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#1  Edited By tmek
@insanejedi said:

" You know you can always refund what you paid to listen the bombcast... nothing? "

what's your point?  that because we don't pay for the bombcasts we shouldn't discuss them in the forums dedicated to bombcast discussion?  :p  Most people didn't pay to watch the world cup but I certainly understand the amount of discussion about that ref's fucked up call.  and in case you've missed a lot of this discussion we're not at all complaining about the GiantBomb crew or other guests just one guest in particular that took advantage of their politeness and hospitality.
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#2  Edited By tmek
@Gordy said:

" @tmek said:

" @Gordy said:

" I'm a little annoyed by people being pissed that she's upset over "the internet being mean to her." There had to be hundreds of people posting and twittering fucked up insults. How does no one else see that as the most fucked up thing to come out of this? Are we to the point where someone finds her address so they can take that shit to the next level? "

I dunno man maybe you're seeing things I'm not seeing.  She's pretty judgmental herself, insulting of other people and crass ("FUCK YOU BOSTON!!! repeat repeat repeat).  What are these fucked up insults you're seeing?  Most of what I see are people just calling her out on what she did on the show which was be selfish rude and obnoxious.  If you watch the whole show I don't think you can disagree with that assessment.   Most of what I've seen is along the lines of "Fuck! she never shuts up or gives anyone else a chance to talk! please don't have her back!"  that's not mean, that's just accurate. What's insulting is when she claims the "internet is mean" or that "Oh it's ok for a guy to get drunk but when a girl does it... blah blah blah".   That is purely her trying to shift the focus away from her own bad behavior and play the oooh i'm a poor little girl card.  I have to admit I get pretty disgusted to think she believes her behavior was just like the other guys there and that we're just upset with it because she's a girl.   If you could split the feed into two videos one where she's talking and one where she's not.  Her's is going to easily be twice as long. Now there were ten or so guys in the room and just one girl.. if she's talking 50-70% of the time in a room filled with guys, it's pretty obvious the guys are being polite and she's being the rude disruptive one.  It's not about her being a girl it's about her specifically being way out of control.  So much so that the event was pretty much ruined for everyone except for people who think it's funny to see an event ruined for everyone.  These are the people who are like "hahah let's have Leigh back next year i thought her drunken antics were hi-lar-i-ous!" *facepalm* "
First of all while I agree that she was obnoxious, why would you think the guys at giant bomb didn't think it was going to be a trainwreck? Of course they knew what was going to happen when they brought her back. Hell, they're laughing about and making jokes about her hi-lar-i-ous drunken antics, so should you. Second, the whole "Fuck Boston" thing is a sports/NY culture related thing that's been around for decades, so It's really annoying for the forums to overreact and take it seriously. Not to say it wasn't annoying that she kept yelling it, just that the outrage is a tad misplaced. You can't seriously say you didn't see any of the sexist and denigrating comments by so many people in the locked threads, the Ustream chat, NeoGAF, other GAMING IS SUPER SERIOUS forums,  and her blog? And then, when she fires back on those comments, people attack her even more? She may have been a trainwreck but I don't blame her for wanting to fire back. I hate this whole immature 'the troller is always right' trend, where anytime anyone has to defend themselves from any mass trolling it's either shut up and take it or get trolled even more. "
I think it's pretty obvious Ryan was regretfully frustrated with her during the show. My belief is that before hand she said "I'll be good this time I swear!" and they decided to give her a second chance.
When you point out any one thing she did like saying "FUCK YOU BOSTON",  Any one thing she did doesn't seem so bad.  It was that she was absolutely relentless.   This was a broadcast show with hosts and guests and thousands of viewers.  You can't have an enjoyable broadcast show regardless if it's a serious or casual fun show when one guest is way out of control devolving the whole thing into a chaotic mess.
You can argue others were yelling interrupting drinking etc. But I stick firmly by my estimate of her talking on the air 50%-70% of the time she was there.  I think if you watch the video objectively it's not an unreasonable estimate.  So it becomes clear that while others may have been guilty here and there she was the only one that made it a chaotic mess.
Does she deserve to be talked about?  Why not?  She's in the industry.  She made an ass of herself and was rude and disrespectful on a show we love.  We've talked about Peter Moneluex's balls all over the internet.  Should we call him up and apologize?  Now who's being sexist? (I'm joking a bit here if you can't tell).  
How about this...

