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Giant Bomb Review


Diablo III Review

  • PC

The first Diablo game in over a decade is also one of the most insidiously satisfying loot treadmills in almost as long.

Action-RPG combat has rarely ever been this addictive.
Action-RPG combat has rarely ever been this addictive.

Blizzard made no attempt to reinvent the wheel a couple of years ago when it revitalized StarCraft after its decade-long absence, choosing instead to simply modernize and spit-polish that franchise's well-known fundamentals until they reached the company's trademark high-gloss sheen. They've taken the same tack in reviving Diablo after its own 12-year hiatus, and once again the result hews to the nostalgic strengths of its antique predecessors while also managing to feel like it belongs on a release list in 2012. And it's a hell of a lot of fun to play, with hooks that keep you playing longer in one sitting than you might have wanted to. I'm not the type to often play through a game more than once, so I guess it's saying something that after more than 35 hours with the game--first playing all the way through with my primary character, then playing through a bunch of it again on the next difficulty, jumping into numerous dungeon runs with friends, and dabbling with several other classes (all of whom I'd love, time permitting, to take to high levels themselves)--I really just want to keep playing more Diablo III.

This new game's staunch adherence to its loot-driven action-RPG conventions might tell you right off the bat if you should even be interested or not. Do you like loot? Not just a little bit of loot, but ubiquitous, shiny, delicious, stat-increasing loot everywhere you look? Just like its predecessors--and perhaps even more so than them--Diablo III is a game about constantly building and rebuilding your character with new gear and abilities to meet the challenges that are constantly increasing in front of you. It's also a game where the extent of your interaction with the world entails clicking to move, and clicking and tapping some number keys to kill everything in front of you. You play it entirely from a fixed overhead camera angle, and the story, aside from a handful of lavish CG cutscenes, plays out exclusively through small character models gesticulating a bit while their dialogue comes out of speech bubbles. In short, it rigidly assumes the form and structure of the old Diablo games, so if you already know you're burned out on that specific formula, you may move along.

The social features get you playing with your friends easily... you know, if you have any.
The social features get you playing with your friends easily... you know, if you have any.

If that sort of game does it for you--and there are plenty of you out there--you'd have a tough time finding one that's better put-together than Diablo III. A game where you spend 98 percent of your time killing stuff (and the remaining time performing upkeep on your ability to kill stuff) would get old pretty fast if the combat weren't a ton of fun, so it's a good thing Diablo III's is. I think it's the hardest-hitting I've ever seen in the genre. There's something about the interactions between your fighter and enemies, the visual and sound cues that go along with every strike, that just makes the combat feel, for lack of a better word, right. So often you feel like an unstoppable whirlwind of destruction when you wade into a dozen or more enemies and juggle your skills back and forth to control the crowd, focus down a single tough elite monster, or kite a bunch of enemies around as you frantically try to heal. The action is just tightly designed in a way that seems like a lot of designers spent a lot of time tuning it to perfection. Fighting enemies in this game never gets old, which is a good thing since finishing the story once sends you straight back to the menu with an urging to begin again on the next difficulty, where the loot is much better and the enemies don't just hit harder but also change up their tactics, forcing you to change up yours. I can't stress enough how enjoyable it is to keep playing after you see the credits the first time.

The game's classes cover all the bases you'd want, from the pure burly melee of the barbarian to nimble and arcane DPS courtesy of the demon hunter and wizard, respectively, to the horde of sinister pets that accompany the witch doctor into battle. My personal favorite, the monk, is like a martial paladin who can effectively heal up in between roundhouse kicks and a blur of fist strikes. Each class' skills are split across a variety of categories, and almost every skill has a long list of "runes" you pick from to add some ancillary effect that further differentiates them. The breakdown of skills into those different categories initially seems constraining, but there's actually a dizzying number of ways to build the skills of a given class to fit different play styles and challenges. Why the game hides the full ability to mix and match your skills behind the optional "elective mode" checkbox in the options, however, is completely baffling to me. Elective mode is absolutely essential to getting the most out of the game's combat, so it's a shame there isn't some tutorial tip that goes out of its way to let you know how much freedom to customize you actually have. Once you click that single checkbox, the gameplay really opens up.

Seriously, play a monk.
Seriously, play a monk.

