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I made a blog about games I'm excited for back on Jan. 1st, 2012.

What's the year been like since? Looking back, I can't say everything went according to plan. There has been some delays, some silence from the games media, some poor reviews and some "cancellations". The year is not over though, and some news from E3 definitely gave me a lot to think about. Honestly this blog would have made way more sense back in June or July but I do what I feel like, so August 10th it is.

Here's the original blog:

1. Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

What was said: From what I've heard so far, this game is an Oblivion clone in 3rd person without the completely open world. Sounds like a mix of Elder's Scrolls and Fable, and I'm down for that. It's supposed to come out early 2012 but I believe Skyrim will release DLC at the same time and it would be a shame for me to forget about this. Rich is always talking up this game on the bombcast so it's time to see if there's anything there.

Well we all know how this story played out. It's a bummer that the entire staff was laid off because from everything that was said about KOA one could say this game was pretty good. I wouldn't actually know because I haven't played this yet. I have played that Skyrim DLC though. From Jeff's and other people's reviews the whole "fable meets oblivion" thing turned out to be kind of true. A large world with plenty to do but not exactly an open map. The thing this game does very well (again, from reading reviews) is the combat and that's the one thing that still makes me want to play this, everything else just seems generic to me. I can say that the hype came and went pretty quick, and I feel slightly responsible for people loosing their jobs. Then again, I'm not the one who forced them to work on a MMO for years and years.

2. Syndicate

What was said: One time Jeff came back from a preview and said it was a bit like Deus Ex, that's good enough for me. I have no previous history with the series, I seriously have no idea what it is but apparently this announcement pissed off quite a few people.

This I actually played, and boy was it good. Maybe it's the fact that absolutely nothing else was out at the time but I had so much fun with this. I have no prior history with the franchise, but I still felt like I knew what was up. The atmosphere was done well, and the missions were fun and engaging. The best part though was the co-op; all the upgrades, the mission variety, the difficulty settings and the awesome weapons make for probably some of the best multiplayer of 2012. Unfortunately reaching the level cap comes pretty easy, and a lack of DLC didn't help. Overall this was a pleasant surprise; like I said I was excited but only because it was going to be kinda like Deus Ex, it was actually way more than just that.

Oh and those weapon sounds....this and BF3 are up there when it comes to the "feel" of firearms. Now the only thing BF3 needs is a sniper you tilt in close quarters. Genius!

3. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

What was said: It's about time this came out, seriously what the fuck has Ubi been doing to this game? I've seen it in a million different states and each time it looked worse and worse. Honestly I'm more excited to see the result rather than play it. This is my Duke Nukem Forever.

So this is what Ubisoft has been making this whole time? I remember so many things from E3 and previews and I swear none of it made it into this. Remember when the bombcrew was talking about a multiplayer mode where you got active camo if you stood next to a sniper? What the hell happened to that? What happened to all the cool stuff?

I'll be honest, this game is average at best, it's really nothing special. It's no Duke Nukem Forever but if I compare this to the original PC Ghost Recon it might as well be. There are some stand out moments, like the stealth mission in a Russian base but the rest was just your run of the mill "let's save Russia from internal strife, because we are American and we love being the world police"....but without the awesome open maps and squad management that made the first game awesome. Also the faces looked like garbage.

4. Mass Effect 3

What was said: I'll be honest, I'm scared to play this. Scared because I have 2 characters in ME2; one was my original playthrough of ME2 without a previous save and the other is the Shepard that's been through ME1 and ME2. I want my first ME3 game to be the true story of Shepard but I feel like I'll miss out on stuff, stuff like Wrex being there because he was dead in ME2....It's a confusing mess but my excitement remains everpresent for the series.

Oh I really want to open this can of worms? I'll just say that I played as my ME2 Shepard, finished it, saw the ending, then played it again to get all the achievements. Yes everything was wrapped up a little too neatly (except a few things), but really that's what we wanted and that's what we got.

5. Borderlands 2

What was said: Borderlands was ssssoooooooo boring, holy shit was it ever boring...but somehow I spent 50 hours playing it, alone. I'm excited because I know Gearbox will take the original complaints and its shortcomings and will make Borderlands 2 the greatest game ever made. Weird how these things can work out...