If you cut off someone in traffic you can expect to hear "fuck you asshole!" .
If you cut off 3000+ people in traffic I think you should expect, at the very least, a few hundred people shouting "fuck you asshole!'.
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#3  Edited By tmek
@wenis said:

" @schizogony said:

" I want her on every Bombcast. I like her. "

Amen, dude. She's a hoot to listen to and I'm really astonished most people can't understand that people say and do stupid things when heavily intoxicated or barely awake. She's a fantastic writer with a great voice and it would be great to have her on a Bombcast that isnt fueled on a bender with riot horns blaring and a bunch of people in a home howling like wolves into microphones.   Lighten the fuck up people. She's only human and obviously having fun at E3 events. I wonder how much of this animosity clearly stems from pure jealousy of not being able to be there? "
Let's keep it focused about her behavior that night.   Whether she's good at her job or you think she has a nice voice has nothing to do with how she behaved that night.  She wasn't coherently adding anything intelligent or entertaining unless you just like to see a broadcast show become a train wreck.
This was to be the last Bombcast coverage of E3.  A once a year event during the biggest convention for the videogame industry and video games and it's members are what Giant Bomb is all about.   This was an event with thousands of people tuning in to watch live.   People like me were setting aside time to watch.  Staying up late on work and school nights.  That's not to say everything is all 'super serious'.   Completely the opposite.  The format has always been a fun lighthearted casual interview and discussion program and we like it that way.  
But you can't just have fucking chaos on a broadcast show! And that's exactly what she brought.
Maybe thinking about it in this light will help you understand.  Drinking until your stupid is fine at the "cloughb" but not during a broadcast event.  Imagine the obnoxious drunk at a wedding.   Weddings are parties where people are often drinking, dancing and having fun but when you have the one person that gets out of control, saying things they shouldn't, interrupting people they shouldn't and ruining everyone else's fun because they have no self control, it sucks.
Others there were drinking, talking loud, occasionally interrupting or *even* talking more than their fair share (Paul).
she was the only one who was way out of control to the point it made the whole thing devolve into a chaotic mess bringing the whole show down.
So do you defend the ass who behaves that way at someone's wedding? Or the person who just won't shut up and let others talk at your social gathering?  Ruining what is supposed to be a fun event for all the other guests?  Maybe you do, maybe you think it's funny but that pretty much makes you an ass too.
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#4  Edited By tmek

When i was 16 my parents forced me get a job or be grounded.  I was really against it.  I grew up in a penny-pincher household in an neighborhood where all the other families had loads of disposable income and gave their kids big allowances.  I felt it was unfair and hadn't learned yet that life is unfair. I got a job at captain D's, paid for the uniform (shirt and hat) and quit after just a couple of days (long enough to learn how to mix hush puppy batter though, barf!!).   For several weeks, every other day or so, I would put on my Captain D's uniform and leave the house.  Then I would change shirts in my car and go hang out with my friends for the duration of my 'shift'.    Eventually something came up important enough for my parents to call me at work.  The manager told them I had quit weeks ago.  Needless to say I was grounded a for a very long time.

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#5  Edited By tmek
@EliasT said:

" @EvilNiGHTS said:

" @FluxWaveZ said: 
Yeah, because that's what she really thinks of the Giant Bomb community and she wasn't trying to flatter the people who own the website at all. "
 Oh yeah, because the staff hate her. That's why they invited her on, clearly. "
They don't hate her, but obviously about 70-80% of the Giant Bomb community does. "
We do not *hate* her.   Best wishes to her and her career.  We just don't want her on any live bombcasts ever again.  It's obvious via some of her twitter posts she is clearly unapologetic about her behavior for two years running now.  And her on-air apology was a complete drunken joke where she just continued to do the same shit she was supposed to be apologizing for.   Even if she were to truly be remorseful now, she's screwed us out of two highly anticipated E3 Bombcasts so we just ask they not have her back. ever!
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#6  Edited By tmek
@Gordy said:
" I'm a little annoyed by people being pissed that she's upset over "the internet being mean to her." There had to be hundreds of people posting and twittering fucked up insults. How does no one else see that as the most fucked up thing to come out of this? Are we to the point where someone finds her address so they can take that shit to the next level? "
I dunno man maybe you're seeing things I'm not seeing.  She's pretty judgmental herself, insulting of other people and crass ("FUCK YOU BOSTON!!! repeat repeat repeat).  What are these fucked up insults you're seeing?  Most of what I see are people just calling her out on what she did on the show which was be selfish rude and obnoxious.  If you watch the whole show I don't think you can disagree with that assessment.   Most of what I've seen is along the lines of "Fuck! she never shuts up or gives anyone else a chance to talk! please don't have her back!"  that's not mean, that's just accurate.
What's insulting is when she claims the "internet is mean" or that "Oh it's ok for a guy to get drunk but when a girl does it... blah blah blah".   That is purely her trying to shift the focus away from her own bad behavior and play the oooh i'm a poor little girl card.  I have to admit I get pretty disgusted to think she believes her behavior was just like the other guys there and that we're just upset with it because she's a girl.   If you could split the feed into two videos one where she's talking and one where she's not.  Her's is going to easily be twice as long. Now there were ten or so guys in the room and just one girl.. if she's talking 50-70% of the time in a room filled with guys, it's pretty obvious the guys are being polite and she's being the rude disruptive one.  It's not about her being a girl it's about her specifically being way out of control.  So much so that the event was pretty much ruined for everyone except for people who think it's funny to see an event ruined for everyone.  These are the people who are like "hahah let's have Leigh back next year i thought her drunken antics were hi-lar-i-ous!" *facepalm*
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#7  Edited By tmek