If this were purely a combat game, I guess it could be conducted with stick figures and primary colors, but of course it's worth addressing the world and story Blizzard built up to propel your loot grind along. The plot proceeds with equal parts gravitas and cheese, about like you'd expect from a story about a literal war between heaven and hell, but that setup does make for some truly epic, screen-filling boss encounters and sieges for you to fight your way through. It's also fun to revisit some memorable old locations like Tristram (which comes with just a hint of the discordant acoustic guitar that practically defined that first game) and catch up on the continuing events of familiar characters like Deckard Cain and the skeleton king Leoric. Much more impressive is the expertly considered art design that bathes the game in exquisite detail and makes excellent use of color choice and lighting to create unique mood specific to each location. Don't think that the tiny character models and bird's-eye view of the action somehow make this game outdated from a visual standpoint. The art is so strong that each scene takes on a painterly effect that almost transcends its polygonal makeup, and I kept noticing how much detail was crammed into the periphery of each map, like a collapsed bridge here or some old statuary there, in places you can't even explore. There's a liberal use of ambient animations, like birds flying at the camera or old architecture crumbling when you run by, that make the environments feel more lively, and the game's excellent use of ragdoll to send enemies flying over ledges or into the water is always amusing.

But again, it's about the loot, and how much fun the fighting is that gets you more of it. The game changes dramatically when you join up with other players, since the monsters get harder and you're able to settle into a more specialized role while other classes cover their own roles, allowing you to change up the way you play and what combination of skills you're using. The game isn't incredibly difficult your first time through, but I found it doled out new equipment and better drops at a good, steady pace as I got a handle on all the things my class could do, so that by the time the next difficulty rolled around, I was jumping at the chance to get in there with some friends and explore a range of new combat possibilities under much greater duress. It's when three or four high-level players are all in there doing their thing at once, with the action devolving into a high-speed orgy of colored lights and particle effects, that Diablo III is at its best. The game makes the elegant choice of distributing separate loot to each player, so you don't have to worry about some jerk grabbing the spaulders or daibo you wanted, but so far I've found there to be a nice spirit of sharing among all the players I've played with as we pass loot around that suits other people's classes.

The auction house is certainly capable of saving you some time.
The auction house is certainly capable of saving you some time.

It's too early to say what eventual impact the game's persistent auction house will have on Diablo III's economy and the value of rare items, especially since Blizzard hasn't rolled out the ability to sell stuff for actual dollars yet. It's safe to say that launch will have a profound effect on the way items are bought and sold, but even now the transactions being conducted with gold are providing an interesting case study in the ebb and flow of in-game economics. It's been amusing to see comparable items being listed right next to each other with an order of magnitude disparity in their pricing, leading me to believe some players are listing items as high as they can to see what they can get away with, or others are trying to sell gear without knowing the value of what they actually have, or both. Who can even say what the absolute value is of a one-handed sword with 100 damage per second and a bonus to attack speed? More practically, the game's auction house gives you so much control over search filtering that it's almost embarrassingly easy to specify the exact type of weapon or armor you're looking for, the level range, the stats you want, and exactly how much you're willing to pay for it. At the moment, there are enough people selling great loot at bargain-basement prices that too much time in the auction house can sort of trivialize the gear you find in the game itself. Whether that's a problem for you probably comes down to personal preference, and given that the auction house exists only at the game's main menu, it's easy enough to ignore if you want to maintain some sort of loot-lust purity as you make your way through. If you don't have a ton of time to grind through dungeon runs in an endless search for more loot, though, it can be a real time-saver.

Speaking of multiplayer and that auction house, you could scarcely know about Diablo III at all without having heard about the game's always-online connectivity that requires you to be constantly in touch with Blizzard's servers to play it at all, even by yourself. That approach to maintaining the sanctity of the in-game economy (and making sure a bunch of people don't hack and/or pirate the game) comes with plenty of ups and downs. On the upside, the level of integrated connectedness is pretty impressive, letting you chat with friends while you're playing alone, seamlessly invite them into your game or join theirs whenever you feel like it, and even inspect their characters and see their achievements popping up in real time. On the downside...if you can't connect to, you can't play the game, no matter whether you want to play it with other people or not. That has real, unfortunate consequences when Blizzard doesn't have its act together, as evidenced by the calamity that ensued in the first 36 hours of release when I frequently had a hard time getting into the game at all, and latency-related issues messed with performance and booted me out a couple of times. It's been smooth sailing in the week since then, though, and given Blizzard's experience running large online networks for long periods of time, I'm hopeful those problems were an isolated incident under massive launch-day stress and not something we can expect to see again.

