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A somewhat tragic tale of three lists

I'll start out by saying this has been a pretty rough year for me (from a gaming perspective anyway, the rest of my life has actually been going pretty smooth.) I began the year by proclaiming that I wasn't going to miss out on half of the great games that come out this time around, that I was going to play everything that interested me! Well, that didn't exactly happen- for a couple of reasons. First, some of you know that I've been working at a pizza joint for the past few years. Early this year, one of the managers there went to jail (yeah, I work with a bunch of scumbags). I wasn't exactly looking for a promotion, because I'm also a full-time business student, but my boss needed me, so I took the job and became a full-time manager. I went from working 20-25 hours a week, to working around 40. You can probably guess that it's been cutting into my free time, but I've also increased my class load (next semester, I'll be doing 16 hour school weeks, too). Anyway- I obviously failed at my gaming goal-, only being able to play maybe half of what I would've liked (not to mention the time I spent playing older PS3 games for the first time, like Uncharted 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 1 & 2 etc) and the time I spent playing WoW (which I 'quit' playing again about 4 months ago). Anyway, everyone seems to be making up their top ten lists... I'm going to take it a step farther. Here's a list of my personal top ten for the year, VAGUELY structured in order from best to less-best. I've also put together a list of the games I sincerely wish I had the chance to play, and also the games I'm looking forward to in 2012 (which promises to be even better than this year!

Top Ten 2011 Games I've Played This Year:

  • Portal 2:

I fucking loved Portal 2! My God, the voiceover from GlaDOS, Wheetley, Cave Johnson- all fantastic! I think I had more fun with the co-op than with any other game this year.

  • Uncharted 3

I guess I'm one of the few people who enjoyed Uncharted 3 more than Uncharted 2. The desert, caravan, sinking ship, crashing plane and final sequences were just better than anything Uncharted 2 had to offer. I honestly liked the Sully/Drake relationship more than the double-cross happy love triangle they stuck you with in the first game- and they handled the supernatural elements MUCH better. LOVE IT!

  • L.A.Noire

I guess I've got a high tolerance for repetition, because solving crime-after-crime didn't bother me one bit. It's a fairly simple game, all you're really doing is finding clues, interrogating suspects, and some very basic fighting and shooting, but something about it stuck with me... Maybe it was that outstanding facial animation?

  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Here's a newsflash! Brutally assassinating anyone who gets in your way is still pretty damn fun! Sure, the story wasn't as good as it's predecessor, and I didn't feel drawn to the assassin recruiting or town restoring as I did in Brotherhood, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with the latest Assassin's Creed.

  • Gears of War 3

I've been following the series since the beginning, but have still never played a round of it's multi-player. I know the story wasn't real deep or complex... but I've grown to love these guys, and they managed to end this story (which seemed so hopeless) in a way that didn't seem... completely stupid.

  • Dead Space 2

Man, Dead Space 2 came out in January... didn't it. I don't remember much about it... But I remember liking it! Clark is insane... there are necromorphs, that girl gets her eye jabbed out with a screwdriver... I should probably play through this again.

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This should probably be higher on my list- but I haven't had a ton of time to play it yet. I'm maybe 10-15 hours in, and I can already tell that it's FANTASTIC... but I didn't finish the main story line, and haven't had much time to explore the extra content... who knows! Maybe this will turn out to be 2012's 2011 game of the year?!

  • Mortal Kombat:

Everyone knows why Mortal Kombat is great- it's a fighting game, with a kick-ass story mode, and some awesome one-on-one fighting (locally, anyway). I played Sub-Zero, and the first time I landed a Babality on my cousin... man, I loved Mortal Kombat.

  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters

I barely know what prompted me to play this game- I mean, the last golf game I really enjoyed was Mario Golf for Gamecube. I guess I watched my uncle play for a bit then had to buy it myself. I think the reason I liked it so much is because I was able to make my custom golfer look IDENTICAL to me, then I kicked Tigers ass and won the masters tournament. Yeah, that was cool.

  • Resident Evil 4 HD

Just 'cause... you know.

Top Ten 2011 Games I Wish I Had Time For:

  • Saints Row the Third

I really should play Saints Row.

