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9/9/9 1/1/11

Well that took me by suprise..

So.. I've been playin' some games lately. More importantly, I've bought some games on Steam..
Just Cause 2
Mirror's Edge
P.B. Winterbottom
So that's a lot. A lot to play, and... Oh hey, what's this?


Nine hours, nine persons, nine doors, for the DS.. hmm.. well.. okay let's give it a try.
I can't play them. I can't.

The DS Game

It's 2 am, and I can't stop playing. First thing I do when I wake up- play more of this game. Played it all day. Finished it. Shit. The story is so well told and suspensful, the characters and their dialogues are well written, it's funny, it's smart, it's great. 

 I'd totaly make a whole new blog about the character design in this game.
 I'd totaly make a whole new blog about the character design in this game.

I'd gladly continue to present the different aspects of 999's appeal, from the easily recognizable, greatly detailed (in terms of visual design) and fairly complex characters, to the engaging, unique story, but that's not the point of this blog. Let's move on.

So anyway, I'm a sucker for good story based games.
Then I return to my Steam games. I look for a good story, hungry for more. More. MORE!

Back to you, Steam



Story? What a piece of shit. What a big pile of excrement. These characters.. UUUGH! All of them, dumb asses. I know, that's the point, but it doesn't make it eaasier to deal with those fucking ASSHOLES. Every one of them. Every last one is a gargantuan dumb stereotypical asshole. The Nerds are nerdy as shit, the Jocks are a bunch of muscled idiots.. Goddamn.


Riiight.. there's no story here. Really. Maybe later on, but for now.. it's just "go there, kill that". And the main character is a big dumb tree trunk. War has NO personality. He barely even speaks. He utters all his sentences through his half clenched jaw, you know, tough guy style. His eyes are constantly narrow, and he doesn't mind the fact that everybody's treating him like a 5$ hooker.  

 I am SOOO bad ass. Holy shit. Do you see how bad ass I am? Hmm.. I should squint my eyes more, shouldn't I?
 I am SOOO bad ass. Holy shit. Do you see how bad ass I am? Hmm.. I should squint my eyes more, shouldn't I?

War, do this, do that. Kill that guy. Bring me this. Bring me that. He's a fucking HORSEMAN of the APOCALYPSE. He's WAR GODDAMNIT. Act like WAR. Sheesh.

Just Cause 2

Thank god I've completed this game before 999. Oh thank the LORD in heavens. Oh, don't get me wrong it was SUPER fun, but the stroy is really cheesy. I like a good cheesy story, but this.. ermm.. yeah.

Mirror's Edge


P.B. Winterbottom

An interesting title, I dig the whole "Pie Stealing" bit. Might play it some more.


The dialogues are.. gah. The game's great though, it's really worth your time.


Hahaha, haha.. no.  


Sto-ry? Never heard of it. Must be something new in vidja games. In Torchlight, we click on things untill they DIE mister.
Still a good game though.


It's not that these games are BAD, I'm just in the mood for a game with some narrative and interesting characters. And in my humble opinion, these games don't really have this things.. they have great gameplay, but there's a plot shaped (?) hole in my heart..

So, my question's this Giant Bomb:

Any good story based games you know? They can be old, new, I don't care. Any ideas?

VVVVVV trinket GET!

I bought VVVVVV for 2.50 EUR on Steam yesterday.
I'm on my way to 100% VVVVVV. Actualy, I'm at the very begining, but I intend to collect every trinket that I see.
Little did I know... The trinket on the right side of the screen is what I want to get.
The main character can't jump. He can reversre gravity though- but only when he's standing on the ground. Or uhh.. ceiling.

Am I the only one that had problems with getting this fucker?
How many trinkets that are as fucking INSANE to get as this one are there?

Strangers' Abode: Planescape and other RPGees

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Strangers' Abode! My blog segment about video games! Blauuu!

Planescape: Torment

In case you didn't know, It's an old game I used to play, but never finished..
Ermm.. Ignus, Morte, Nameless One.. uhh.. Yeah.

 Updated my dair.. journal.
 Updated my dair.. journal.

So I'm slowly nearing the end of the game. Or am I?
Hell, it's never clear with those Black Isle games.
Anyhoo- it's amazing how well told and deep the story in that game is.
It's like reading a good book.
And that's pretty damn rare.
At least in this medium.
Next up- Baldurs Gate.
Yeah, I.. I really don't know where that came from.
It had to be that made me play all these games again.
Also- I just re-instaled Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2.

Fuck! No! What am I doing? Shit!

Finaly Finished Final Fantasy

More than finished, played about 80 hours, that's 30 hours of gameplay AFTER the end of the game.
Never again. That game isn't even that good.
I won't compare Western and JRPGs here. There's a time and a place for that.
But I have a beef with FFXIII.