I can't stay mad at Diablo III for long, anyway. It's such a rare thing that my interest in continuing to play a game keeps increasing not just toward the end of the game but past the end, yet somehow the more Diablo I play, the more Diablo I want to play. It doesn't do anything especially new with the action-RPG genre, but it does all the old things very, very well, and sometimes that's more than enough.

Brad Shoemaker on Google+


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Edited By cavemantom

Love the game.

Hate the frequent 1000ms lag since last night's maintenance.

Oh, and I hate 8 hour maintenance, simultaneously, weekly, on Blizzard's games.

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Edited By algertman

Yep. The gaming press continue to show how anti-consumer they are. 5/5 when this game had a shit launch.

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Edited By Toxin066

I'm still on the fence about this one because of the online only thing. That's a pretty huge factor for me. A lot of what Brad said really appealed to me, but I don't know if it was enough to sway me to buy it.

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Edited By Depth

Great game and a terrible launch is not going to ruin that fact.

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Edited By ArbitraryWater

Expected/10. Whatever. I will probably write my own thoughts about it soon enough.

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Edited By RedRavN

I feel like brad has overrated this game while ignoring some of the problems. One of the biggest I think is the story, which is predictable and is written like a cartoon instead of a real narrative. I think the diablo universe is interesting, and the game seems like a missed opportunity to expand the fiction in any meaningful way. This game also has serious balance issues. By act 2 inferno the melee classes are completely useless and have trouble progressing while the ranged get steadily more powerful. Bosses stay easy on all the difficulties (which is why inferno has been cleared already). Legendaries are generally less powerful than rares and even blues, which makes the rarest tier of gear totally pointless. PVP and the RMAH are still no where to be seen and I feel like the connection issues and lack of true single player should factor into the final score.

But the game seems good and I will pick it up eventually. However, I believe 5 star games should be pushing the genre forward in some impactful way and I feel like diablo 3 seems like more of an iterative game than something that will reinvent the action rpg.

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Edited By FiestaUnicorn

I'm glad this review was written. I don't think anyone could tell how much Brad loved Diablo III without it.

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Edited By Chumm

Brad still has no idea what elective mode does, nothing is "hidden" behind it. Also while it may seem unreasonable, Diablo-style games don't really get going until the second and third difficulty, so a nightmare playthrough should have been done at minimum to actually gauge whether the "dizzying" number of identical builds actually added any depth to the clicking. Any shmuck can left click their way to victory in normal mode, that does not really make for a compelling experience.

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Edited By project343

@Bourbon_Warrior said:

Its a good game. Just that I have to play with a 200ms lag when playing solo is unacceptable.

Ya. The lag spikes also make Hardcore mode nigh unplayable. Only times I've ever died in 'normal' were due to massive lag spikes. Combined that with the unnecessarily lengthened gear treadmill and piss-poor storytelling and character cast, I'd personally knock a star off this review.

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Edited By rcath

Diablo is a game you can forgive the DRM for.

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Edited By cornbredx

Agreed, Brad. The game is fantastic. It is a shame people cant get past the DRM, but I remember the same of Star craft 2 also... so... I guess it's moot.

The game itself is still fantastic, and a worthy sequel. I feel it may only get away with some things because its been so long since the last one, but meh... to me the game itself is perfect. Cant wait til they add more to it either.

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Edited By grilledcheez

I just finished the trial my friend gave me, and I totally agree. Cannot wait to buy the full version.

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Of the 40 hours I've put into it so far, I've had a great time. Only bad bit is being booted from the server (during my single player games) always at the very end of a dungeon or quest, meaning I'd lose some loot and have to redo. The online thing isn't so bad, but they could have planned for it better by adding many many many more checkpoints, to keep progress from being lost. Still a fantastic game though.

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Edited By Detrian

Heh 5 stars.