  • Deus Ex
  • Catherine
  • Bastion
  • Zelda
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Rayman: Origins
  • Super Mario 3D Land
  • Rage
  • Dark Souls

Top Ten 2012 Games I Can't Wait to Play:

  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  • Luigi's Mansion 2
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Darksiders 2
  • Diablo III
  • Borderlands 2
  • Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  • Max Payne 3



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Edited By toowalrus

I'll start out by saying this has been a pretty rough year for me (from a gaming perspective anyway, the rest of my life has actually been going pretty smooth.) I began the year by proclaiming that I wasn't going to miss out on half of the great games that come out this time around, that I was going to play everything that interested me! Well, that didn't exactly happen- for a couple of reasons. First, some of you know that I've been working at a pizza joint for the past few years. Early this year, one of the managers there went to jail (yeah, I work with a bunch of scumbags). I wasn't exactly looking for a promotion, because I'm also a full-time business student, but my boss needed me, so I took the job and became a full-time manager. I went from working 20-25 hours a week, to working around 40. You can probably guess that it's been cutting into my free time, but I've also increased my class load (next semester, I'll be doing 16 hour school weeks, too). Anyway- I obviously failed at my gaming goal-, only being able to play maybe half of what I would've liked (not to mention the time I spent playing older PS3 games for the first time, like Uncharted 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 1 & 2 etc) and the time I spent playing WoW (which I 'quit' playing again about 4 months ago). Anyway, everyone seems to be making up their top ten lists... I'm going to take it a step farther. Here's a list of my personal top ten for the year, VAGUELY structured in order from best to less-best. I've also put together a list of the games I sincerely wish I had the chance to play, and also the games I'm looking forward to in 2012 (which promises to be even better than this year!

Top Ten 2011 Games I've Played This Year:

  • Portal 2:

I fucking loved Portal 2! My God, the voiceover from GlaDOS, Wheetley, Cave Johnson- all fantastic! I think I had more fun with the co-op than with any other game this year.

  • Uncharted 3

I guess I'm one of the few people who enjoyed Uncharted 3 more than Uncharted 2. The desert, caravan, sinking ship, crashing plane and final sequences were just better than anything Uncharted 2 had to offer. I honestly liked the Sully/Drake relationship more than the double-cross happy love triangle they stuck you with in the first game- and they handled the supernatural elements MUCH better. LOVE IT!

  • L.A.Noire

I guess I've got a high tolerance for repetition, because solving crime-after-crime didn't bother me one bit. It's a fairly simple game, all you're really doing is finding clues, interrogating suspects, and some very basic fighting and shooting, but something about it stuck with me... Maybe it was that outstanding facial animation?

  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Here's a newsflash! Brutally assassinating anyone who gets in your way is still pretty damn fun! Sure, the story wasn't as good as it's predecessor, and I didn't feel drawn to the assassin recruiting or town restoring as I did in Brotherhood, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent with the latest Assassin's Creed.

  • Gears of War 3

I've been following the series since the beginning, but have still never played a round of it's multi-player. I know the story wasn't real deep or complex... but I've grown to love these guys, and they managed to end this story (which seemed so hopeless) in a way that didn't seem... completely stupid.

  • Dead Space 2

Man, Dead Space 2 came out in January... didn't it. I don't remember much about it... But I remember liking it! Clark is insane... there are necromorphs, that girl gets her eye jabbed out with a screwdriver... I should probably play through this again.

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This should probably be higher on my list- but I haven't had a ton of time to play it yet. I'm maybe 10-15 hours in, and I can already tell that it's FANTASTIC... but I didn't finish the main story line, and haven't had much time to explore the extra content... who knows! Maybe this will turn out to be 2012's 2011 game of the year?!

  • Mortal Kombat:

Everyone knows why Mortal Kombat is great- it's a fighting game, with a kick-ass story mode, and some awesome one-on-one fighting (locally, anyway). I played Sub-Zero, and the first time I landed a Babality on my cousin... man, I loved Mortal Kombat.

  • Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters

I barely know what prompted me to play this game- I mean, the last golf game I really enjoyed was Mario Golf for Gamecube. I guess I watched my uncle play for a bit then had to buy it myself. I think the reason I liked it so much is because I was able to make my custom golfer look IDENTICAL to me, then I kicked Tigers ass and won the masters tournament. Yeah, that was cool.

  • Resident Evil 4 HD

Just 'cause... you know.

Top Ten 2011 Games I Wish I Had Time For:

  • Saints Row the Third

I really should play Saints Row.

  • Deus Ex
  • Catherine
  • Bastion
  • Zelda
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • Rayman: Origins
  • Super Mario 3D Land
  • Rage
  • Dark Souls

Top Ten 2012 Games I Can't Wait to Play:

  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
  • Luigi's Mansion 2
  • Bioshock Infinite
  • Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
  • Darksiders 2
  • Diablo III
  • Borderlands 2
  • Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  • Max Payne 3

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Edited By TheDudeOfGaming

No Witcher 2? Max Payne 3 will suck. And that's about all i have to say.

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Edited By FancySoapsMan

You really should play Saints Row.

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Edited By destruktive

@FancySoapsMan said:

You really should play Saints Row.
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Edited By ArbitraryWater

@FancySoapsMan said:

You really should play Saints Row Dark Souls
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Edited By Little_Socrates

You should really play Bastion and Catherine!