What the hell was up with the story in this game? Why can't I understand what's going on?
Why are there so many plot holes it looks like a cheese grater whatthefuckishappeningattheendholyshit... *gaaaasp*
Even so, I enjoyed it.
I'm not going to go too deep into the rabbit hole here. I want to forget about those 30 hours, and focus on those last story hours.
That's 10 hours. 10 hours I want to remember from a game I've been playing for 80 hours. Jesus christ.

 Never Forget
 Never Forget

And StarCraft 2

Could've just said Starcraft- the '2' would be implied. Or would it?
I bought StarCraft 1 recently... Yeeeah..
I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

And that's pretty much it lately! 
See ya around next time!
Updated my journal.

Streamin' Minecraft

Since I have to test my higher resolution streaming anyway (For the european GB SC2 tourney), I thought the best way to test this is to play StarCraft 2.
But then I found out about Minecraft's free weekend.
So yeah, I'm going to Test stream half an hour/an hour of Minecraft.
Because there's not enough "let's play minecraft" videos out there.
There's never enough...

Tune in if you want to:


Strangers' Abode: Zombie General Edition

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Strangers Abode! My blog segment in which I feed you with my brain mush!
Hmm.. that didn't sound right at all..

Star Fantasy

Or Final Craft.
I'm loving Final Fantasy XIII. And it's not that I love the series unconditionally .
I hated the 12th part. But something about Lightning's story is very appealing to me.
I've been playing for 50 hours, and I've had a blast all the way through.  
The combat is fun, the story is engaging, the world is interesting the characters are..
Well yeah.  Hope and Vanille are the game's only problem. They should've been toned down a little bit.
But they eventualy overcome their problems, so it's not that bad. And  I've noticed the linear gameplay, I don't mind it all that much though.

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The thing that bothered me- and that found its place in Brad's review- is that you don't feel the scale of the world. I mean, how could you? 
You're moving around through tight corridors and never see the map, it's like the whole place is a giant maze more than an actual world.
And you don't participate in any games, side missions or anything interesting with other people.
It's like reading a book. It has a plot, interesting events, but no interactivity. And last I've heard, this was a GAME.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want a nameless character and/or an open world sandbox game.
God no. I hate those games. I just think that someone somewhere forgot what makes games special.

Ah hell, even with those problems the game's awesome, and I recommend it.
Also, Starcraft 2.
Played a bunch of multiplayer, and I pretty much suck at that game.
It's still fun though.
Oh yeah:



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Hence the title.

Vampire Hunting

Castlevania HD is a good game. It may not be a great game, and God forbid a supberb one, but it's not BAD.
At least it wasn't bad for me.
But you have to gather a possie to have a good time with it. And and play it on hard. Then it gets crazy. Crazy FUN that is!
Hahaha, I'll be here all day folks!
No I won't, I have to go!

Strangers' Abode: One Game Only Edition

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Conundrums left and right, this is another edition of Strangers' Abode- my blog segment in which I use short controlled bursts of information aimed at your head.
                                                                             Blat blat blat! Let's go!

One Game Only

One game only doesn't mean this blog will focus on one game, it means I can get only ONE game from the following selection:
  • Super Street Fighter IV
  • Starcraft 2
  • Minecraft
  • Microsoft Points (Let's say I'll get 2/3 games that way)
  • Just cause 2
Now, two of these great games cost the exact same ammount of money.
Starcraft 2 and SSFIV. Incidently, these two are the biggest contenders on that list.
Funny thing is- I already share one Starcraft 2 key with my brother.
But it's not as comfortable as I wish it was.
Also- I can't play against him, which is a bummer.
Two- TWO Starcraft keys purchased by me in a short ammount of time?
Insanity (not to use the word madness).

 I want a LAN option you bastards!
 I want a LAN option you bastards!

So why shouldn't I go for SSFIV? Well, you see, I'm not that good of a fighter.
I had SFIV, and my win/loose ratio was about 20% to 80%. Hint: 20% are the fights I won.
Minecraft? What?
 And this.
 And this.

It's a very interesting game, and I've found out about its existence by reading that blog.
Fascinating, you should check it out- if you hadn't already. Thanks Fallen189, for putting this game on my radar!
Now, the big thing about Minecraft is that it's really cheap right now.
By not buying it while it's in the Alpha stage, I'm loosing money! The game will be more expensive in Beta!  
Just Cause 2 is the least appealing game of the bunch.
It looks pretty though.
Damn. I've got a conundrum. 
Any opinions?



And now- back to our show

Castlevania is comming out this week- and I'm eagerly awaiting its premiere.
I love side scrollers, and Metroidvania games are a perfect example
of a complicated, well structured 2D game.
Puzzle Quest 2 is a nightmare. I can't play it anymore.
The second I see an enemy standing on my path, I turn off the game.
Then I start it up, fight that enemy, go on, see another monster, turn it off. 

I'm level 40, and every fight still takes about 10 minutes. I have had enough.
It's like playing Persona 4 without the story.
Only boring dungeons remain. 


Man, I'm really selling you on the game, huh?
And that's pretty much it.
Thanks for reading! Bye!