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Edited By dekkadekkadekka

I personally would've held off on the review until the current issues surrounding hacked characters were resolved one way or the other. I was hacked and can find nothing wrong on my end (unique password, authenticator, no malware on my computer) yet Blizzard is telling me it's my fault. I'm not alone in reporting these hacks and so far Blizzard's response has been a childish "NUH-UH IT'S YOUR FAULT."

I'm not saying the game doesn't deserve the score it got and ultimately it doesn't matter; people who want this game will go and get it.

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Edited By Bubbly

After playing the Torchlight 2 beta I disagree with D3 having the most hard-hitting combat. When things get hit in that game they get hit hard. Still, D3 is a great game. I just hope these shitty server issues get fixed quickly. I get noticeable lag in both singleplayer (or solo play if you want to be pedantic; still it is unacceptable) and multiplayer and it has gotten me killed a fair share of times. Blizzard also loves to do maintenance whenever I finally have the time to play the game, so I haven't even put as much time in it as I wanted to.

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Edited By Mumrik

@limecloud said:

I love Brad's 5 star review avatar.

It gets used quite often too, though supposedly they're going to stop using that at all soon.

I don't really know how I feel about five stars to a game that sort of works, most of the time. This game seems to have some technical issues that go beyond launch bugs and limited server resources.

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Edited By Ben_H

This game has its issues, yet I've still managed to play 28 hours of it in a week, and an especially busy week at this being that I just started my job. It must be doing something right if it can get me that into it. I plan to take each class to level 60, I'm already almost done with my Barbarian.

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Edited By artgarcrunkle

I hope D3 is the center of this year's hyperbole filled GOTY podcast temper tantrum.

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Edited By Mumrik

@artgarcrunkle said:

I hope D3 is the center of this year's hyperbole filled GOTY podcast temper tantrum.

I think we can count on that.

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Edited By super2j

SHOOOOCKKKKKKEERRRR. may be one day i will play this

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Edited By Beaudacious

I also don't understand how the issues with the online system haven't penalized this to a 4 star rating. The GB crew have on multiple occasions said " Release Week Counts, though Banana's. ", apparently this doesn't apply to Diablo 3.

Let's see:

- Hardcore mode is unplayable with any reliable fashion, due to DC and lag spikes. ( Best part of Diablo 2 was Hardcore Mode.)

- 150 to 200 ms is fucking laughable in this type of game. Also means Melee PVP will be sub-par on release, unless they Buff it.

- MMO's have dealt with first week server load better then D3 has.

- Oh and how about this, the very DRM that is suppose to protect the economy and players is BROKEN. Accounts are being hacked left and right, with authenticator's, and even while only having played solo or with known friends.

- Account Hacking means the real money auction house is broken.

-Oh ya where is the real money auction house? Where is PVP? I guess 6 years for a top-down hack and slash with 5 simple classes, and four short Acts you have to repeat 4 times, was too short of a development time.

Secondly, Diablo 3 doesn't start till Hell, spending 35 hours in the tutorial of any game doesn't gauge a games worth.

I'm not saying this is a bad game but I'm simply saying that the BlizzVision is getting out of control. Five stars is a statement, and in this case its a fanboys statement.

Edit: I regret having caved in on D3, after people on the forums telling me I was crazy. I also took Brad's utter unending praise to be worth overlooking the "simple" issues he claimed were minor. I'm sorry but that's one less opinion I'm trusting.

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Edited By Ares42

It's all personal experience ofc, but saying the online-only was only a problem for the first day or so is sorta wrong. Maybe it's just been the EU servers, but there's been several issues (like achievements breaking down, long maintnance periods etc etc) the entire week. And there's still issues with being randomly booted out for no apparent reason.

While it's easy to be the bigger man and "forgive" Blizzard etc, shouldn't there really be zero tolerance for this stuff ? I mean how many other games have you played alone and something happened like it crashed or your save corrupted or something like that and you just went "it's fine". Technical issues are technical issues and just because they're on Blizzards end and they can work on them much more directly doesn't make them any less aggrevating than say something like the PS3 Skyrim issue that eventually also got fixed through a patch.

Just today I got home hoping to play some Diablo 3, only to be greeted with a "6 hour maintnance" message.