Yeah, good list, brah. I did not enjoy any of my time with ACR, but to each his own.

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Edited By Claude

Love the mention of Tiger Woods 12. I bought Tiger Woods 12 for the Wii and the Xbox 360. Both great games, the Wii has True View which is great, but I like the Xbox 360 version a little better. The presentation of courses and the use of analog is very responsive.
You know, I wouldn't mind experiencing L.A. Noire for myself. I should. It has a history and it's a video game that probably should be played.

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Edited By Vonocourt

I enjoyed Uncharted 3 more than two also, I loved L.A. Noire, and don't find Gears multiplayer interesting in the slightest... small world?

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Edited By toowalrus

@TheDudeOfGaming said:

No Witcher 2? Max Payne 3 will suck. And that's about all i have to say.

I guess that should probably go into a third list labeled "Games that look fucking awesome, that I'll definitely play once I scrape together enough petty cash to upgrade my 6-year-old PC." Right along side Battlefield 3 and the PC version of Skyrim. Isn't that getting a console release at some point?

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Edited By Icemael

Was Revengeance confirmed for 2012? I didn't see anything about a release window in trailers or interviews.

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Edited By Video_Game_King

@ArbitraryWater said:

@FancySoapsMan said:

You really should play Saints RowDark Souls El Shaddai

This is the definitive version. All future changes will be marked as wrong.

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Edited By fetchfox

Nice list, and too bad about your job-game-time-sucking-situation. I agree with you on L.A. Noire and Portal 2, both great experiences. You can look forward to some great Skyrim moments, definitely my goty for 2011.

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Edited By toowalrus

@Icemael said:

Was Revengeance confirmed for 2012? I didn't see anything about a release window in trailers or interviews.

You know, I'm not sure if it was actually confirmed by the studio, but it's clear that the game's finally out of development hell, so I wouldn't be surprised if the 'TBA 2012' release window they've got right now turns out to be accurate- I'd hope so, anyway.

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@TooWalrus said:

I'll start out by saying this has been a pretty rough year for me (from a gaming perspective anyway, the rest of my life has actually been going pretty smooth.) I began the year by proclaiming that I wasn't going to miss out on half of the great games that come out this time around, that I was going to play everything that interested me! Well, that didn't exactly happen- for a couple of reasons. First, some of you know that I've been working at a pizza joint for the past few years. Early this year, one of the managers there went to jail (yeah, I work with a bunch of scumbags). I wasn't exactly looking for a promotion, because I'm also a full-time business student, but my boss needed me, so I took the job and became a full-time manager. I went from working 20-25 hours a week, to working around 40. You can probably guess that it's been cutting into my free time, but I've also increased my class load (next semester, I'll be doing 16 hour school weeks, too). Anyway- I obviously failed at my gaming goal-, only being able to play maybe half of what I would've liked (not to mention the time I spent playing older PS3 games for the first time, like Uncharted 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance 1 & 2 etc) and the time I spent playing WoW (which I 'quit' playing again about 4 months ago)

Jesus.. you're gonna give me a stroke :/  

  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Here's a newsflash! Brutally assassinating anyone who gets in your way is still pretty damn fun! 

  <--- A sad nope
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Edited By toowalrus

@AhmadMetallic said:

Jesus.. you're gonna give me a stroke :/

Shall I call you a waaaaaaaambulance? Anyway, I disagree with you and your silly meme, deal with it... there's a meme for that floating around isn't there? Something about... sunglasses?

@Video_Game_King said:

@ArbitraryWater said:

@FancySoapsMan said:

You really should play Saints RowDark Souls El Shaddai

This is the definitive version. All future changes will be marked as wrong.

I BARELY know what El Shaddai even is. I guess I could go research it... but I'd rather have you enlighten me. Sell me, VGK!

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Edited By Video_Game_King


I wrote a blog and a review on the subject. Have I anything left to say...that won't spoil my GOTY blog?

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Edited By AhmadMetallic
@TooWalrus said:

@AhmadMetallic said:

Jesus.. you're gonna give me a stroke :/

Shall I call you a waaaaaaaambulance? Anyway, I disagree with you and your silly meme, deal with it... there's a meme for that floating around isn't there? Something about... sunglasses?

 <-- Imagine him backing away in confusion. 
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Edited By Bruce

Did you like the Zodiac Killer portions of L.A. Noire? I didn't like a lot of the later parts of the game, but that whole sequence was fantastic.

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Edited By toowalrus

@Bruce said:

Did you like the Zodiac Killer portions of L.A. Noire? I didn't like a lot of the later parts of the game, but that whole sequence was fantastic.

I did like the homicide desk quite a bit- though honestly I think my favorite part WAS near the end, when you play as Kelso instead of Cole.