fantastic game. I love the music, the world, the characters, battle system, the dungeons, the bosses, collecting demons, the story, and just about everything else.

    Now, with that said, I don't think that it's better than Persona 4. That game is probably my favorite of all time, but Persona 5 is pretty close behind.

    It's easily my game of the year.

  • Breath of the Wild is probably my favorite Zelda game ever. I love what they've done to the Zelda franchise with Breath of the Wild. Exploring Hyrule is one of the best gaming experiences I had this year.

    It was so good I bought it twice. Nuff said.

  • Super Mario Odyssey is probably my favorite Mario game ever (maybe). The game controls so well and I love the worlds - so colourful, so well designed, so fun.

    Odyssey is fun, plain and simple.

  • I really don't like a lot of things about Xenoblade 2. I don't like the RNG of getting rare blades and wasting hundreds of cores and hours of time just trying to get even one rare blade. I also don't think the game looks that great. It's huge but on close inspection, it's super blurry.

    With all that said, I really like Xenoblade 2. I like the combat system, I do like collecting blades (even if I don't like the mechanics around it) and I think the world is super interesting and cool.

    I think Xenoblade 1 is an overall better game but 2 is better than X in my opinion. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is overall really good.

  • I never ended up getting the first Splatoon on the Wii U, but from playing 2 I can see I was missing out... or was I? Everything I see from this game in comparison to the first is that 2 isn't much of a sequel, more of an expansion. So I am actually kind of glad that I skipped the first.

    Getting to this game - I really liked my time with Splatoon 2. I think the gameplay is really fun and the multiplayer works pretty well (but it's not perfect). I also liked the single player stuff.

    Splatoon 2 is pretty good.

  • It was released on the Switch this year.

    I have never played this game on any other platform.

    I'm counting it.

    I like Stardew Valley quite a bit. I really like the look of the game, the gameplay, the music, and it's overall style. The farming is really satisfying and I really like the mining. I like trying to build relationships with the townspeople and I like just talking to everyone. I... just really like this game.

    And it's great on the Switch.

  • Yakuza 0 is a great game. I love roaming around 1980s Japan. I love the hard-hitting combat and the different fighting styles of both Kiryu and Majima. I love the noir story and the characters that are introduced throughout. And I really love the music (especially the disco club songs).

    I should really get back to this game and finish it.

  • Just like Stardew Valley, I'm a little late to the party with this one; but with the 3DS version being released this year, I can finally give this one a try.

    Dragon Quest 8 is a great JRPG. The combat is interesting and involved. The characters are colourful and fun (I like how British they are). And I love Toriyama's character and enemy design (always love his stuff...)

    A great game that I should really try to finish at some point in time.