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Edited By radioactivez0r

On its merits, the game is probably worth the score and the glowing review. I'm sure it still sits at the vanguard of the CLICK CLICK BOOM genre and makes everything about Diablo 2 prettier and more intuitive. On every front, whether it be seamless multiplayer, a polished technical side, or whatever, it's probably as good as it gets. But no game should get a perfect score that only lets you play it when the developer says you can. It doesn't matter if Blizzard's servers are up 99.9% of the time and your internet never craps out; the one times it does, or the servers are down, and you can''t play it, that eliminates it as a near-perfect game, because that's total bullshit. This was a huge deal when Ubi was doing it; have we already given up on changing that tide, or are we simply willing to let it slide for games we really really like? It almost seems pointless to boycott it now; it will sell millions of copies and gets glowing reviews, which will only encourage other publishers to do the same thing on their games. Seems like a lost cause at this point, and that loot is so shiny...

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Edited By MariachiMacabre

@sins_of_mosin said:

BS. A 5/5 score is just BS. Brad you are a tool.

Grow the fuck up and form your own opinions. You're allowed to dislike the game. Brad is allowed to like it. Don't be an asshole.

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Edited By mrangryface

D3 on Nightmare as a Demon Hunter = boneriffic

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Edited By TwoLines

Yup, the game looks brilliant. Now my favourite part, reading the crazy comments.

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Edited By shiftymagician

Although scores don't matter, I feel like for those that care this should have been a 4 to indicate all the shortfalls this game does have in all the areas in comparison to other games and how this stuff is handled. I don't find the story cheesy so much as predictable and unsatisfying, and the 'feedback loop' really makes me feel as if no one can enjoy a game like this without being rewarded every 5 minutes constantly.

Personal opinion though on it and I will not say the game isn't fun as I enjoyed what I played sans the issues, but I don't see GoTY material on it personally. I'll bet that there will be better games coming out and I feel a previous release to me is better than this game by miles.

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Edited By MildMolasses

The servers keep going down in my area, but I guess if brad didn't experience that then I can't criticize him for his review. I really enjoy the game when I can play it, but as it stands, about half the times I try to play, there are connection issues. Hell, just before 9 this evening a message popped up in chat that they were going to shut down the servers in 5 minutes in addition to the 6 hours of maintenance that is supposed to take place over night. I want to love you Diablo III, but you make it so difficult

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Edited By pr1mus

People complaining about the score because of the launch issues probably don't know Brad's reviewing habits well enough. When Brad truly enjoys playing a game it needs to be massively broken on every front for it to start impacting the score. Issues like those in D3 are nothing in comparison to how generally messed up Dead Island was for example. That's one completely broken game that he really, really loved. D3 isn't completely broken.

For those who don't want to read the Dead Island review here's a quick excerpt: "A patch for the console versions of the game is reported to be in testing, and the PC version (which launched in a legitimately broken state) has already been considerably cleaned up with updates, but I'm not convinced this game will ever reach the functional state of most games, on any platform.

Trying to keep a mental catalogue of the things that are wrong with Dead Island, at least in its current state, is kind of exhausting."

He gave it 4 stars.

So there you go people, this is a pretty good example of how Brad generally judges games. You just have to learn and understand how he thinks, mostly by listening to the bombcast and the quicklooks of the game and stop automatically dismissing his reviews as too generous. Just deduct one star if it makes you happy. The text of the review is fine.

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Edited By Bwast

@Beaudacious said:

I also don't understand how the issues with the online system haven't penalized this to a 4 star rating. The GB crew have on multiple occasions said " Release Week Counts, though Banana's. ", apparently this doesn't apply to Diablo 3.

Let's see:

- Hardcore mode is unplayable with any reliable fashion, due to DC and lag spikes. ( Best part of Diablo 2 was Hardcore Mode.)

- 150 to 200 ms is fucking laughable in this type of game. Also means Melee PVP will be sub-par on release, unless they Buff it.

- MMO's have dealt with first week server load better then D3 has.

- Oh and how about this, the very DRM that is suppose to protect the economy and players is BROKEN. Accounts are being hacked left and right, with authenticator's, and even while only having played solo or with known friends.

- Account Hacking means the real money auction house is broken.

-Oh ya where is the real money auction house? Where is PVP? I guess 6 years for a top-down hack and slash with 5 simple classes, and four short Acts you have to repeat 4 times, was too short of a development time.