Story, Writing and Narration

Story Time

 The battle is the weakest aspect of Suikoden 2..
 The battle is the weakest aspect of Suikoden 2..

While rummaging through the ruins of old console games,
I have found one that hasn't aged a day in my mind- Suikoden 2.
I realised this game was probably one of the best JRPGs- hell, RPGs I've ever played.
Screw that, best story game I've ever played.

Which bummed me out a little. I finished RDR not long ago, and the story was decent.
Actually, it was pretty well done. But something was missing..
And it wasn't the nostalgia- I played Suikoden 2 about four years ago.
That's not enough time to get all mushy about it. 
So, if it's not the poochie-poochie feelings, then what?
Well let me tell you something about the characters, story and writing in this game... 

Marston's love and blindness

I didn't really like John Marston, and certainly had no attchement for...

...his wife and son, who the story writers desperately wanted to shove down my throat the last couple of hours of the game. 
All they did was whine, and make me do pointless missions. Yes, after four missions of shooting damn forest animals,
I felt waaaay closer to my "son". You know what they say, nothing makes a bond between a man and his boy tighter, than shootin'
and skinnin' some deer!
It just felt dirty. All of it.

It felt that way because it was forced.
John Marston may have loved his family- he lived with them for 16 years.
I on the other hand, couldn't care less about a bunch of strangers I've met an hour ago,
and only knew an hour before everything ended.
I barely cared about Marston himself.  
Don't get me wrong, Marston is clearly a more likable fellow than Niko or Carl Johnosn.
But he's just too passive about everything. he has his moments, but mostly he just doesn't care.

End spoilers.  

Games that made you think

So maybe it just wasn't for me. Some people enjoy it, but does it make them/you think about it?
Does this game make you care and feel bad/good for all the people involved?
Persona 4 did. Good story driven games do that.
I'm not saying ONLY JRPGs are skillful at creating an interesting world with charismatic characters,
no, I cared about the fate of my crewmen in Mass Effect 2.

Except for Miranda, I mean- she has a nice ass, but man.. 
I have no idea what someone was thinking when writing for that character.
Oh, but she has a sister that she cares for! Bleh!
 Aww, cheer up! I'm actualy saying good things about your game!
 Aww, cheer up! I'm actualy saying good things about your game!
Suikoden 2 was one of the few games with a story I cared about.
I also got deeply invested in some of the Final Fantasy games,
mainly FFIX- it has an amazing way of pulling me into the world it has created.
Even if it was a lil' bit cheesy here and there..
And how could I forget The Longest Journey? 
That game was worth the time spent on looking at a faq
(I'm not that good at adventure games).

So what game made you feel for the characters and its story? What games you couldn't get into because of its writing?

Strangers' Abode: LIMBO, RDR, PQ2, Alien Swarm


 Welcome to  Strangers' Abode, my house is my head, so take your shoes off! Don't want you to make a mess!
 It's just a blog segment in which I talk about the games I've been playing lately. 
I'm a little late to the party with RDR, but hell, it's still worth mentioning.

Between Limbo and Redemption


I liked LIMBO. However some puzzles were annoying.
The atmosphere is great, the graphics are amazing and
The ending is open the interpretation, which I actualy liked.
People talk about that here and there on the forums, which is great, I like reading up on that stuff. 

Red Dead is another game with an awesome ending- it was very clever, glad Rockstar didn't dissapoint. 
I just finished it, and will probably play some more.
It's a bit dull now though, the story was the main thing that kept me going.
PQ2 is incredibly long. It's too long.
Especialy if you consider doing all the sidequests and exploring every room.
Man, I'm already tired of puzzling. It's just too much, really.
I miss the story of PQ1, it felt more epic and interesting.
This is just- there's something evil here, kill it.
Whereas in PQ1 you were fighting a war, making alliances.. 
Maybe that is its biggest flaw.

Summer of Arcade 2010


Been thinking about Summer of Arcade lately..
And the only game I'd buy from the remaining four- is Castlevania.
Yes, it's flawed, but Monday Night Combat is a DOTA meets TF2
both things are not very appealing to me.
There's also Hydro Thunder Hurricane, and from what I've heard
they're just banking on nostalgia with that title.
Since I never played the first game in the 'franchise'
I don't suppose I'd enjoy this one. 

Lara Croft looks bad, I don't think I'd enjoy another top down shooter.
That's what I thought, but then..

Valve being Valve


Valve's the only thing (except for Blizzard) that keeps my faith in PC games strong.

I've enjoyed playing Valve's latest free(!) source engine game.
Alien Swarm plays really well, requires tactics, team play
and it's a lot of fun to shoot the aliens in the face.
What more could you want?
Enjoy Alien Swarm? Downloaded it already? If not, do so. 
And that's pretty much it for now.
I still have that crazy LIMBO achievement to get. 

Oh, anyone reading this can recomend me some good JRPG classics?
SNES era games would be great!
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