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Ursus_Veritas's forum posts

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#1  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

Yup, but as others have said - call out a review for factual mistakes, grammatical errors, shallow arguments (for or against, I think. I prefer reviewers who actually tell me something about why they like or dislike a feature or a mechanic in a game, and back up their position, even if I disagree with them - it's way better than 'I think X sucks/is great' and bounding off onto another point without an explanation for why X really sucks/is great). Don't just call out reviews you think are 'bad' because you disagree with the Reviewer's opinion.

And FunkasaurasRex has a great point as well - more often than not legitimate issues people have with reviews can be shouted down and ignored because people fly off the handle with an overtly hostile or juvenile response (like, for example, every time a review disagrees with you, crying out about corruption and paid reviews really doesn't do your argument any favours). I think that well constructed feedback for a reviewer, even if it's negative feedback, will help inform them about their writing process - or help them clarify and explain their critique even further - a lot more than just shouting 'You're a bad reviewer, I bet game company X paid you off for this shitty review!' like some spoilt brat who's not got their way.

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#2  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

2/5 - Aesthetically pleasing (although I wish they made more use of the space on the front page - that big gap between the Top Releases bar on the right and the Community Showcase just looks weird, maybe the staff twitter feed would've gone better there? I like the layout everywhere else though), but at the moment it's sluggish, prone to crashing - my Chrome favourites tab has actually renamed Giant Bomb to 500: Internal Server Error! - there's a good 50/50 chance of me clicking a link in chrome and it not working, and most annoying of all, the video player has become painfully slow.

It was troublesome back on the old site, but it's even worse here - I don't have the best internet in the world admittedly, but in the time it would've taken me to load the entirety of Bradley May Cry part 2 on the old site (about 20-25 minutes for progressive/High), I managed about 12 minutes of it in the new player. It's made all the more maddening by the bizarre decision to suddenly make access to the Youtube player on all videos Members Only. I'm really hoping that's temporary, or maybe an incorrectly flipped switch during the mayhem of the site launch, but if it isn't, I think charging people to use the Youtube player is... jarring, to say the least - especially when the YT player was originally introduced to save the site some money by not having to use so much of their own bandwidth.

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#3  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

Is the Youtube option on videos meant to be Members only? I was trying to watch the Aliens Quick Look in progressive but it was super slow, so I went to try Youtube... and it's showing up as only for members.

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#4  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

Come back to the game with the Revolution DLC - now I've unlocked the Letters in the editor, I thought I'd have a go at doing a 'complete' version of the GB logo using all 32 layers. Sorry for the camera picture, but the CoD Elite site doesn't want to show my Emblem, I'll update when the website decides to update:

No Caption Provided
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#5  Edited By Ursus_Veritas
Presumably one of the new Krogan kits?
Presumably one of the new Krogan kits?


Kingdoms of Amalur: Mass Effect 3: Reckoning! DLC details have been found in the latest patch for ME3, including:

  • 4 New Maps
  • Hazard versions of the maps from the Earth DLC
  • New kits for Humans, Salarians, Krogans and Volus
  • 3 New weapons - Chakram Launcher, Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle, and the Blood Pack Punisher
  • 6 New 'Story Co-Op' Missions
  • A new Multiplayer mode that brings in choices, morality, reputation and progress from the single player campaign (I suppose this is to go with those six missions)

... Not gonna lie, this sounds like it could be really awesome. I love ME3's multiplayer, so I'm really glad we're getting more of it. With the amount of stuff in this one, I wonder if it will be paid DLC, or if it's going to be Free like the others?

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#6  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

I dislike the new titles, but the new theme for Doctor Who is pretty great, a nice retro throwback to the older versions of it. The Doctor Who theme in general is pretty awesome! 

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#7  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

I voted for Zelda II, but I my experience is coloured by the fact I'd played several of the 3D and 2D Zelda games before I went and actually tried it out. By saying it's the worst, I don't really feel like that, it was alright. It's the... least-best out of the ones I've played, I guess? 
Also, I am extremely happy that Wind Waker has 0 votes. What a fantastic game - even with the triforce shard fetch quest stuff at the end (which younger me didn't really mind, as I could just listen to the great sea music again and again and again... and again). I still remember the day I got my gamecube and started playing it. Goddammit guys, I don't want to buy a Wii U just for Wind Waker. But I might.

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#8  Edited By Ursus_Veritas
An update at last! 
The PS3 version of the game has been delivered to Zen United, with the Xbox version coming soon. Then, it's on to cert with Sony/MS, and there'll be a more solid release window announced in the near future. 
It's still at the least a good month, maybe two away, but still, now we know it's coming... eventually!
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#9  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

I also don't really get their dislike of MMOs, where it's to the point that basically the phrase 'It's an MMO' has become shorthand for 'this is an awful, terrible game!' - I recently re-listened to the bombcast with Jeff's initial thoughts on Guild Wars 2, for example, and all he could say about his dislike for it was 'this is an MMO!', rather than offer something that actually constitutes for an arguement to support his dislike of it (I never watched the Quick Look for it, so maybe he made a better arguement there, I don't know).

I don't 'vehemently' disagree with them or hate them for it - MMOs certainly aren't for everyone - but it's a shame I have to go elsewhere to get MMO-related news and content. I'd love to see more MMO content on GB - maybe any potential hiring in the future could be someone who could provide that angle, who knows.

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Reviews: 15

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#10  Edited By Ursus_Veritas

If this was true - and given what people have said in here, it seems more like a broken embargo issue rather than an issue the score - I think the thing I'd actually be more worried about than Capcom pulling reviews to hide poor scores, is that 75% would be considered 'poor' enough these days to warrant that sort of extreme underhandedness. If it was truly damning, like sub-50%, I'd understand them pulling it more (that doesn't mean I'd find pulling the review anything less than despicable), but a 75% score? Really?