Secondly, Diablo 3 doesn't start till Hell, spending 35 hours in the tutorial of any game doesn't gauge a games worth.

I'm not saying this is a bad game but I'm simply saying that the BlizzVision is getting out of control. Five stars is a statement, and in this case its a fanboys statement.

Edit: I regret having caved in on D3, after people on the forums telling me I was crazy. I also took Brad's utter unending praise to be worth overlooking the "simple" issues he claimed were minor. I'm sorry but that's one less opinion I'm trusting.

You're not going to trust his opinion because it's different from yours? Are you insinuating that Brad is being misleading with this review? You obviously had problems with the game and Brad was able to get past them. That doesn't mean he's a fanboy, it means he liked the game more than you. Deal with it and save yourself the hassle of complaining about something you can't change. Bastion was highly regarded by the GB crew. I didn't care for it. Big fucking deal. Saints Row 3 was highly regarded by the GB crew. I didn't care for it. Big fucking deal. Jeff liked Syndicate a lot. I have no idea why. Big fucking deal. Move on with your life - complaining about review scores is waste of time and only makes you look petty.

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Edited By tsuchikage

As a person who was completely indifferent to Diablo before Diablo III and who has only played a few hours (by which I mean about 10)...Diablo III is fantastic! Dare I say it? It's a strong early contender for my favorite game of the year.

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Edited By Vextroid

I've never played a Diablo game before but the footage they put up (Day 0 and Day 1) made it look like a game I could really enjoy. Some thing I can just play and grind out loot while listening to the bombcast or whatever.


...if you can't connect to, you can't play the game, no matter whether you want to play it with other people or not.

Is a sticking point for me. It's bad enough when my internet goes down (and has twice in the past month and a half) I can't access my Steam games (which makes up 75% of my PC games collection) Having server maintenance messages, Disconnects and Lag/Latency in Single Player games still blows my mind.

These issues will get fixed eventually and when they do, I might pick this up.

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Edited By planetary

Nicely written review. Wish GB still did more video reviews!

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Edited By Thor_Molecules

Amazing game. And it gets better with every single difficulty level, I hope people realize this and not just play the game on normal once.

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Edited By jakonovski

I kind of agree with Brad, but the EU all day Sunday downtime and 300ms lag beat the positive attitude out of me. Now I'm not feeling charitable at all when it comes to things like the broken itemization in D3.

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Edited By GnaTSoL

Wow. I don't understand Giant Bomb. They kill other games for not bringing anything new or genre defining to the table but give Diablo 3 a five star rating even though its basically another point and click hack-n-slash we've all played before. Brad has bought into the hype and name of Diablo 3 maybe. But most annoyingly, if it's some genre or game franchise they obviously paticulary don't care for, they'll destroy them for not reinventing itself each title or at least turn it into a negative. I'm not hating on the rating, I just hate when they praise some games for their non-reinventing gameplay and just bring up how polish they are, then sob over other games for not recreating the wheel even though they're still just as polished. Stop it with the different standards.

You guys know what I mean...

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Edited By Undeadpool

Taking a break from Diablo 3 about Diablo 3...guys, I think there might be something wrong with me...

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Edited By FateOfNever

@Beaudacious said:

I also don't understand how the issues with the online system haven't penalized this to a 4 star rating. The GB crew have on multiple occasions said " Release Week Counts, though Banana's. ", apparently this doesn't apply to Diablo 3.

Let's see:

- Hardcore mode is unplayable with any reliable fashion, due to DC and lag spikes. ( Best part of Diablo 2 was Hardcore Mode.)

- 150 to 200 ms is fucking laughable in this type of game. Also means Melee PVP will be sub-par on release, unless they Buff it.

- MMO's have dealt with first week server load better then D3 has.

- Oh and how about this, the very DRM that is suppose to protect the economy and players is BROKEN. Accounts are being hacked left and right, with authenticator's, and even while only having played solo or with known friends.

- Account Hacking means the real money auction house is broken.

-Oh ya where is the real money auction house? Where is PVP? I guess 6 years for a top-down hack and slash with 5 simple classes, and four short Acts you have to repeat 4 times, was too short of a development time.