Every time I see footage of this I get more and more excited, it seems like Gearbox are just doing whatever they feel like with this game and that's a philosophy I can truck with. I'll probably end up spending my 50 hours playing solo again and that's how I want it, and with the news of infinite levels I might just end up spending more time than that.

6. Assassin's Creed

What was said: This is really the last chance I'm giving this series. If it's not Assassin's Creed 3 then I'm done. I love Assassin's Creed, I love the original and it's glorious setting (perhaps the greatest setting in the history of videogames), I love AC2 and the myriad of improvements they made to the series. I love ACB and it's refinement of the AC2 formula and I even love Revelations despite it's lack of innovation. The ending to Revelations sets up AC3, not another spinoff...get it toghether Ubisoft!

Logic prevailed in the end, and we finally get the proper third game of the beloved Assassin's Creed franchise. I still don't like the annual sequels but I reeaally want to play more Assassin's Creed, and with the reveals since January, I reeeeaaaalllyyy want to play Assassin's Creed 3. I mean c'mon! A native dude fighting templars in the middle of the american revolution? Awesome, just awesome.

7. BioShock Infinite

What was said: This is a game I'm looking forward to playing today, but ask me again tomorrow and I'll tell you how this game looks super stupid. Bioshock was a true achievement in games. I wasn't as impressed at the time but looking back I can easily say that it is a masterpiece. I have a feeling the team responsible for it can do it again, I just wish they had named this something else.

Today? Today my feelings on this game is that it's probably going to be a disappointment. Ask me again tomorrow and you might get a different answer. It sucks that this was delayed, but there are probably very good reasons for Ken Levine to hold this back. Will this be received like Bioshock was back in 2007? We'll just have to wait until 2013 to find out.

8. Far Cry 3

What was said: This right here is my most anticipated game of 2012. I never played Far Cry but I did play Instincts and it was glorious. Far Cry 2 had the major issue of playing like shit until you figured out the right way to play it, which is the worst thing a game can do. Far Cry 2 lacked the "trapped on an island and must survive" formula that made the previous games great, which doesn't seem to be an issue here. I'm looking forward to sneaking up on dudes and breaking their necks...

Nah man....those boobs were....artistic was art.

Hey at least this game has a release date, so that's a positive. I still want to play this, but I'm hoping the whole game is a drug induced fantasy and at the end you find out you're just a dude who did too much meth and fell into the monkey cage at the zoo.

9. Grand Theft Auto V

What was said: Worst kept secret in videogames in recent memory. In a world where SR3 has managed to nail the over the top antics of GTA SA it's going to be interesting to see what Rockstar has cooked up for us. Will they continue the serious tone of GTA4? Will they revert to the crazyness of San Andreas, and if so will it take a piss on Volition's best game or just look like a sad attempt at humour?

So I'm just going to come out and say it, as much as it pains me, this is probably not coming out in 2012. That trailer confirmed our suspicions about the setting, but told us nothing else about the game. If I had to guess, this game will stick with the "serious" tone of GTA 4 but we'll have to wait until 2013 (or later) to find out.

10. Hitman: Absolution

What was said: I loved Blood Money more than I had any reason to, and it's been a while since Agent 47 was in a video game. I remember watching "how not to play hitman" on, those videos were awesome. A recent trailer had the youtube comments proclaiming stuff like "RIP Hitman" and "Well there's another series killed off" so we have yet to see what this game is truly about.

So we got the gameplay in chinatown, then we got the nun trailer, then we got the confirmed chinatown gameplay at E3, then we got the "the nuns aren't part of the game" news, then we got the gameplay where you assassinate those jocks and then we got the "the nuns are part of the game" news. I'm not sure what's going on in the marketing department over at square enix but what I do know is that this game is coming out this fall and I really want to play it.

11. Halo 4

What was said: This is still called Halo 4 right? They should change that. Iconic series like this one aren't often just given to a brand new develloper with the intent of starting a whole new trilogy. I'm excited to see what 343 studios will acomplish with Halo....4....ugh what a dumb name....

It looks like they aren't going to change the name of this game.....oh well. At least all the footage they have shown has been solid. An entirely new campaign for John and Cortana is exactly what I want, and as launch day creeps closer and closer it seems like 343 is doing exactly what needs to be done to Halo.

12. Max Payne 3

What was said: Wait actually I don't care about Max Payne, why is this on here? Oh right because I'm an idiot and will simply buy anything that has a Rockstar logo on the box.

