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Unprofessional Fridays: 11/20/2015

Jason's blood goes bad, Brad's harassing, Drew's all like "pew pew pew", and Dan gets his revengeance.

The end of the week is here! You made it! Let's sit back, relax, and close the week out in style with some video games.

Nov. 20 2015

Cast: Brad, Drew, Matt, Dan, Jason

Posted by: Jason


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Yes, Dan, there are Dark Side dudes that aren't Sith and there are Jedi who are dicks. They just aren't called Sith or Jedi. There's Dark Jedi, there's Grey Jedi, there's Green Jedi, there's a lot of dumb stuff.

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Holy crap I've been trying to remember that fancy future tank game since forever! Battlezone 2! Thanks @drewbert!

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Edited By mono-no-aware

As much as I love MGSV as a game, Revengeance would work so much better for Metal Gear Scanlon. I really hope that happens at some point. In the meantime, I'll be headbanging to the kickass Revengeance soundtrack.

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Friday on my mind. Sunless Saturday.

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It is cool to see Dan play the best metal gear game. Shame he played it on easy, although it makes sense to just show it off, but as a platinum game it's combat is incredible.

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Metal Gear Rising Revengeance might just be my game of the year.

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I would posit the theory that Dan is much more clever than we might give him credit for in terms of claiming he hates things. I think it's basically just a move to make sure that he polarizes people so they'll still listen to his opinions or pay attention to him.

He frequently talks about how much he loves being the heel, even to the extent of taunting children at a wrestling match.

I think that much - not all - but a huge chunk of his immediate "I haven't played it so it sucks" or "It's different so it sucks" is a practiced attitude because it gets him exactly what he wants - attention. I'm not saying that's even bad. Dan's a self-made man who works really hard on making opportunities for himself. But if he just agreed that something was good, or left it at a "normal" level of, "I usually don't like those so I never thought to try it", the conversation is over and nobody engages him.

But when he says that game/band/movie/anything is outright "the worst", "terrible", that it "sucks", etc, and immediately references that he hasn't played/heard/watched it? He's obviously trolling.

Some of us here are probably familiar with this - I used to roll onto forums and try to break up arguments with posts that were like, "Hey, both sides here have good points, and I'm sure we can all see A, B, and C." Typically, when one or more people start posting that way, a thread dies immediately, unless it's already at maximum rage level. Dan doesn't want that - to keep succeeding as a video content star, wrestling "promoter", author, etc, he needs you to pay attention to him and his opinions. Again - I'm not saying it's bad. In fact, I'm saying that when he's "off", I bet Dan isn't nearly as irritating, because he doesn't need to be.

It's weird to me, for sure, especially given how genuine he seems to be sometimes when he's just being...Dan, and also in contrast to the other GB staff, who all seem to pretty much just be themselves most of the time. But after listening to him for nearly a year and a half, I really do think that a lot of his dismissive or negative behavior is practiced, if not necessarily intentional, because it gets him what he needs.

It SHOCKS me that more people haven't clued into the fact that they're playing DIRECTLY into Dan's hands when they ragepost about the stupid crap he says that he KNOWS is stupid crap. And unfortunately, the term "trolling" doesn't really apply anymore, because that's become a useless word on the level of "emo," "sellout," and "SJW," which is to say: "I don't like this thing/person/sentiment, but can't articulate why, so I'll just use this word."

But Dan IS a troll in the same vein (though OBVIOUSLY not the same level) as Andy Kaufman! If Kaufman were debuting today, people would write him off as a "hacky troll," but Dan never goes ultra-negative. Yeah, he'll say that so-and-so band he's never heard is the worst ever but A) how many other people on the internet do that with things that it's "okay" to hate? Ask the average Twitter user how they feel about Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus, then AFTER the wall of all-caps, ask them how many songs of theirs they sound.

And Dan never sinks to the level of saying things that are TRULY shitty like so many "trolls" on the internet do, like people who post hate speech to get attention or to get people riled. There's an ARTFULNESS to the Rykert, but part of that, for me, COMES from the fact that he IS that person. He is a truly different voice for the site, and a TON of people don't know how to bin him. He's from Kansas, he seems outwardly closed-minded, but then he turns around and has a ton of enlightened viewpoints and clearly doesn't have an ACTUAL hateful bone in his body. This was never more clear than when the Powerbomcast was talking about the shitty, post-Wrestlemania crowd one year essentially slut-shaming the women in the ring, and Dan's reaction wasn't "Those people are wrong," his reaction was "She gets to go to bed with Superman every night, I have no IDEA why they're making fun of her!"...he didn't just disagree with slut-shaming, he DIDN'T GET IT ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL. That's...kinda wonderful!

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Brad admits to rage quitting at the beginning of his Starcraft 2 segment, complains when his opponent rage quits...alright.

Also Revengeance is GOTY every year.

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Edited By johnseminario

OG Battlefront is still the best Battlefront.

EDIT: Fuck, I was genuinely devastated when they didn't let Drew talk more about Battlefront. More than any other game, this is the one I would have most wanted to be there for to talk about.