Secondly, Diablo 3 doesn't start till Hell, spending 35 hours in the tutorial of any game doesn't gauge a games worth.

I'm not saying this is a bad game but I'm simply saying that the BlizzVision is getting out of control. Five stars is a statement, and in this case its a fanboys statement.

Edit: I regret having caved in on D3, after people on the forums telling me I was crazy. I also took Brad's utter unending praise to be worth overlooking the "simple" issues he claimed were minor. I'm sorry but that's one less opinion I'm trusting.

Because a review is about the experience the reviewer has with the game, not the experience that someone else has with the game.

Hardcore Mode - Brad probably didn't play it and had no interest in playing it, and there are a lot of people that don't have any interest in it either.

The DRM was never in place to stop people from having their accounts hacked. If that was the case no one would ever have their account hacked in an MMO, as, MMO's are also always online. You can't blame the always on for this. You can blame people being stupid, you can blame thieves finding a way around the authenticator, you can blame people for not having strong enough passwords, you can blame the system itself having some sort of flaw that lets thieves ignore the authenticator, but you can't blame the always on DRM for it.

Account Hacking was always going to be a thing because even if the authenticators work as they're supposed to and have no way around them (which may or may not be the case, I'm not going to take a bunch of random internet people at their word that they didn't do anything at all to get their accounts hacked, but I also won't not consider the possibility that something somewhere is letting thieves bypass authenticators) people would still not have authenticators and would still do stupid shit to let their accounts get hacked.

The RMAH and PVP aren't in the game at this time. Guess what, that means Brad cannot review the game based on them. It was said before launch that PvP wasn't going to be in the game at launch because it was that or the game wouldn't launch for another six months plus. The RMAH was similarly stated to be there, but would be held off from being immediately available. He didn't experience those things and so he cannot say that the game is worse off for them not being available at launch. Just like he can't say that the game is better off not having them at launch, because for all intents and purposes they aren't things he can comment on one way or another for the review because he never experienced them. If he were to penalize the game for those things not being in there at launch, the guys would have to penalize all games with any kind of DLC for not having that DLC content in the game at launch. You can't use that logic in this day and age of games.

The game starts the moment you start playing it. It doesn't matter how easy normal mode might be. The first 35 hours aren't tutorial. The first 35 hours are story mode with easy game play. Many reviewers even play through games on easier difficulties because, guess what, they have to play that game to completion in a time limit to be able to post a review in a timely manner. It doesn't matter what difficulty they beat a game on because the game play mechanics are the same across difficulty. The only thing that changes is how challenging the game is to complete which should have little to no bearing on the review score of a game beyond how enjoyable it made the reviewers experience (such as the original Prototype having some ludicrous difficulty spikes near the end of the game making it an unenjoyable experience.)

As much as you want to criticize Brad for "being a fanboy and giving it 5 stars" your rants and ravings sound like someone that just wants to be angry for the sake of being angry and not being able to understand what other people see in a game that has so clearly pissed you off by touching you somewhere inappropriately (because I cannot fathom how else you could be this angry at a game.) Brad did nothing wrong here, he wrote a review as reviewers are supposed to write a review. He played a game, took note of his experiences with the game, and then put that down in written form and gave it a score. His experiences say that he enjoyed the game immensely and that the core of what he played was a very well made game. You may disagree with that, but it doesn't mean that his opinion is wrong or that he did something wrong in writing the review.

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I never comment on reviews, but I agree with everything here.

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Edited By pplus0440

You didn't review Kid Icarus or FFXIII-2.
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Edited By AiurFlux

It's a great game but a fucking terrible product and anyone that doesn't see that is a fool. The always online component itself is infuriating enough but to have actual LAG in a single player experience (and it is a single player experience with co-op, end of story) is unforgivable. You guys preach that launch day counts and all this but have obviously overlooked that there were hundreds of thousands of people having Error 37 messages. I'd say that counts as a problem. Customers are once again getting treated like criminals and have to pay for the sins of thieves. I guarantee you that one of the scene groups will crack the game and run a server emulator eventually just because it'll be a feather in their cap, meanwhile legitimate customers will once again get the shaft.