I like the monty python art style! looks very whimsical and fun!

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#8  Edited By tmek

Does anyone have the time of the podcast this took place?  I missed it due to having to turn off the broadcast *cough* Leigh Alexander *cough*.

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#9  Edited By tmek
@VilhelmNielsen said:

" I think if you compare stealing handicap parking spots to being loud on a podcast, your priorities are dead wrong, son.  Just don't listen to it, all right? "

Well dad (happy fathers day by the way), I think i have expressed pretty plainly that her voice or volume is not what's in question.  It's her disruptive rude self-centered behavior.  If she was just loud that's to blame on whoever is controlling the mic levels. They eventually lowered her volume.  However the real problem was that she did not give anyone else time to speak.  The comparrison I was making is that non-handicapped people who park in handicap spots are generally considered to be arrogant self-centered jerks.  I think it's pretty obvious that's the exact manner in which she was behaving, not giving a shit about what anyone else had to say.  Drunkenly of course but that makes two times now and it was not in an amusing way for the majority of us.  Even when she asked someone else a question she would interrupt them three words into their answer to re-give her opinion.
I get the feeling your "Just don't listen to it, all right?" statement implies just don't listen to it and don't discuss it.   I'm a regular bombcast listener, the E3 shows leading up to this one were very good even with the other guests.   This was shaping up to be a great wrap up show for E3 but she train-wrecked the show.   It seems perfectly normal that fans would be disappointed by her ruining this last show, want to discuss the disappointment and request that she not come back.
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#10  Edited By tmek
@zonerover:   Apparently you are unaware that THIS was her second chance.  She was offensive and disruptive last year.  This year she gave a horrible long running 'apology' where she committed the same offenses she was supposed to be apologizing for.  I certainly do not want to see her given a THIRD chance.  That makes no sense at all.
This is a key point here:
I don't think anyone can honestly say they enjoyed having her on the show.   They say things like "She wasn't THAT bad".  Or they say things like "HAHAHAH I get off on the fact that she is irritating so many people!! LULZ!!!".  But I've not seen anyone objectively say she brought anything informative or directly entertaining to the show.
it's like your saying "It wouldn't be THAT BAD if we had the audio cut out every 10 seconds".  Maybe that's true. It wouldn't be *that bad* yet It doesn't make sense for you to argue to do it.   Your arguing for something bad just because it's not THAT BAD.  Why do that?   I think you are letting your sympathies get the better of you when she really isn't deserving of them.  Remember this was her second chance.  She appears to be the type of person that will be disruptive then say "Oh, I am so sorry.   Really, I am." and then continues with the same disruptive behavior.  Rinse Repeat.
I have to also add that your the one over dramatizing this not us, by saying things like...
 "So I'm going to give the chance to turn this slamfest into an opportunity."  
Slamfest.. ?  opportunity.. ?
We were dissapointed, we express that and will discuss it as much as you want to but most of us aren't dramatizing this or letting it get out of hand.  The rare few who are are just trolls trying to get a rise out of people.  It's usually pretty easy to spot that type of dialog.
 We've given her multiple chances and most of us have been pretty polite about the whole thing.  We've expressed our disappointment and we simply don't ever want her back on as a live guest.