After playing this, I actually do care about Max Payne, or at least more than I did before. This game was really divisive, and the vitriol from some of the people on the internet was really crazy. So far this game is probably my favorite game of 2012; I played through it 3 times and got hooked to completing those mini challenges, and had a lot of fun playing the multiplayer. It's impossible for someone to spend as much time with a game as I did and not like it. I hope the shooting mechanics and refinements find their way into GTA5. So far Rockstar games' record is perfect this generation (yeah that ping pong game was pretty cool).

13. Metro: Last Light

What was said: Metro 2033 is an amazing game, especially when played entirely in Russian. More games should just let you play in the native language of it's characters. The struggle for survival of the Moscow citizens is something I want to experience again, few game can manage to pull off a feeling of helplessness quite like Metro does.

Just go watch that gameplay footage from E3 and be amazed. It sucks that this game is also delayed but at least the devs confirmed that I can play the whole thing in Russian. I still can't wait to hit up the Moscow metro and have to scavenge for batteries and filters and ammo.

14. Prey 2

What was said: E3 made this game sound like mass effect 2 where you are a dick for the space police, that sounds awesome.

Yeaahhh....this is probably cancelled. A huge disappointment because I was really looking forward to this. I haven't been this bummed out since they cancelled season 4 of Bored to Death. Being a detective for the space FBI is something I'm still waiting for someone to deliver, unfortunately it doesn't look like Human Head studios will be doing it.

15. Paper Mario 3DS

What was said: I though this already came out. But seriously it's about time Nintendo put out some games. Super Mario 3D Land made me feel slightly better about spending $300 on a 3DS, and I realize only Nintendo will release the games that make me care about the handheld. Stuff like Luigi's Mansion 2 is great but the Paper series is my favorite mario format. If they keep on bringing the games, and finally release the true 3DS Zelda then maybe I will stop proclaiming that the 3DS is a failure...

Paper Mario: Sticker Star is the title we got from Nintendo after E3, and it looks like the they are going back to the RPG mechanics instead of the real time combat of Super Paper Mario. What else is there to say?

It's still a bummer that the 3DS has barely anything worthwhile on after all this time, and my statement still stands to this day. Yeah it's finally making money, but the games just aren't there....

Those can't be the only games you've played so far right?

Well fellow duder, you are right! I did play other things and there were some pleasant surprises and some unpleasant disappointments. Here's a few things I left off my list back in January:


SSX Cover (Xbox 360)
SSX Cover (Xbox 360)

This was one of the pleasant surprises that came out of nowhere. I bought this on a whim and immediately fell into the addictive routine of beating my friends records on RiderNet. I heard this was also pretty divisive but I was too busy at the time having a blast to pay attention to internet comments. Recently this game added full on multiplayer and there has been some significant updates to the game. If you still own this, dust it off and give it another go; don't listen to what Ryan has to say.

The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings: Enhanced Edition: Arcade Remix: The Lost Tapes

US box art
US box art

This on the other hand was one of the disappointments that reared its ugly head about 10 hours into the game. Maybe I was just too caught up in the hype machine. At one point I just didn't even want to finish this at all. I eventually did and was left completely confused as to why so many people called it the game of the century. Maybe I just need to play it on PC....that's what it is! PC has fast travel right? objectively this is probably a good fantasy RPG but subjectively it just seems like a generic fantasy story with boring characters and a lot of boobs. The political aspects would of been so much cooler if not for the dumb magicians and witches, but then again this is a fantasy RPG. I'll give it another go in the future before passing final judgement (because I only did the main quests) and maybe I'll really like it upon a second playthrough.

Darksiders 2

360 box art (cropped)
360 box art (cropped)

So back in January I had not yet played the original Darksiders but ever since finishing that bad boy I simply cannot wait for Darksiders 2. Darksiders had its share of problems but it was just so damn fun and set up a sequel so well; Darksiders 2 literally skyrocketed up on my interest meter the minute I finished War's adventure through post apocalyptic earth.

Well that's it for now. Maybe I'll look back at this in December and see how things panned out, unless there's a terrible videogame apocalypse and nothing is actually released....that would suck, but at least the bombcrew can still entertain me with stories of dirty bathrooms and crawlspaces full of scorpions.