Not saying I disagree with the score but to be this glowing about it without any regard for the consumer is kind of insulting. It's industry apologetic even. These people get our money and they couldn't give any less of a fuck about our thoughts or how they treat us. We're just walking dollar marks. They don't deserve sympathy or understanding. What they deserve is praise for releasing a good product that treats people like humans instead of common criminals. Blizzard did not do that and therefore I honestly cannot say that Diablo is worth buying. I'm sick of this shit. It's ruining gaming.

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Edited By drGiggless

lol 5/5 review score for this game is a joke.

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Edited By drGiggless

@GnaTSoL said:

Wow. I don't understand Giant Bomb. They kill other games for not bringing anything new or genre defining to the table but give Diablo 3 a five star rating even though its basically another point and click hack-n-slash we've all played before. Brad has bought into the hype and name of Diablo 3 maybe. But most annoyingly, if it's some genre or game franchise they obviously paticulary don't care for, they'll destroy them for not reinventing itself each title or at least turn it into a negative. I'm not hating on the rating, I just hate when they praise some games for their non-reinventing gameplay and just bring up how polish they are, then sob over other games for not recreating the wheel even though they're still just as polished. Stop it with the different standards.

You guys know what I mean...

i know exactly what you mean

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Edited By kcp12

@GnaTSoL: @GnaTSoL said:

Wow. I don't understand Giant Bomb. They kill other games for not bringing anything new or genre defining to the table but give Diablo 3 a five star rating even though its basically another point and click hack-n-slash we've all played before. Brad has bought into the hype and name of Diablo 3 maybe. But most annoyingly, if it's some genre or game franchise they obviously paticulary don't care for, they'll destroy them for not reinventing itself each title or at least turn it into a negative. I'm not hating on the rating, I just hate when they praise some games for their non-reinventing gameplay and just bring up how polish they are, then sob over other games for not recreating the wheel even though they're still just as polished. Stop it with the different standards.

You guys know what I mean...

Apples and Oranges. Those other games are being released every year or two (COD, AssCreed, Need For Speed, etc) so they will feel stale after their fourth iteration. They wanna see those franchises change shit up after the third or fourth iteration, especially if they don't particularity care for them in the first place. Its been almost 12 years since Diablo 2 on the other hand. Its OK not to expect Diablo 3 to totally reinvent the wheel. It does what it does exceptionally well and its super fun.

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Edited By SpunkyHePanda

You're wrong! Any score you give to a major game is wrong!

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Edited By SomeJerk

Gotta remind people that MW3 scored as high as it did because it was cleanly polished. This is even more clean and polished.
Outside of the disaster their servers have been for over a week it's not GOTY material. It won't last as long as Diablo 2 no matter what they do to it. It hasn't got the Blizzard North magic a few of us know very well.
Still a freaking fantastic game compared to everything else that's come out this year though, and worthy of a fiver..

When it works..

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Edited By Beaudacious

@Bwast: I'm not trusting it because I bought it on his great praise, and it was a complete disappointment. I'm also not trying to change his opinion, I'm saying that his review doesn't cover many of the issues properly so that others don't go down the same path i did.

Also i played the beta and that disappointed me, but i heard there were many changes made since the time i played the beta( Year ago?). Then on release everyone was spewing nothing but praise out the wazoo.


PvP and RMAH aren't DLC you know that, also in the cases as you describe of long term products the GB crew have refrained from reviews. I simply think this should have been a larger point.

If it was single player on my local machine i wouldn't have to worry about all my progress being stolen, unless it was my own fault for poor security practices. This is especially heartbreaking if you do play a HC character. The hacking is also a result of a direct flaw in blizzards infrastructure, much more so then just WoW hacking/phishing

I also don't want to criticize Brad as a fanboy, but it's the vibe i get from this review.

A review is more then a journal of your play-through, I'd also say that a large portion of the D3 community would say that the bread and butter of D3 is grinding hell to beat Inferno.

I'm sorry if you thought i was foaming at the mouth, I'm not. I tend project and aggressive persona, but I'm more so disappointed and honestly sad then angry.

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Edited By TentPole

@sins_of_mosin said:

BS. A 5/5 score is just BS. Brad you are a tool.

Stop calling everyone a tool. It makes you look like an idiot.

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Edited By xshinobi

Great review for a great game. Now that the servers issues has been mostly fixed. The game is almost flawless.